The Reality Behind TRANS-SU1C1DE Rates
The Reality Behind TRANS-SU1C1DE Rates



@CrossExamined Says:
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@walkwithtom236 Says:
the problem with "getting them help" is that its expensive and lengthy even if you can find a therapist trained in that area, if you are broke you are on your own
@Mr.biggstrength Says:
Thank you
@Timmy-bb7ch Says:
I remember a couple years ago folks mocked the African ritual of female genital mutiliation now its accepted in west /christiandom for their kids
@freedomofspeech Says:
The truth will not be silenced
@Derek_Baumgartner Says:
Look at the testimonies of the d3-tr@nsitioned: Walt Heyer, Nick and Lex Rennick, Chloe Cole, and others. Transitioning (medically or just socially) *does not help* people. It is not loving to recommend such procedures or actions. If you truly love someone who is anorexic, you do not tell them "Yes, you are morbidly obese and should get liposuction." If you truly love someone who is bulimic, you do not tell them "Yes, causing yourself to vomit that often is fine, you won't get hurt by it." If you truly love someone with any kind of body dysmorphia or dysphoria, you do not say "Yes, your body is wrong and you're ugly and unfinished until you get surgery. Listen to those dark thoughts." You're beautiful as you are, and you're more loved than you know. This doesn't mean to 'stay as you are': if you've having a problem with dysmorphia or dysphoria, there's nothing wrong with seeking mental help and support (from somewhere other than social media!!), but actual help does not involve bodily mutilation. "It is not good for man to be alone." "Come to Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ~Jesus the Christ
@renerivera8115 Says:
@alperdue2704 Says:
The liberals preach “follow the science”; well now it’s saying what many lay people have been saying all along.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
That part needs to be highlighted. That honeymoon period that Frank mentions IS the danger. It's what will lure many in and cost them.
@Gek1177 Says:
Funny, because the leading cause of the chjldhood trauma is social disapproval. Like it not Frank it's your attitude that is responsible.
@ministermattocks7570 Says:
Actually, the right often tries to shut up the LGBT people......and don't like it when they fight back. The suicide rate is up because of transphobia, homophobia and the not well educated religious folk.
@dotherightthing22 Says:
Never thought of it like that 😮 Thank you!!!
@jafeth3316 Says:
What a great video. Please dive deeper into this book that youve written it is awesome
@JadDragon Says:
Its heartbreaking. They need help, and doctors are offering harm. Offer mental help, not medical harm. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@liamonyor Says:
Most people are more worried about illegals taking their welfare than their jobs.
@harryfaber Says:
I wonder what causes the high rates of self destruction among military veterans, police officers and dentists. I went to many suicides in my working life. Not one of them was involved with any gender issues. They all had enough other issues going on. The only thing that they all had in common was that they could not see any other, practical, option. They could not live how they wanted, and worked out ways to end it all. Generally, but not exclusively, they were very self centred. Some of them were actually quite spiteful towards those that they knew would find them.
@GreatBehoover Says:
​@mattr.1887 Look at the actual data instead of what the politics say! This should not be allowed to happen! It's not a matter of someone simply changing their mind suddenly! This is a matter of delusional people being encouraged in their delusions! It didn't end well for her and it doesn't end well for others either just look at the data
@trinahaifa2860 Says:
I saw a documentary not too long ago where a 15-year-old boy was in a deep depression and he was getting psychological help, but everybody Including his mother encouraged him that to go through with the surgery would bring him out of his depression. He admitted that after the surgery he fell into a deeper depression. It was heartbreaking to see him crying. He admitted that he feels like a person without an identity. Sad that he thought his identity was in his sex. He just felt useless and worthless, very sad. It broke my heart. I don't know whatever became of the young man. 😢
@katamas832 Says:
Social disapproval is seldom just disagreement. Most often it is involves denying them, treating them different, intentionally triggering their gender dysphoria, disowning them, 4busing them... oh if only they were to face disagreement. We'd live in a far better world.
@katamas832 Says:
Really? 90% of people who unalive had diagnosed m3ntal conditions? Tell me more... what's next, grass is green? Water is wet? The sky is blue? And social disapproval has surely nothing to do with those conditions... I'm certain of it. /s
@katamas832 Says:
Not telling us the name of the study. Classic
@chrispatterson8210 Says:
The Left doesn't care about facts, nor do they truly care about helping those who believe they are of the wrong gender. They simply use these people as a means to a political end. It is pure evil.
@stevemassengill9236 Says:
Praying for people to repent and turn to Christ
@gent_Carolina Says:
Well said, ty. If only we could get Christians to NOT vote for a chronic _bully_ then we might some headway at reaching ppl for Christ instead of alienating them. 🤔🤨
@TomMichael5678 Says:
​​@HUNTSMARTFASTHARD Do YOU believe "trans" people are delusional? *"YES"* 👈 or 👉 *"NO"* . . .
@AlVanFit Says:
gotta be 16 to drive, 18 to get a tattoo, 21 to drink but just a teen or younger to mutilate yourself before your mature
@sheldonberg125 Says:
Our world is absurd and it is indifferent. This is a deadly combination, especially for children. In a world that doesn’t make sense and where the “adults” don’t care and just accept the irrationality, we are creating a perfect storm of nihilism and destruction. St. Paul was exactly right when he said, “since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind …” Evil is absurd and if you have been paying attention, everything is becoming absurd.
@dragonsigner Says:
Some of these lgbtq Plus. A lot of them are confused.. Some of them are truly 100% possessed by demons or the devil.. Where do you think (they/ them) Came from? Some have admitted that their pronouns are demon and demon self. Some have changed their name to legion. The devil has confused them and put thoughts in their head.. wrong thoughts.. Remember they are demonizing us Christians. Conversion therapy via the church. There are people out there who truly love evil who will just want to watch the world burn. Those who use other people. True villains....then people who can be reasoned with...lost people. Misunderstood... confused.
@dragonsigner Says:
Truth is everything But before you tell them the truth. Are you giving them clarity light and purpose Are you shifting a burden to them when they need all their strength.. Does basically means we need to tell them the truth in love.. they need a helping hand up not a swift kick to the butt to the ground.. Sure we all need to be humbled.. what do it lovingly.. Some of these people are screaming out for help.. without actually screaming out for help.. they need a hand up..
@ConservativeMirror Says:
"19 times higher than the general public." - Shouldn't the comparison be to those who are trans but don't transition?
@dragonsigner Says:
I'm going to say here... I am not going to lie and I'm going to choose my words carefully A lot of people are saying that in the LGBTQ+ community... There is a lot of suicide going on.. they keep saying that a lot of them are killing themselves . This is being talked about by many people and on any news media outlet. Yes there are some committing suicide. But not as much as is being conflated. This is a big fat lie.. the news media is making it seem like there are more people committing suicide out there than ever before this is not true.. this is a big lie.. Evidence? Look at the amount of people coming out of the closet.. the kind of amount of support and talk an amount of people becoming part of the lgbtq community. If we had that many people committing suicide we would have less of them.. we will be seeing videos.. of actual dead bodies and a lot more Graves being filled up... Graves would be overcrowded.. we would have less of these kind of people in the world... But no the amount of people is growing every day... So do not believe that the suicide rate is extremely high it is not... I Will stand My ground on this and call this for what it is it is a lie do not believe it they are lying.. But there are some out there that have committed suicide , but it is at a smaller rate than it is being talk about..
@ddrse Says:
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨
@nameyourchannel7844 Says:
Bang on Frank!
@GreatBehoover Says:
Happened to our family member. Transitioned due to LIARS...then found out and killed herself.
@mikeparenteau6902 Says:
Respect is earned and not deserved. However, EVERYONE deserves COURTESY.
@oreally8605 Says:
Shhhhhh!!! Frank! Remember the left's media doesn't want that to get out! 😊
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined.

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