What To Do When Culture Hates You w/ @NatashaCrainAuthor #podcast #shorts
What To Do When Culture Hates You w/ @NatashaCrainAuthor #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3WC7A6p
@jamessandsmark226 Says:
Nobody hates you. They hate that you want to impose your bigoted, narrow version of your religion on everybody else. There is nothing more scary to rational people than people who are narcissistic enough to have no doubts and claim sole ownership of the truth.
@vladtheemailer3223 Says:
Most christians do not subscribe to chriatian nationalism. You're the tiny minority.
@gnhatch Says:
Because it’s not. You can trace the begins of the Christianity belief back through history. You can trace where all of the changes to the belief happen as public consciousness has changed. You can see the same scammy and corrupt ideologies that cults implore to trick and deceive their followers. You place people in vulnerable situations in an environment where their are now controlled by the ideas of one who you can’t question. You aren’t even supposed to question the validity of church members. The church may end up true but it doesn’t matter when it allows for a deceiving person and idea to exist and exploit those around it. But it’s not. Zeus is just as real as Jesus.
@user-br3ou2cs9o Says:
@joshuwaortiz Says:
The fruit of Atheism leads to depopulation, parasitic title infused seeds that fall victim to darkness, sadness, anger, and self destruction.💀
@harryfaber Says:
About 10 years ago, our Church received an invitation from the imam of a newly opened Mosque to visit.For me, as a working man, I couldn't attend. Our priest preached an interesting homily revolving around how to deal with, how to treat, people with different beliefs. It was gentle and very thought provoking. He suggested being open minded enough to remember that they could be right without ever forgetting that 'we' could be right. It seems to me that there are too many people who have grabbed one idea, a solitary idea, and hang on to that idea without any regard for whether they are correct, or whether they understand that idea correctly, Is it possible that the other guy might be right, even if only on one issue? Is it possible that we might be wrong? Our priest today preached the parable of the good Samaritan, a parable that may be preached for many Sundays without exhausting all of the teaching points. Christ chose a 'good Samaritan' knowing that many in His audience would instantly say 'no such thing' or 'only good Samaritan is a dead one'.
@somerandom3247 Says:
Why do you hate muslims who try to bring sharia law to america? They are just trying to save you from your wicked ways
@RachelEngelmeyer Says:
When are we going to hold men responsible for all the unplanned pregnancies? I would love to hear a man of God address this.
@johndardi1334 Says:
It’s always about abortion isn’t it? Please don’t take my right away.. lol. My right to un alive my child that is.
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
Christian nationalism is so anti America
@gent_Carolina Says:
Do NOT equate Christian Nationalism with Christianity‼️ The former is political manipulation of Christians for greed & power by baiting with a pet, single-item platform. The latter is a personal relationship with our Creator, wherein we are commanded not to idolize or worship anyone but Jesus Christ, especially politicians. 😖
@jamesw4250 Says:
Christian nationalism is not part of the common good.
@DruPetty42 Says:
What to do when culture hates you? Shake the dust off and keep trucking in Jesus' name.
@JadDragon Says:
Christian nationalism is its own dangerous thing though, don't downplay it. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@DavidSimic-ig9yd Says:
I am pro life and also an atheist. Its so ironic for christians to be against abortion and at the same time defenting slaughter of the children in the Bible. Im not hypocrite enough to be christian.
@j7odnorof777 Says:
Courage in doing "good" culturally or doing God's will are our choices. Always do God's will.
@FRN2013 Says:
"It's a losing issue," Trump and other 'experts' say. So they gutted pro-life out of the GOP platform. It's a losing issue only because the GOP treats it like it is! We have science, medicine, logic, and compassion on our side! If only pro-life politicians would simply EXPLAIN the issue and actually DEFEND the unborn! 😡 The public is ignorant. They only know what the media tell them.
@Gek1177 Says:
How many atheists are there in Congress? How many atheist presidents have there been? This video is pure delusional persecution complex.
@cutubeish Says:
Mind your own business and don't mix religion with politics.
@larzman651 Says:
Men like evil more than light its not hard to answer. People like to sin and think this is ok until it happens to them. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined.
@matthewscott3727 Says:
Good point! This is a good short
@chloemartel9927 Says:
The world hates because it is of the devil. There is no love in the devil.
@robertvann7349 Says:
Frank is a non pacifist and hence a lying hypocrite. If both liars and non liars aren't saved, both pacifists and non pacifists aren't saved. Hellhounds coming for Frankie and family? Yep.

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