Frank Answers Alex O'Connor: Does Free Will Exist?
Frank Answers Alex O'Connor: Does Free Will Exist?



@USA-CIA-NED_ProxyDeathSquadOps Says:
random white-noise is indistinguishable from nonsensical babblings of free-will deniers on Earth, and in Hell, who insist all their life choices are random and meaningless!🤪🤣
@USA-CIA-NED_ProxyDeathSquadOps Says:
Just because God KNOWS the future of your free will actions, has nothing to do with any CAUSING of any of your endowed built-in personal free will actions, which were solely of your own free will knowing by one isn't necessarily tied to causation of another, ESPECIALLY, in truly free will scenarios nobody can "blame God" for having the free will to freely choose between bad over good, or good over bad
@USA-CIA-NED_ProxyDeathSquadOps Says:
Alex O'Connor: **babbling free-will denial** = Alex O'Connor: **(substitute random white-noise)** everyone else can understand the difference between both versions of Alex O'Connor, above, but he must concede there's no real difference between his babbling denials and the unintelligible chaos of white-noise substitute for his erroneous explanation for non-existence of free will behaviour
@RealTrentertainment Says:
Lewis's quote is cute, but it's a strawman of the evolutionary theories of human reason. Also, if your god is omniscient you can't have free will either. Can you choose a path other than what god has seen? Btw I would love for Alex to set Frank straight on this topic, but I think Alex has become increasingly busy as of late.
@fatalheart7382 Says:
The key here is to understand that the Bible labels the future, the present, knowledge, and wisdom, as a part of creation, and God as the God of truth. Therefore, God is not governed by any of them. Rather, everything is held together by His will. This is how we can be in control and not at the same time and it's why prayer matters. God is free to change His mind. So, if in one state of reality, we implore God towards a certain future, as Creator, God can change it. That's why prayer is the most powerful thing we can do and the thing that Christ himself relied on to do and be who he was. "He often went to lonely places to pray." "In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to Him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence." As one rapper on YouTube very astutely, and perhaps, not entirely understanding, put it in one of his bars: "Ask -that's the secret."
@amikeg57 Says:
Frank, when will you stop teaching Semi Pelagianism, and limited atonement?
@misterdropnyk8265 Says:
God is Nature you have to understand the nature with the rational thinking and not with feeling. And if the physic tell us we don’t have it, we don’t have it….. you can still believe in God and be deterministic
@paulsacramento5995 Says:
The theory or view about the non-existence of free will is about how you don't have a choice about WHAT feel or what instinctively want/need. Nature drives that and you have no choice. Sort of like having no choice about being born with an addictive personality or some other "genetic' issue. Or at least that is how I understand the argument.
@Mark-cd2wf Says:
No free will = no moral accountability. Moral accountability = free will.
@Zzzzx7 Says:
@darynstockwell984 Says:
free will is a myth and not supported by scripture at all in fact quite the opposite. "Once the World has been actualised or created, then no Individual has the Free Will to do ‘other than’ what God saw in His mind prior to Creation” You can't have free will because that means your will supersedes god's only appears we have free will...god is sovereign...Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Eph. 1:11 - "In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of him WHO WORKETH ALL THINGS AFTER THE COUNSEL OF HIS OWN WILL." Free will as it is taught is not supported by Jesus or any of his teachings. The word "free" as it is used in "free will" can only mean that a person can think thoughts, make choices, and perform activities completely on his own with nothing CAUSING him to think, choose, or perform. If a person can think a thought or make a choice or perform an action, then he did not do it FREELY. He may have done it Voluntarily, but not FREELY. God gives us THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of choices according to our own wills. It's just that NONE of them are exercised WITHOUT INFLUENCE (or a cause that makes us do as we do). Try some experimenting. Sit still and try to come up with a thought, choice or action that has zero influence. There are no effects in the physical or mental universe that have no causes. "Once the World has been actualised or created, then no Individual has the Free Will to do ‘other than’ what God saw in His mind prior to Creation" "NO ONE CAN come to Me if ever the Father Who sends Me should not be drawing him" (John 6:44).
@leneontheLord Says:
Do you really have music going at your talks? And it's only while you answer. Hmmm. I suspect it's music that was added after the fact which make me wonder if it's done because you don't want those of use who have a hard time focusing on multiple things at a time to really hear and understand your answer. Too bad. I stopped watching 35 sec in. Bummer because I want to hear what you have to say. I know I'm not the only one who has this learning style. But on top of it, I've lived with a TBI for decades so it's worse than it was pre-injury. Please make your videos more accessbile to people with different learning styles and physical limitations. Thank you & Shalom.
@gemofthekairosinitiative1894 Says:
Excellent, anything that leads to grand delusion is self referentially incoherent thus self defeating.
@osks Says:
You clearly haven’t properly thought the question of ‘free will’ through Frank! You merely assume - as an unexamined philosophical bias - that you possess the ability to make choices spontaneously (that’s what ‘free will’ - in the Libertarian sense - in fact amounts to)… So, I challenge you… give me a single example of a choice you’ve ever made causa sui - a choice that was not prompted, influenced, guided, directed (in other words… DETERMINED) in any way - you can’t! The fact that absolutely everything in the universe, without exception, operates to certain rules/laws/principles/axioms… speaks to the fact that everything is somehow DETERMINED, and all things are determined because God sovereignly ordains and sustains ALL THINGS (INCLUDING THE WILL OF MAN - Exo 4:21ff), after the council of His will (Eph 1:11) Ultimately, “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD” - Prv 16:33 That we have a WILL, is a fact, but that the will is entirely in bondage, either to the ‘god of this age’ or to righteousness (Rom 6:15-18), is also a fact You obdurately fail to realise that, in your uncompromising commitment to Autonomianism, you only subordinate the sovereignty of God to the ‘sovereignty of man’! So then Frank, do you pray, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name… Thy kingdom come, THY WILL be done in heaven but not here on earth where MY WILL reigns supreme…”
@dianeglover479 Says:
But Calvinists also say something about free will and God be the controlling One
@familiarstranger9617 Says:
Granting the omni attributes of God, How does one reach absloute knowledge without planning?
@rolandwatts3218 Says:
Frank, atheists are little different to theists. They have all kinds of views on freewill. Aren't there theists (e.g. John Piper) who claim that God is in control of literally everything in the whole universe? If so, then humans are mere puppets of God. ^^ See how that works?
@philipgrobler7253 Says:
ABOUT 'FREE WILL": Your god is Omnipotent and therefore the CREATOR of ALL things, according to your OWN beliefs, NOT mine. So is your OMNIPOTENT god IMPOTENT against satan and sin then?! ROFLMAO!!! WHICH "god" of the THOUSANDS of versions and HUNDREDS of "gods" should I believe in?! Do you know that only LIES and DECEPTION are afraid of skepticism, criticism and mockery? Did you know that only a LIE has several Versions? The TRUTH is not afraid of anything, and there is only ONE Version of it!!! Once a person has learned and knows the Truth, he or she is no longer afraid of the threats and intimidation of a LIAR and a DECEIVER like you and your "god." Free Will does not exist, at least not according to the bible. But let me reply in more detail, since it is so hard for some many people to apply simple logic: Please explain how is an alleged Omniscient and Omnipotent being utterly Impotent and Powerless against sin? How is an alleged Omnipotent and Omniscient being utterly powerless and Impotent against the beings it created? So, is Sin god's Kryptonite? Does god turn his Omniscience and Omnipotence on and off depending on his mood or depending on the context? You do believe that your god is Omniscient and Omnipotent, right, or don't you? So is your god Omniscient and Omnipotent all of the time, or just some of the time, and if he is just Omnipotent and Omniscient some of the time, how is that Omniscience and Omnipotence? This is probably the dumbest and most retarded thing any theist can say, and yet they do: "My god is the Omnipotent Creator of the Universe, yet my Omnipotent god is Utterly Powerless against the Free Will Of his creation. HUH???!!! The damn christian argument of "god gives us free will" falls flat on its face if we look at Judas! Judas was a ROBOT in god's plan to have jesus killed, where was Judas' free will? god has SET HIM UP to betray jesus!!! Free Will is a BULLSH*T argument, what happened to Judas PROVES it! please just stop with this free will Lunatic NONSENSE, it does not stick!!! According to your goat herder's guide to the universe, your god states that he determines every step you take, so if free will exists, which it quite clearly does, this god is fake and quite clearly does not exist. So you choose, either Free Will exists, and this god does not, or this god exists and free will does not. At this moment there is more evidence for Free Will existing, than evidence for this god existing who determines man's every step. Moreover, if this god exists that determines man's every step, then this god also determines every evil man's steps as well, so this god determines the steps of every liar, thief, rapist and murderer, so what does this make this god? Yup, you got it, EVIL! So... Let me get this straight: God created Lucifer, knowing he would fall and become his adversary. He created the Garden and the Serpent, and Adam and Eve; He then forbade them from eating the fruit, knowing that they would disobey Him. He then cursed mankind forever as punishment for the Sin He knew they would commit. He created Cain and Abel, knowing that one would slay the other. He created Hell, fully knowing each and every person who would eventually end up there. He allowed man and nature to flourish, creating each human soul with the stain of Original Sin, while knowing that he would eventually have to drown nearly every living thing on Earth. He knew man would repopulate, for some reason still carrying the curse of Eden, and allowed Satan to continue tempting humanity, knowing that this would lead many to sin, for which he would someday have to send Jesus to atone. This whole omniscience thing is starting to seem a lot more complicated than advertised. I do not quite understand this, if it is all part of this Omniscient and Omnipotent god's plan that he laid down since the beginning of this drama, that is recorded in his bible, how is it MOST people's fault that they will be going to Hell or will "lose" their "salvation"? This god has planned it, so why is it MOST people's fault that this jesus does not "savingly know" them? Is god omniscient and omnipotent all of the time or not? If not, how can that be defined as Omnipotence and Omniscience? Why did this omnipotent god create such evil angels like Lucifer, was he bored and needed some kind of a challenge to keep himself busy and torment humanity with?
@ArchStanton-of8hv Says:
If........IF YOU ARE GENUINELY IN A RELENTLESS QUEST FOR TRUTH You'll accept yeshua ( Jesus ). There's a common phrase: There is no truth. Well... is that true? If so, then truth does exist. If not, then truth exists
@bigdavexx1 Says:
Theists have the exact same problem, only worse. How do you know a tricky God didn't design your brain to believe dumb crap? You don't .
@danicaauge983 Says:
Just brilliant gotta love that AMEN 🙏
@Eddieshred Says:
Great example of Christian doublethink.
@the_real_espada Says:
Whatever frank said is not a refutation of Alex's view. You could make the same argument even in theism 1. I'm a rational person 2. I have a rational reason to believe in God's existence 3. If God of Christianity exists, then everyone are made as rational creatures. 4. If God exists, I am a rational person See how thats circular? That's the theistic equivalent of what Turek is saying. You always have to presuppose that you are a rational being to reach any form of conclusion through reasoning.
@CoffeeCoffeeCoffee86 Says:
I would say we have free will BUT not in the way we think we do
@Jabberwocky887 Says:
I got into a theological discussion with some of my deterministic friends the other day. It amazes me how similar determinism, and its natural offshoot predestination, match materialistic atheism. If my thoughts are predetermined, by God or by nature, then how can I actually make the decisions I am held accountable for? I'm just a moist robot doing what moist robots do. Free Will must exist or nothing else makes theological sense.
@Tman1000-be7op Says:
If god exists then free will cannot exist. If God knows you will do x, then you must do x. If, for the sake of arguement, you choose y, this would imply that God was wrong - that God wrongly predicted that you would do x, but you did y instead, which is impossible. So if God knows the future, that implies that all future outcomes that he predicts, will happen exactly as planned. There is no room for any action other than exactly what God has planned for us. If god exists, where is the free wil?
@the_real_espada Says:
But what Frank fails to mention is that, even God and theism don't lead to free will. Everything was already decided at the moment the universe was created, every single action and consequence by every single human in the world. You can say your actions are determined by your genetics, your environment, your past, or even the "character" of your soul (if you believe in souls). But you don't control any of those, hence you don't control their results/consequences either. Even if you say that you can choose to do something, what you choose is itself contingent on your existing state of mind, which if you go back far enough, you have no control over. In philosophical terms, although we could have possibly have leeway freedom (although I don't believe so), there is no way that we have any form of sourcehood freedom, i.e. being the true originator or source of our action, and have ultimate moral responsibility for our actions.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
Freewill is irrelevant with the way bible god is described.
@spamm0145 Says:
Free will is in the domain of common sense, not intellect, this is why high IQ people like Alex struggle with it.
@kndawsey Says:
I agree with C.S.-Lewis.
@user-dk7cv7bd7d Says:
My sister was torturing me with this boy Alex for days and his superficial argumentation about free will. Thank you Frank from the bottom of my heart for this video.
@randypoe618 Says:
If there is no free will, real love for God is impossible!
@timothybreshears5987 Says:
I am exploring the idea as well, but from a Calvinist vs Arminianist viewpoint. McArthur, Sproul, Spurgeon et al seem to think we don't have free will.
@jamesw4250 Says:
Free will cannot exist with your god existing.
@philipbuckley759 Says:
so what is the big deal, with free will, if there is no viable alternative....
@aidanya1336 Says:
Why is this important? Either there is free will and everyone has it. Or there isn't and nobody has it. There is no world in which some have it while others don't. Both of these options are completely consistent our world and indistinguishable from each other. We simply don't have a way to figure out which is true. At best you can say: It looks like to me that... Or i think the evidence is stronger for this.... To claim to know is hubris. Or you do it because the bible/god says so. But that would make a circular argument if used to show the existence for god and therefor a non-starter for non-theists like Alex.
@eltonron1558 Says:
Free will, is the whosoever, in John 3:16.
@godlycumuck167 Says:
Let’s also be real here and very morbid, if free will doesn’t exist, then our ability and concept of good and bad/evil doesn’t exist so if I popped Alex in the head then it wouldn’t have mattered since I didn’t nothing bad or evil. Atheism creates a huge vacuum when it comes to not just reason but emotion as well. If I have no will then that means my love your love, isn’t real either, it truly is simple just cause I want to procreate, or I just want something out of you.
@RichardDuryea Says:
Something tells me that even if a famous atheist starts to believe in God (or find substantial evidence for belief), they will have a very hard time admitting it because they achieved their fame/fortune by bringing God down.
@brozgilson7022 Says:
This quote doesn’t really prove anything. Even if our brains are designed by god, they cleared were not designed to be infallible. Either way, you can’t necessarily trust your own thoughts. What we can do is form things such as logic in order to find what we can ascertain to be true. Thinking is not contingent on our brains being designed by an intelligent being.
@user-rs7uj3df2s Says:
Isaiah 55:8
@mattm7798 Says:
Alex is one of the most respected youtube Atheists by theists because while they disagree with him, Alex is both respectful and a responsible debater. And it's clear he is well read and very intelligent. Compare him with someone like Dawkins, who it the epitome of hubris, and you'll see the difference.
@Moist._Robot Says:
Robots rule.
@marwood1969 Says:
To live in the world as a 'materialist' and walk around pretending you have no free will yet go about your day making choices as if it had some sort of meaning is as preposterous as it is dishonest. I don't care how 'smart' the materialist is, it's an absolutely absurd position to take.
@samsam-nx8gq Says:
Always great answer. Jesus bless you.
@wiskyjack_7143 Says:
Definitely one of Alex’s weakest arguments. Perhaps the weakest. He seems like a decently intelligent young man too. So it’s kind of odd to see him take that stance
@jeffphelps1355 Says:
Free will is something we know we have. We don't need to "convince" an atheist to confirm it
@natazer Says:
Atheists are funny because without God you wouldn't exist. We live in a physical simulation that has rules written and actively powered by God. Everyone owes Him praise and glory.
@rebelliousbynature99 Says:
I read the thumbnail as "You're not a reboot." SMH. 😂😂😂
@RangerRyke Says:
Reason can be perfectly real without free will. Just like you can make choices, they just aren’t free.

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