What Are the "Best" Arguments FOR Islam? with David Wood @apologeticsroadshow
What Are the "Best" Arguments FOR Islam? with David Wood @apologeticsroadshow



@sneijder023 Says:
It is from the devil
@Wunderlust76 Says:
Do muslims baptize? Id assume no but it only just occurred to me to wonder. Hmmm
@badideass Says:
The irony of Christians calling other religions false
@ibrahim_7_23 Says:
Christians saying Quran is not word of God...😂😂 Tell me difference between hinduism(pure paganism) and Christianity without Quran.
@darrylcapuleeastwood5029 Says:
That is why Islam is flourishing, until the Christian women in the west prioritize having babies, it is not far from reality that the western world will be conquered by Muslims just by sheer number. I'm a Christian though.
@badideass Says:
All Abrahamic religions are nonsense
@Humanity952 Says:
❤🎉 Quran verses are Haterate ❤
@GreatBehoover Says:
Muslims have to WILLFULLY IGNORE FACTS that destroyed their disproven faith long ago. Only COWARDS are desperately AFRAID to read the bible or research facts. The Quran literally uses the PLURAL ELOHIM NAME for GOD! Jesus says to baptize all nations in the name of the FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. He tells his Disciples this AFTER He is resurrected from the dead and His Crucifixion that EVERY HISTORIAN on earth records as true.
@grapeape1968 Says:
While women should not be baby making machines. Western women do not want to have children. Even Christian women
@1ofTheChosen Says:
@rocketscientisttoo Says:
Who knew, woman demanding the right to work instead of becoming a mother was a tool of Islam?
@rickintexas1584 Says:
Thankfully more westerners are waking up to the true nature of Islam. David Wood is leading the charge.
@jeffphelps1355 Says:
In Christianity your salvation is settled my God on the cross in Islam you just don't know until the day you die if you were good enough. Christians who do good works are doing it out of love and thankfulness Muslims profit from the good works
@briarpatchson3039 Says:
WHICH IS TRUE🤔 ☪️SURAH 3:59 Sahih International: Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, “Be,” and he was. ☪️SURAH 15:26 Sahih International And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud. ☪️SURAH 96:2 Yusuf Ali Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
@user-vv3pv6xt9m Says:
Respect to Cross Examined for letting David speak the truth about Islam. Too many christians channels are afraid to call out Mohammeds lies
@craigroiosr3205 Says:
The ultimate sad attempt of plagiarism is Islam.
@HeinPretorius Says:
“I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist “. Here is the slogan for islam. : “ without lies islam dies.” Or “truth can not be found in islam”
@Moist._Robot Says:
Why would this clown think his religion is any different?
@zachtbh Says:
Fastest growing religion because they marry 4 wives and make lots of babies
@dan24293 Says:
Two reasons why Islam is the fastest growing; 1. Birth rates and 2. Coercion
@somerandom3247 Says:
Wait a second, wasn't this channel claiming that Christianity is the only religion that was ever attacked a couple of vodeos ago? And weren't you tryih to claim that was evidence that christianity was true???? Following the same logic, this video us evidence that Islam is true, as it is attacking islam.....
@somerandom3247 Says:
About as believable as Christianity.... They use all the same arguments, and it has all the same problems.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
Islam faces the same fundamental problem Christianity does…their god cannot be demonstrated to exist
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
2 superstitions going at each other. An age old disagreement
@5BBassist4Christ Says:
Im profit of God,and prowv it too u i right this comint. this comint iz prowf ov mie profithud,as it's liturary iz gud. u cant prowv this comint iz naught buy God buy righting a gudder won, bcuz u cant right a gudder won.
@harryfaber Says:
"But who do you say that I am?"
@samsam-nx8gq Says:
☪️ for dummies
@kinggenius930 Says:
This channel seems to spend a lot of time attempting to tear down other beliefs, while failing to prove their own claims are true
@JadDragon Says:
Its funny how similar Islam and Mormonism are, even down to their arguments. Two blasphemous peas in a pod. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@michaelsilveradventure5712 Says:
The best arguments? I want to stay alive.
Exactly rhe same "best" arguments Christianity has, you're just all too foolish to see it. There is nothing more entertaining than watching one religious group debunk anothe religious group. Oh maybe the excuses and backflips religious people do to justify their own misguided beliefs. Yes thats entertaining.
@checkmate5338 Says:
Islam actually solves all the theological problems Christianity has.
@John3.36 Says:
Oh Muhammad... Police be upon him!
@janetbeans6472 Says:
May God continue to bless your work.
@Ryan_Nath Says:
It's a miracle that people believe it
@theperson4yearsago565 Says:
@Isdendounabdoun Says:
😢Poor David Wood gives poor arguments about Islam !!!!
@GeoffBaxter-c7n Says:
The quran says Jesus Christ was not crucified nor resurrected which makes it false. Case closed. All muslims will be Judged by the Resurrected Christ Almighty. They will be weeping and gnashing their teeth.
@samjall9216 Says:
We should stop asserting faith as fact
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Their ultimate argument is convert or 🪓. That's the offer their prophesied Mahdi will make.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined. Dr. D. Wood and Jorge Gil are awesome brothers.

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