Jesus: God or a Great Moral Teacher?
Jesus: God or a Great Moral Teacher?



@lawrencemills3427 Says:
Except nobody really knows what Jesus said or indeed if he ever existed.
@bradleygonzalez1160 Says:
All glory to King Jesus
@ike8018 Says:
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6) - Yeshua the Messiah, our LORD and Saviour, King of Kings, LORD of Lords, the only Living God incarnate (John 1:1-4; 14).
@JesseHurtado-k5t Says:
Got belongs to the Trinity part of the son and the Holy Spirit all is one all God
@royallookclothing370 Says:
The body of the man Jesus Christ which was made flesh(John 1:14) and is called the son of God(Matt 14:33), God was in that body. God is not a man(Numb 23:19) nor is God flesh for God is a spirit(John 4:24). God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to himself(1 Corinth 5:19). Jesus is the name of the Father(John 17:6) which is the name above all names(Phillip 2:9) that the son inherited from the Father(Hebrews 1:4) who now sits on the throne(Rev 5:13) as the mighty God the everlasting Father(Isaiah 9:6) who is the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega, the first and the last(Rev 22:13).
@solaceboy Says:
Jesus Christ is The Standard of morality, The Moral Lawgiver. He is The Great I Am.
@Ozzyman200 Says:
Morality has always been a problem for religion. A theist individually can be moral, but has no way to explain through faith why any act is right or wrong.
@remowilliams7029 Says:
Jesus is my LORD and savior. He is king of kings, the holy son of God, the Messiah, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He is alpha and omega.
@andrewesquivel4 Says:
Think of it this way. When you speak, and words leave your body. Those words still belong to you, you brought them forth. Same thing for God when he spoke when everything was being created. Jesus, the words of God have always been there, he was just eventually clothed in flesh so we could be shown that indeed there is a God.
@TA.387 Says:
He is both. He is the way the truth and the life.
@blackcommandogamingph5396 Says:
Amen 🙏❤️
@James-wv3hx Says:
Ammon Hillman says that Jesus was a child sex trafficker on the Danny Jones Podcast. He will debate anyone. But no one will debate him.
@Oldman-p2o Says:
Iĺl go with nutcase. No different than jim jones or david koreah
@dancochrane617 Says:
Thanks for being there Frank ! Excellent answer to an old worn out question. I’m watching and waiting ⌛️👀🔜🙏🏽👋
@grahamash62 Says:
I followed this path for 20 years. Then I found my path. If you find that the way you have been taught to follow is not the way then reject it immediately, .There is no companionship with a fool.
@Ratpackapunch Says:
@devonabraham7407 Says:
Amen He God came in the flesh
@codexman900 Says:
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. The Lord our God, Amen 🙌
@marshalldamons2663 Says:
If you read the parables you will find that the things He says and that wisdom and the way He said it it could only come from man then or now has that wisdom.
@dondiegodeazambuja9410 Says:
Pack of lies told by liars. Before abrahsm I was. Was what? And is that Jesus talking or it’s god almighty talking?
@shepleonard8695 Says:
Jesus never said any of this. Individual writers 50-1500 years after Jesus claimed he said these things.
@TellasVereen Says:
Amen Jesus is Lord
@Newton076 Says:
Jesus is the son of god
@jiaunmew878 Says:
I always love how those great masters describe something. 😂 C.S.Lewis was a great man with great faith. We can trust what he say about our Lord. May he RIP. Jesus is our King King and our Lord of lord. Our Savior. Glory to God. Amen.
@iwandobrev2768 Says:
Jesus is the son of God and God is the Father. So, how can Jesus be Yahweh when the Father is called Yahweh??? The apostles know the best who Jesus is and who the Father is. Why are most Christians not reading there bible carefully instead coming up with Catholic Church doctrines?
@psimms988 Says:
Jesus Christ is the only Way. Thank you Jesus. I love you Jesus!
@user-xt3rn7hk7y Says:
He is real and alive folks the Lord Jesus let me see and feel a glimpse of the holy ghost. Don't believe in lies
@beefwellington480 Says:
He's a nutcase.
@Jiffypistol Says:
Both fully man and fully God.
@Viiola24 Says:
Not only pray in His name, we should pray TO HIM, cause He will answer.
@nicholaschristopher9008 Says:
God is the Great Moral Teacher. Still God.
@The_Way_Ministries Says:
Jesus is my Lord, my God. That simple. Amen 🙏 ✝️
@LeviFisch Says:
@flashthompson7 Says:
None of that statements equate to meaning Jesus declaring he’s God. You’re a smart man but now it’s clear you’ve been deceived to believe a lie that lacks intelligence
@TommyMisenhimer Says:
Jesus is not yahway yahway is the devil FATHER GOD Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth Jesus is the son of GOD Jesus was father GOD first son but his name was not Jesus at the time and his
@TheShadowParty Says:
I am I am -Uno The Activist
@justinmcnaughton3016 Says:
Exactly. Jesus literally had full control over the elements. Casually tells an entire storm to cease and peter an eye witness says "who is this that even the waves and sea obey him?" The elements are obedient to jesus wow
@bowtie-man Says:
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Jesus is part of the holy trinity that consists of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. For God to forgive the sins of mankind God required the perfect sacrifice, one without spot or blemish, perfect in every way, absolutely sinless. Jesus Christ was and is this perfect sacrifice, He totally fulfilled every requirement that God had that the sins of mankind could be forgiven. By Jesus Christ dying on the cross, shedding his blood, and on the 3rd day, he rose from the grave with victory over death, hell,and the grave. Jesus would grant everyone who believed in him this same privilege so that we would be adopted into the family of God the Father. Will you be adopted into the family of God the Father? If so, Jesus Christ is the only way, the only payment for your sins that God the Father will accept. Behold now is the accepted time to be saved, for none of us are promised tomorrow. 🤔🤔🙏🙏
@jacobpotts7954 Says:
There is a fourth option…legend.
@WiggleJimmy Says:
In a very strange and paradoxical eay, the fact that it is so obvious in the Bible that Jesus is God and we can't accept it is proof. Same way, Jesus is the only human being whose name we use as a cuss word.
@Hopetoheaven80 Says:
He got the Bible and he quotes CS Lewis. Really!?
@ape1821 Says:
A famous man that can articulate the fallacy of excluded middle beautifully.
@mewtwo3046 Says:
YHWH is not the Father
@jordanfray9882 Says:
Wow. What a revelation
@user-br3ou2cs9o Says:
@adamherman460 Says:
God almighty ❤❤
@christophertaylor9100 Says:
@christophersandford5888 Says:
So CS Lewis created a false dichotomy so that people could not have a respect for Jesus teching without believing him to be god. Also the arrogance of claiming to know a 2000 year old person's "intent" when all you have are hearsay accounts of his teaching 😂
@dalex60 Says:
But what you’re not telling everybody Frankie is that the gospels are all third-party here safe and stolen mythologies there’s no historical record of Jesus. Christianity Jesus and the Bible are all frauds. They’re all inventions of the Flavian era. Roman Empire collectively they were used as a propaganda tool to oppress and control the citizens of the empire through guilt and fear, which is exactly how they are used today, Christianity is just another pagan, rooted, dangerous, man-made manipulative garbage religion..
@bigdavexx1 Says:
Franks assumes the bible is correct in his answer.

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