Witchcraft on Campus? @DrOwenAnderson Exposes ASU's Anti-Christian Agenda
Witchcraft on Campus? @DrOwenAnderson Exposes ASU's Anti-Christian Agenda



@MelodyHook-ir3rf Says:
Thank you frank for doing videos like this it helps me to learn
@merrivoelker2531 Says:
In reference to your comment that Trump's behavior sometimes doesn't show that he's a Christian would you say that about David because his behavior didn't show that he was a god follower either and God called him a man after his own heart so you don't know what's in somebody's heart so you might want to check yourself
@j.w.neidhardt3787 Says:
Would love to see the video on the top 10 challenges to Christianity on college campuses. Hope you have Dr. Anderson back soon!
@JesusIsKing_JesusIsLord Says:
Like the book of Ephesians chapter 6 says, put on the full armor of God to withstand the evil one and be constant in the word in preparation for the days that are at hand. Another great pastor, Voddie Baucham says the following, "I choose to believe the Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They reported supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin."
@benitaalmond3991 Says:
Since we are talking about witchcraft - why smear Trump??????? Do you want the WITCH to win??????
@benitaalmond3991 Says:
BTW Dr Turek - 1 Samuel 24:6 ► He said to his men, “The LORD forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the LORD’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the LORD.” Do not smear the one man that can actually save democracy right before an election - and King David's behavior with Bathsheba was not that great either!
@benitaalmond3991 Says:
Dr Turek your comment on Trump's behavior is somewhat unfair - What happened to your teaching that we are all hypocrites and none of us live up to the perfect standard of God and therefore need a Savior? Yes his comment was incorrect have you never been wrong? I have plenty of times! How about you speak on the behavior of the other side? Or are you too afraid of being cancelled again? Casting stones at Trump requires a lot less courage than casting stones at the other side!
@somerandom3247 Says:
People pretending to be witches? Probably. Actual witchcraft? No....
@ClipZ_Gaming_1 Says:
I don’t believe the left is sincere in wanting to help anyone. It’s all virtue signaling. It’s self preservation and optics. It’s phony empathy.
@Psalm1188 Says:
Jesus said that the world would hate us because it hated Him first. It’s just the way it is. The Word is Truth.🙏🏼
@peterfox7663 Says:
It's ridiculous to think conservatives don't help the poor or care about the less fortunate. Conservatives don't think it is the government's role to do so. Conservative Christians are the most generous people group in this country!
@anesiathomas6076 Says:
Question, when they are donating people dead bodies to these colleges, and they so call say it is for practice for medical students, do they use the donated dead bodies to perform rituals on these college campuses?
@awethinic8379 Says:
God has released the hounds of hell, quote: I will give them a strong delusion. We as Christians most important thing we can do is pray. But from learning how God gets his ppl to repent, it comes thu pain. 400 years of bondage, you will not make it without the full armor of God. The pain is coming, i hope you are ready to stand.
@jsphfalcon Says:
I always thought logic and reason along with skepticism were cornerstones of liberalism. Looks like logic and reason made way for nisi scepticismo.
@peterfox7663 Says:
The two aren't mutually exclusive - witchcraft can be real, and people can be falsely accused of practicing it
@michelangelope830 Says:
El ateísmo y religión te están costando tu salud mental y economía. Recuerda que te advertí. Soy un psicólogo y quiero ayudarte con la verdad que en la iglesia, mezquita y sinagoga ni te explicaron ni explicarán. ¿Puedo ser franco contigo?, fui cristiano y ateo y escapé de las sectas inmunes a argumentos siendo honesto. No te desean lo mejor, te quieren de rodillas, te quieren engañado. El más importante conocimiento que te ayudará en la vida es saber Dios existe. La humanidad ha jugado con la idea de Dios inventando dioses sin saber Dios realmente existe, y con la idea de Dios no se juega sin eternas consecuencias. Para saber Dios existe tienes que entender la realidad es eterna porque de la nada no puede ser creado algo, de lo que no existe no puede ser creado algo. Siempre ha existido algo, siempre ha existido Dios. No estoy hablando de religión, estoy hablando de lógica y pensamiento racional. ¿Puede ser toda la realidad creada?, ¿puede todo lo que existe tener un principio de existencia?, ¿por qué?. Si contestas correctamente entiendes. Lógicamente la creación o finitud no puede existir sin el creador o infinitud. Lógicamente el universo no puede ser eterno, luego lo que creó el universo es eterno. Dios es realidad inteligente que creó el universo o lo que tiene un principio de existencia. Si entiendes Dios existe ya sabes algo más de lo que sabías y eres otra persona. Con más conocimiento vivirás mejor porque jamás saber que Dios existe ha hecho mal a nadie. Te han hecho daño haciéndote creer que tienes que creer en Dios, que no se puede saber Dios existe, ¡y el filósofo racional Spinoza descubrió hace siglos que Dios el todo lo que existe!. Si no conoces a Spinoza es porque te han engañado manipulando la información para hacerte daño. ¿Quién te ha hecho daño?. La verdad que te ayudará a abandonar el círculo es el ateísmo es una falacia lógica que asume Dios es la idea religiosa del creador de la creación y concluye erróneamente el creador no existe porque una idea particular de Dios no existe. El ateísmo es una falacia lógica que asume Dios es "el amigo imaginario que vive en el cielo y hace milagros a cambio de rezos" y concluye erróneamente el creador no existe porque una idea particular de Dios no existe. Dios es para todos igual, como a ti te gustaría que fuese la realidad, y tenemos una vida que es para siempre. Dios conoce su creación y a Dios no se le puede engañar. Estamos observados, escuchados y sentidos constantemente. Dios conoce todo porque es literalmente todo. Un ejercicio para mejorar tu vida es leer a Spinoza, para cambiar, para no leer siempre la Biblia, para aprender algo nuevo. Espero haberte ayudado. Gracias.
@bryanbeeman5256 Says:
This was supposed to be about witches, but it’s more political… CLICK BAIT!!!
@bryanbeeman5256 Says:
If I just look at policies and not the ones who create the policies… I am of all people, a fool. How many policies have presidents said they were going to enact and they didn’t come to fruition? Or the the opposite??? No new taxes…. Many young people won’t know what that is, but I do. People lie… Law makers lie because they are people… Telling someone to just focus on the policies and not the people that make them cause you to look like a hypocrite. Too many proverbs in the Bible that warn you about both… Chew on that…
@johnfidel187 Says:
*They are also teaching actors and writers channeling and auto writing which is demonic possession. It’s some scary stuff. The devil has infiltrated everything.*
@bryanbeeman5256 Says:
I respect the two gentlemen here on the podcast, but stay out of communists and dictatorships. That’s NOT America. So unfair comparison. Also, leave worldly terms out of Christianity. When y’all start using democrats, conservative, and the like terms to describe what you are l, you’re still subscribing to an ideology. America is trying to be different trying on an autonomous style of democracy. Unfortunately, the love of $$$ (capitalism) trumps (no pun intended) ethics, morals, and values. Just because a person can side with ethics DOESN’T make them ethical… the same with morality. That being said I don’t trust Trump that he won’t turn this democracy into a dictatorship…. And I don’t trust Harris to not destroy morals, values, and ethics… THERE’S THE DILEMMA!!!! But we have to vote because that the ONLY thing we have. Lastly, I’m VERY DISAPPOINTED in people who profess to be Christians and KNOW that their brothers and sisters out there that have an OUGHT against them… ie slavery, abortion, etc, and the “Christian” community or rather the Evangelicals WON’T and DON’T make it right… That being said, white people conquered this land and they not gonna give anybody anything, you have to get it yourself. But just rest assured, and I KNOW this is a graphic example, but you’ll get the point: Just like a man may sleep with another man’s wife, that man may forgive, but he won’t forget. Or the girl that was assaulted and the girl grows up to be a woman and her family has been fighting for her sanity since the trauma. They may forgive, but they won’t forget… So with that being said, don’t expect a lot of people to trust when some of the baby boomers that still live that went through integration to see just how dangerous this country can be to minorities…
@Torby4096 Says:
It is no longer enough to teach our children what the Bible says. We must also teach them how we know it is true.
@WarriorBongSociety Says:
ASU's nickname is the Sun Devils.
@John3.36 Says:
I mean their mascot is Satan...
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined
@Blablassis Says:
Does truth exist? Does God exist? Are miracles possible? Is the new testament reliable? Bam! then christianity is true S.U.R.G.E.
@Blablassis Says:
Frank Turek fan. If you ask me: How so? The answer is SOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOO!
@v4756nb1rs Says:
I went back to complete my college degree in 2016-2017 and was forced to pay good money to take "women's studies" classes as part of a GRADUATION REQUIREMENT wherein the professors made us listen to lectures by a Voudou priestess! I wish I was lying. I paid more than $1600 per credit hour for those garbage classes...not to mention the egregious problems with primary and secondary plagiarism in the curriculum. The occult has now become the cult of academia, with professors propping each other up and citing each other's "works" to fabricate an educational sector based on a clear disconnect with reality and a penchant for serving the demonic. End rant. So glad you're speaking on this, CE Team! God bless! ✝️🕊️🙏
@Moist._Robot Says:
According to Arizona State University, they had a course on Witchcraft & Heresy in Europe in 2021. Not as demonic as this guy is making out after all. And look at the snowflakes in comments moaning about it. Goodness.
@dannylinc6247 Says:
Trumps manner of speaking and phrasing to his vast audience can tend to not reflect a sermon or an explanation for evangelism or salvation. Thats because he is giving speeches to gain the vote of the most people, to lead them, people who can easily misunderstand and misconstrue. Its the pastor, the minister, and the vicar who give the message for salvation. It doesnt mean Trump doesnt understand Romans 10:9-10. And the accusations of Trump have not been proved against him. He maintains they made those stories up. He demanded evidence and can disprove it. And he did, where even possible. What you have is corrupt courts and a long process of appeal to find courts not manned by partisan democrats and DOJ and whitehouse involvement in scapegoating a good man. If you want to get clear on the message of salvation with trump, ask him for an interview or email him. He mentions worship of God, He gives glory to God, he held up the bible at st johns church , and published an explanation of him and his father listening to billy graham. He tells where his bible came from, what his favorite gospel verses are, and he attends church. Maybe not perfect, imagine that. Who is? They crucified Him. Trump understands that, and why. Has he put faith in God? I can tell you he has professed his faith. His surviving assassination by a turn and a tilt is nothing short of miraculous. He thanks God and thanked the prayerful. Now, Lets do kamala. Crickets.. You already know, her lying like the debate examples are now fact checked. Her script writers are in loser denial about repeating their disproven fabrications. Most of which take you to him being found not guilty by the Senate, where the fabricated evidence for many of their lies was exposed.
@dannylinc6247 Says:
Witchcraft also can cause a woman to drive away her help and the love of her spouse while trying to gain control. It divides marriages by vilifying the white male and scapegoating them, or it can enthrall them and subdue them.
@JadDragon Says:
Only with Jesus will the world be able to heal. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@ladyc5824 Says:
By far, this professor is the best guest you’ve had on your show. He is so knowledgeable and speaks so well about everything. Wow, very informative. Please plan another interview.
@stankomalceski9677 Says:
No surprise here,Yashuah did say in the end days good will be deemed as evil and evil will be deemed as good..🙏🏼❤️🥖🍷🇮🇱🇦🇺🌏
@kostyazen Says:
4:30 if one believes in a religion one has to believe into witchcraft.
@jackjones3657 Says:
The universities in our land are literally destroying the future of our nation. They are engaging in overt indoctrination and doing the opposite of training free-thinking, virtuous young people
@chloemartel9927 Says:
Walk into your average big box bookstore. Loaded with occult books, tarot cards, etc..expect them to be selling dead c@ts and ravens in the back before long.
@jlynch442 Says:
Trump is working for God
@festushaggen2563 Says:
There will always be a predominant religion present. As with anything else, you remove one, a vacuum is created and another thing takes its place. Old world paganism is that thing. If anything is different, its a secular universalist version of it. Anything but Christianity and the Bible because thats the goal of it. Its antichrist as its core. Rebelling against God by calling what He called good, evil and what He called evil, good. Nothing is off the table now. If its not good yet, it will be soon. The wickedness of the last days people who will have their leader soon that will rule it all.
@calebstroup6917 Says:
At least they don't know Avada Kadavra 🤷
@Snaxx_23 Says:
Great podcast 👏
@biblicaltheologyexegesisan9024 Says:
of course they are practicing witchcraft on campus they are doing it in the Whitehouse and in the deep state run churches
@godsspace5265 Says:

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