What Would Happen to YOU if God Cancelled Satan?
What Would Happen to YOU if God Cancelled Satan?



@CrossExamined Says:
FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱https://cutt.ly/cInI1eo
@Dub456 Says:
If you don’t know, just say it. You avoided the question. I love your book “I Don’t have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” because it shows us how to defend our Christian beliefs. This answer just fell flat. You answered why God allows bad things to happen (free will), not why satan is allowed to stick around.
@mickzammit6794 Says:
God and Satan are two sides of one coin. Simply put it's good and evil. But which is which,??
@yalemtsehaykebede8178 Says:
when people ask Lord God ro werk in their term it showz that they don't know that much about God! It shows lack of knowing or recognizing their weakness! its not only satan that attack their life but sin demon and sickness also! satan is the name of human also! Lord God wrath was on Jobs frriends because they didn't speak Righ about Lord God like Job! To say there are no Righteous is wrong Job 25 1- 6 and Job 26: 1-4 ..Job was a Righteous Servant Of God ! Apstel Paul was Righteous Apostel John...
@leongkhengneoh6581 Says:
God knew what going to happen to every single atom before he created them. Freewill is just greatest BS. Giving you a choice but he has destinated who will be saved and who will not.
@Thundawich Says:
So in heaven people are still free to do evil?
@srxdeka1000 Says:
I choose goods, and I am not satan, but I do know the evils in the world at levels allowing me to love and care, and natural laws support it. I am not evil or the devil. the concept of grace is interesting, I need God's help out of my wrongs too. Justice will serve as required.
@derekardito2032 Says:
Because like every story the super hero must have a nemesis, or there can be no fairy tale.
@edgarmorales4476 Says:
If God cancelled Satan, Christians will probably not like it. You see, because without Satan, Christians wouldn't have their beliefs in sin, sin in general, heaven and hell and God is a punisher-etc. In fact, Christians wouldn't have the Bible without Satan. With all the prejudice towards the LGBTQ+ and non-Christians.
@andreweff1284 Says:
I didn’t think an under-3-minute video could effectively answer why God allows evil, but now I do. Thank God for His son, Christ Jesus!
@thaDawn_Ultra Says:
G-d’s opposition gets his power through our disobedience, and our fear of the unknown because of our lack of faith. If we believe with ALL our Hearts, then the opposition can’t do a darn thing to us. The opposition doesn’t have dominion over the world, he just knows how to use people’s fear and sin to get them to do his dirty work. Yeshua defeated him already the time is coming when all will be able to see. ❤️‍🔥✝️🇮🇱💪🏽🙏🦅
@David-ns4ym Says:
There is no need for evil / satan. The devil and God are not equals. Dualism is an ancient faith as old as Judaism and also from the Middle East. Basically man can be evil and good at the same time. The Cathars were a faith of dualism they believed the god of the Old Testament was evil and the God of the New Testament good. They both seem like different people all together. Old Testament was wicked and cruel and Jesus kind. This was deemed heresy and the last crusade and closets to Rome wiped them out in Italy and France
@igorkrugly4842 Says:
Mercy is not justice, it's a suspension of justice.
@g-radzpoweredbytheson75 Says:
Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Satan Cancelled) and we we all still be here!!! Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
@Lili-Benovent Says:
Christians are obsessed with death, they spend their whole days and nights thinking and dreaming about it. They would do or say anything to avoid death so they grab at any straw that promises them a new life after they Kark it. I imagine it would be deeply depressing to go about your life thinking about death all the time. When they embrace Jesus he offers them more of the same, lead a drab, dire, dim, despairing, dull, dreary, dismal, desolate, depressing life and you'll get to live in Heaven where you can continue to lead a drab, dreary, dismal, depressing life for eternity. NO THANK YOU MR. JESUS.
@asphalthedgehog6580 Says:
Satan does not exist, so nothing will change.
@RobertSmith-gx3mi Says:
More unproven assertions piled on top of all the other unproven assertions surrounding this dogma.
@무서운헤라 Says:
느긋들은 나한테한짓 모르느냐
@richtomlinson7090 Says:
A God-given Freewill is totally incompatible with an all knowing all powerful God.
@rhpicayune Says:
Frank, I don’t know if you’ll see my comment or not, but I really, really like the way some of your message is portrayed across the screen as text frequently; for me, it kind of gives your message a little more punch. GREAT message, and keep it up!
@rhpicayune Says:
ooooo, this was a GOOD message ! Convicted me, but also rekindled my faith in Gods character to rescue me from my crimes against him and people. ❤️
@susanbrown1093 Says:
Listen.... We all have free will to love or not. Don't hate those or bulky those who choose to love the way God wants us to. It's a choice... Not gonna bulky those who chose not to love. God will have the final say in every one.
@TheeBadTake Says:
Good Grief, That was a good answer to the why does God allow , , murder ,warlords, hunger ,etc.
@deolilacsamana2018 Says:
What a brilliant answer.
@coqui1550 Says:
Best. Explanation. Ever.
@dirkmoolman Says:
This is a very powerful video
@khrawbryan Says:
What the gentleman meant was why not lock Satan right then and there into some void?Before the creation of Heaven and Earth and humans. Frank as you said,"God allows Evil knowing he can redeem it" Does that include the evil acts of Satan? I'm a Christian and I definitely don't doubt My Creator,My Redeemer and My Saviour. I just like to ask stuff and then be fascinated if I get a good response.Regardless of whether you can or not,I will not change my Will of choosing light over darkness. Because,in the end,all of these questions will be answered by God Himself or not,idk.😂
@hhh-et2vi Says:
At 12:01 everyone would be just fine, because none of it is real.
@yitzharos Says:
The Wages of Sin is Death. Which means every moment we can live, we have mercy. God's Mercy is allowing time for Repentance.
I can show my existence, no one can show Satan exists. Oh and no one can show any of the gods proposed exist.
@skhrm91 Says:
If we have no choices then you can’t have free will. How does guy not know that.
@mrsxber1916 Says:
Man, even Satan is 6'0 😪
@John-ux5ov Says:
For the first time in history, the ultimate connection between the Bible and science has been published in "The Sealed little Book: Messenger of Good News!" The Grand Unified Theory of Everything (GUT/TOE) between the Bible and science, heaven and earth! This Sealed little Book is a great mystery that has been hidden through all centuries but has been revealed by 20th century technology and science. This Messenger of Good News describes the uniform correspondence between God's Throne and the standard model of particle physics and DNA structure. This Eternal Gospel is a description of God's glory through the theory of relativity and the mass-energy relationship (E=mc²) in accordance with string theory. This Gospel of God describes in words and pictures the hidden life of Jesus the Nazarene on earth through which everything and everyone is resolved into God's Eternal Infinite Glory!
@DavidLukoson-om7rl Says:
May the grace of Jesus Christ be our portion in the land of the living. Amen(Truly).
@maxmaximum-sh4bx Says:
For the algorithm
@somerandom3247 Says:
Great job completely avoiding the question frank........
@kinggenius930 Says:
Let's be fair , Frank An omniscient, infallible god is wholly incompatible with the existence of free will.
@3DL1 Says:
Frank these questions and reasoning are everything....thank you
@the_alchemy_method Says:
No i think he was trying to ask you if Satan was removed now would we still be evil and still be tempted? God is allowing the devil to continue but hes not waiting to give him a second chance…
@balkcsiaboot3297 Says:
You did NOT answer the question. Satan is NOT redeemable. Humans are. So your response does not and cannot be applied to Satan and the fallen angels... Now to be fair, you are not God and you don't know everything. It's a mystery. But at least admit you don't have the answer.
@richardcarthorn6408 Says:
How is the will free, if we are born in sin and slavery and not righteous, therefore I can't do right, because i'm powerless to choose right,,unless God initiate something that I can be able and free to choose and do right
@mandys6525 Says:
I know some who are extremely analytical and would state that God(Christian God) then is a manipulator (puppeteer,etc)if they were to hear this example given in the video. Frank Turek, how do we help them understand otherwise and that God is not one?
@tTtt-ho3tq Says:
Satan is Lucifer, right? Angels and fallen angels. Do you believe they actually exist? What they look like? Do they look like us humans? Do they have to eat and drink water? Di they get sick like us? Aren't they mortal? Do they procreate? Are there male angels and female angels? or just angels? How do fallen angels make a living? Do they live amongst us? Do they have a job? Do they have some superpowers? So many questions.
@JesusistheonetrueGod Says:
Here is a question that sotierology 101 won't answer for some reason: if God knew that satan would become satan why did He make satan?
god doesnt want robots , but he does wants slaves
@nameyourchannel7844 Says:
God is PERFECTLY Just and Fair. He HAD to give us free will. He also takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. His Mercy would contradict Justice, so His Justice was satisfied through Christ on the cross, giving Him the ability to give us Mercy, Justly.
@WingZeroGWO Says:
Love Frank, but respectfully, he didn't answer the question. The question was "Why didn't God just lock Satan up?" Frank deflects to "Why doesn't He lock us all up?" That's an unfair framing from the start, because Humanity would not have been tempted by Satan in the first place, were it not for God allowing Satan to taint His creation. It's a perfectly valid question that Frank did not answer.
@PiRobot314 Says:
If God were to stop evil at midnight would I still be alive the next morning? Is it not possible for God to remove evil without killing? Sorry if my expectations are too high for an omnipotent being. Yes, we all think evil thoughts sometimes. God doesn't need to kill us though, God could just remove the evil thoughts.
@supsen3444 Says:
Well explained
@nikokapanen82 Says:
In the book of Revelation, when Satan is imprisoned for 1000 years in the abyss, what will happen to this world? PEACE! Yes, peace will thrive for those 1000 years because Satan will not be able to deceive and seduce people to commit sin.

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