Does Frank REALLY Believe the Sun Stood Still?
Does Frank REALLY Believe the Sun Stood Still?



@shaggymeme1268 Says:
When Jesus was on the boat with his disciples, he instantly stopped the storm. God can easily overcome natural forces. He created them
@peterbassey9668 Says:
Imagine the God who made such an awesome universe being incapable of twigging it whichsoever way He wishes. That would be ridiculous!!!
@FirstLast-zk5ow Says:
I believe what is written in the Bible. If it is written, it happened.
@TheNebdar Says:
Thanks to GOD for that question... [Jos 10:13 KJV] 13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [Is] not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. The Sun and Moon stayed still.... in order to Sun stay still it has to be moving, right now ( If you believe GOD the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all its Host that all HIS Word is true and truth ) or you want to believe the Father of Lies, and Nicolaitans ( those that worship the work of Nicolaus Copernicus) The word Planets is not in the Bible..... and also any mention that the Earth is rotating... Read the Book of Jasher it is mentioned in the Bible
@chainsawsurgeon6108 Says:
Did you know the flat earth theory was taken to court twice and won .
@chainsawsurgeon6108 Says:
Makes perfect sence on a flat earth , but people's minds are so brainwashed from birth they can't conceive this truth , the words globe and planet are never found in the original Hebrew scriptures, search FLAT EARTH and FREE.your mind .
@XPJV Says:
The sun rotates above the "flat" nonrotating Earth. No deep space! Instead there's a firmament above, and God is literally above!
@jamcam2760 Says:
The Sun doesn't move,the earth and the other planets move. The Solar System is Heliocentric not Geocentric.
@MariusVanWoerden Says:
God, Our Lord and Creator. Created the unending Universe with 260 Billion Galaxies like our Milkyway with Sun, Moon and stars, in the observable universe, and it is believed about 1 Trillion in outer space. All in one day, with just speaking His command and it was there. Do you really believe God cannot stop everything for 24 hours with just one command? With one command all this will be destroyed. Then The New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven, and God will create a new Heaven and Earth. There will be no distance between the Heaven and the earth. It all will be so Glorious and we cannot even begin to imagine it. My Jesus will be there with His body as He was on earth. OHH Glory never ending with Jesus. All of this world with pain and suffering for our Lord is like 7 or 8 days because for Him a 1000 yr are like a day. But eternity will begin, Jesus is my everything my life and my all. Give Him Glory. He was forsaken from His Father for me that I never will be forsaken from my Heavenly Father.
@davidadams8726 Says:
What about when God rotated the Earth backwards for Hezekiah 15 degrees? Another awesome display of His absolute authority over HIS universe.
@nicl8749 Says:
If the bible says it, it happened, why can’t God do it , he created everything, nothing is impossible for him.
@jayclyde6045 Says:
The guy doesn't understand physics. If the Earth were to stop rotating gravity would remain the same, what would happen is the counteracting centripetal forces against gravity would cease and therefore make gravity seem way more stronger.
@richardchee4677 Says:
When Jesus return Time will stand Still again that why it says no one know the hour or days when Jesus return. After Jesus was baptised the Holy Spirit brought back all of Jesus memory from Eternal Pass as an Epiphanies This article is about the feeling. For other uses, see Epiphany. An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphanea, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe a scientific breakthrough or a religious or philosophical discovery, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective.
@jasongraham8952 Says:
Yes literally the sun stopped moving the earth doesnt move never has either believe it or get off the pleasing pot of the world
@gusmancuso8191 Says:
The problem is understanding ancient near eastern culture. These words express a particular astronomical event where a full moon rises as the sun sets and remains in the sky until the sun rises in the morning. Joshua needed what we call a night with 100% illumination, something we often plan military operations around, to move over 15,000 men over 30 kilometers going from an encampment to line of march then deploy into line of battle without the usual signals, horns, torches, and verbal commands. He had to achieve total surprise and wipe out his enemy before they could employ the chariots. FWIW, night attacks are hazardous in the extreme, and I always had difficulty pulling them off with the few hundred men I led. Yeah, this was miracle, no doubt. But the earth did not literally "stop", rather it was the astronomical event described, Joshua knew about when it would occur, and prayed that that night it would be there. It was!
@curtcooper5465 Says:
Beyond the imaginary curve (youtube)
@Billbillr Says:
The bible doesn't say that he commanded the earth to stop spinning. He told the Sun to stand still.
@robertallan6373 Says:
Taking the stories literally is the problem.
@ShermanMays-fw8ko Says:
Read the first sentence of the Bible. Believe the first sentence and know the rest is true. Jesus loves you ❤️🔥
@ShermanMays-fw8ko Says:
What the Bible said yup 👍
@courtenaymckee7491 Says:
The earth is flat just as the Bible repeatedly states.
@joshmilligan7682 Says:
Don't twist it. THE SUN STOPPED, AND THE MOON TOO. the earth didn't stop.. no, the sun stopped over the flat plane of earth
@realchurch2693 Says:
God makes laws, he breaks........gotcha... Oh, and Frank, you didn't overpower natural law. Everything you did was within the laws of gravity and nature.
@johnistanich980 Says:
The scriptures declare that the earth IS NOT A SPINNING GLOBE spinniing at 1000 miles an hour around the sun! Please,please,please, take time and view Dave Weiss' multitude of videos that explains cosmology that the earth is still and covered by a solid impenetrable crystaline vaulted dome.
@drumrnva Says:
So God does something as dramatic as stopping the sun/moon, so that a particular group of earthlings can claim a region of land. This makes far more sense when read as myth. But, to the point: Turek needs to clean up his act. He’s appealing to miracles—a god that can create a “special situation” in which everything we depend on is suspended. A miraculous trump card. Fine- he can believe it as fact if he wants. But if his credulity encompasses something so unlikely, why bother with the appeals to science/empiricism in his current presentations? Of what value is the fine-tuning argument, if you think your deity can just bend the rules at will? He doesn’t worship a good god, he worships one he perceives as all-powerful. I can’t believe he’s still doing the “overpowering gravity by picking something up” nonsense. It’s just goofy. It’s gravity that keeps the table, the water bottle, the building, and Turek himself drawn toward earth’s center. At the absolute limit, he could be said to be working against gravity, but at no point does he defy or overpower it. Also note that he has moved the goalpost by the time he’s finished his response. The conversation started by considering an extremely unlikely cosmological event, but when it came time for his analogy, he demonstrated something utterly trivial (picking up a bottle). I can’t imagine he’s changing minds with this drivel. But he probably is retaining folks who already believe.
@michaeljohnson6887 Says:
This is when daylight savings time started
@AzBboy Says:
It works because the Earth is flat and the Sun is local just like the Bible tells us .
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. Says:
This illustrates the futility of arguing with people who deny, not only the Creator but, their own existence. They deny The first cause so, how can you have a rational discussion with them after that, foundational, point of reality? There is a reason scripture says they are fools and, there's a reason why virtually no one, from the prophets to the disciples to the Lord Jesus Himself, never engaged them.
@Konoshinobi Says:
Some also interprete it to mean that the sun stopped shining, hence an eclipse.
@breatheeasily4013 Says:
If GOD is All-Powerful and created the earth in the first place, how hard would it be to change the earth mechanisms temporarily for GOD?
@hhh-et2vi Says:
There's absolutely NOTHING a christian won't believe. Throw Jack and the bean stalk in the Bible, and they would believe it to be true.
@MarceloSiqueiraLima_CdC Says:
Frank's speech is engaging because he is an intelligent person who, perhaps unconsciously, learned to hide his ideological inclination by disguising objectivity, rational integrity and impartiality. But in reality, even though he has a sharp mind, he is biased and interprets the facts in a way that suits his ideology. The Bible is a mythological book and therefore should be explained allegorically. We cannot deduce that God can do whatever He-She wants with His-Her omnipotence, including transforming 2 + 2 into 3. No. This vision is childish and irrational, deriving its origin from the unconscious desire to have a father who can solve all our problems, especially those in early childhood. But this is another matter. God is cohesive and impartial. He-She would never interrupt the operation of universal and impersonal laws to help people kill other people. In the same way that Frank shows how Christianity is obviously "the best" religion, there are other very smart people in other religious contexts demonstrating "the superiority" of their religion too. That's why I say we must seek tolerance, impartiality and dialogue, rather than trying to convince others that they are "wrong" or we are "right", unconsciously seeking to reinforce our beliefs because they are not intimately strong.
@the5thmusketeer215 Says:
Our Creator God is SUPER-NATURAL… He CREATED the natural world & the entire Universe & HE DECREED the laws that they are bound by. THOSE LAWS are SUBJECT to HIM… but HE is NOT bound by THEM! 😊 ☝️😇🫸🌍 ☀️
@marklewis1979 Says:
Let me translate what Frank's argument is: God is capable of performing miracles. An ancient book claims God performed a specific miracle. Therefore, God actually did what He is said to have done. Now let's put that into practice: God is capable of causing me to age in reverse. I am claiming that God performed the specific miracle of me aging in reverse. Therefore, God actually did what I said He did. It's exactly the same logic in both cases, but there is nothing you can do to convince a Christian the sun didn't stand still, and nothing you can do to convince a Christian that I am aging in reverse.
@troyfreedom Says:
Or, the story is a myth and never occurred in time and space.
@dustyk103 Says:
This guy is really confused if he thinks the earth revolving has something to do with gravity.
@maxhagenauer24 Says:
What? No... you are not "overpowering" gravity, you are literally still experiencing it. The only reason you aren't falling down more is because the ground is pushing up on you with an equal force. You are not overpowering any laws.
@maxhagenauer24 Says:
I mean sure but you could ay the same thing about any magical story. There is nothing illogical about the Greek mythology stories because the gods could just make anything possible. Also, if he can do that and wants to save the earth, he cant do anything to stop all the evil in the world right now that is effecting such innocent people?
@blacksherif993 Says:
These atheists in the comments make it seem like all humans ought to start saying "from my perspective..." when talking about sunset and sunrise.
@acem82 Says:
God can use console commands.
@jamesmcallister9645 Says:
If God's word says the sun stood still then the sun stood still for it is written 1 Samuel 15:29 He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind for he is not a man that he should change his mind. Glory to God. Believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
@profsaiontz Says:
God stopped the Sun for Joshua, 10:12. Also God moved the Sun backwards 10 degrees for King Hazeliah in Isaiah 38:8. Check those out yourself for historical/biblical reasons then believe in Yeshua or don't, your choice.
@markbcrich Says:
Frank really messed that one up. The 2nd problem with that scripture is that it assumes to stop the sun. That is a flat Earth model. If it knew that the Earth was a spinning globe that revolved around the sun, it should have said God stopped the Earth from spinning for a full day.
@user-ge4om9jw5u Says:
What a small dark world full of ignorance mysticism and superstition these theists inhabit.
@winchester92stevebrook44 Says:
Hypothetically a mythical being can do anything you imagine it capable of. The question remains whether it actually did though.
@reasonforge9997 Says:
During a match chess pieces are moved following the rules of chess. Does not mean its impossible to move them in ways that are not following the rules of chess. There are even some moves that may look like they do not follow the rules to those that do not know chess well (like "castling" or "en passant"). Science sees the regular moves in nature that we can observe regularly enough to recognize a pattern. There are rules we have not seen yet, and if there are any chess players, how should science know when a rule might be suspended?
@ThePlim62 Says:
How old is this human? How embarrassing.
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
These people truly will believe in anything.
@TheGreatSkull123 Says:
God made an axe head float. God raised Jesus from the dead. God brought unexplained darkness on the Egyptians for 3 days and He brought unexplained darkness for 3 hours during the crucifixion, so yeah, I think God has the power to control His creation and to suspend natural order for the purpose of demonstrating His power. That's why it's called "a miracle!"
@SuperEddietv Says:
As a believer, I am shocked that many people don't know anything about archaeology, astronomy, geology or history. Tools God gave us to use. The earth is like a spinning top and it wobbles like a top from time to time. The Chinese and Russians can back this event as they recorded it as well. God's design and it was recorded by humans. Get over yourselves.

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