The Bankruptcy of Atheism @ChristianityStillMakesSense #Shorts
The Bankruptcy of Atheism @ChristianityStillMakesSense #Shorts



@gjb3181 Says:
Theists are good people because they are following orders, want the reward of heaven and avoid the suffering of hell. Atheists are good people because we simply choose to be, no orders needed, no want of reward and no fear of damnation. Now, tell me whose morality is purer? 🤔🤔
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
Being a Red Sox fan doesn’t provide any moral values Being a Red Sox fan doesn’t provide and purpose Being a Red Sox fan doesn’t provide a worldview Talking about not understanding the topics you are discussing….
@kyaxar3609 Says:
An angry Christian 😂
@RangerRyke Says:
Yeah because atheism isn’t about those things. It’s just about the truth claim of if there is a God. That’s it
@justacatfish2405 Says:
facts on facts on facts 💯💯💯 amen
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Dr. Conway misrepresents atheism once again. He seems to think that the truth value of a proposition should be determined by how much of his wishes are made true, and not by the evidence supporting the claim. This truly is a worldview worthy of the magical kingdom he liked to visit as a kid. Why would atheism, the non-belief in a deity, have to provide anyone with an objective morality, or with a sense of meaning and purpose? Why would atheism have to lead one to experience a morally transformed life, or offer "hope beyond the grave"? This makes no sense at all. Dr. Conway's 4th point misrepresents atheism and naturalism as claiming that _"the universe popped into existence out of nothing."_ Currently, we still have no idea how the universe originated, but the scholarly consensus is that it started with a "singularity" of some sort; not with "nothing". I am sure Dr. Conway has been told this many times, so it is rather disheartening to see him making the same error again and again. If one were given to think ill of people, one might almost conclude that he is knowingly spreading untruths.
@29th. Says:
Great video 👍
@SuperEdge67 Says:
This is such a pile of 💩. Atheism is NOT a world view. It merely describes a person who doesn’t believe in god. There are all different kinds of atheists, just like there’s all different kinds of Christians.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
Wow. This guy doesn’t understand atheism. Atheism isn’t a philosophy, an ideology, a worldview. Atheism has no content and isn’t intended to. It is just a position of unbelief in gods. All other views and ideas are fair game.
@gi169 Says:
Anti-theists (self proclaimed atheists) to quote Norm MacDonald, "It sounds like you have a God shaped hole in your heart".
@philb4462 Says:
What a load of utter nonsense. Firstly, as an atheist, I do not consider morality of be objective. It is clearly subjective. Even as described by a Christian, morality has "subjective" written all over it. On the next two points, I don't care what hope or lessons you have to offer if they are not true. I'm interested in what is true, not what makes Christians feel good. Finally, I do not believe the universe "popped into existence out of nothing". I have rarely ever heard an atheist say the starting point of the universe was "nothing". I certainly don't hold that view. The idea of creation ex nihilo is a religious idea, not a secular or scientific one. So, Christians, I realise apologetics makes you feel better about holding beliefs you don't have a scrap of evidence for, but if you are interested in what is true and verifiable, don't listen to apologists. They don't have any interest in the truth of what atheists think. We can correct them a thousand times and they will still peddle this nonsense. Their interest is in keeping you and them believing, not finding reliable paths to truth. If you have ears to hear, then hear.
@Eddieshred Says:
Well then let me be the first to tell you: not believing in God has morally transformed my life.
@Tyler-Clark Says:
If there's no life after death then there's no ultimate justice for those who are wronged by those that do evil.
@twisterthemonk Says:
The bankruptcy of athiest?! Doesnt YOUR OWN scripter matthew 7 say about judging others? 😂😂😂
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
Atheism is the most logical and reasonable position, prove me wrong, I've been waiting years...
@faithfulness450 Says:
Money preacher just peddling his sic.
@000FireRainHavoc000 Says:
That's what the devil achieved in most of humanity. The belief that we are worthless and total separation from GOD.
@bunchypond1711 Says:
@JustJasnov Says:
1. Morals are a social construct 2. Life has no objective meaning. 3. Wrong. 4. Wrong. 5. We don't need "hope beyond grave", we value the experience we have in life. In short, wrong representation of atheist views in order to promote agenda. False witness, Exodus 20:16
@Gek1177 Says:
Funny watching a man who is apparently morally bankrupt enough to mislead his viewers and misrepresent atheism talk about the bankruptcy of atheism. I hope y'all realize that this is the reason why fundamentalists have such a bad name in modern society.
@itsJPhere Says:
Christianity doesn't ground morality to anything since the Bible is hearsay. If anything, Christian morality is based on coercion. (Do what you are told or else burn in hell.) So it's not morality at all, it is merely obedience and the fear of failing to follow the doctrine. There is no room for intelligent debate or reasonable arguments or different perspectives. It's black and white dictatorship.
@Jerryman1158 Says:
Look at all the salty atheists in the comments. Listen up - we ard going to assume that you are materialists unless specified otherwise.
@JadDragon Says:
There is no purpose, right or wrong, or love without God. Amen 🙏🏻
@rolandwatts3218 Says:
Good grief. Bobby shows just how damaging apologetics can be to making Christians look intelligent. That is, apologetics can make Christians look silly. 1. Some atheists think that objective moral values and duties exist. Others do not. For those that do, many think they are a brute fact (just like God). For those that do not think that objective morals and duties exist, then why do they have to justify them? 2. Atheism is no more a world view than is theism. Theism is the claim that a God or gods exist. Atheism is the claim that no God or gods exist. Like theists, atheists have all kinds of different world views. Christianity is much closer to a world view than is atheism (and theism) because Christianity has a book, the bible, which tells believers what to think and how to behave. 3. Plenty of atheists explain how not believing in God morally transformed their lives. For example, they became less judgemental, and more accepting of people. Or they became more open to accepting and interacting with other people because they no longer had their interpretation of the bible causing them to behave in bad ways. 4. Atheists don't necessarily believe that the universe popped into existence out of nothing. That we believe this, is a strawman from Bobby. And if Bobby thinks he can explain the origin of the universe, and explain it to the same degree and depth he expects atheists to explain it, then I'd love to see what that explanation is. 5. And yes, atheism offers no hope beyond the grave. But why should it have to offer hope after death? How does offering hope of life after death make that specific prospect a reality?
@mattslater2603 Says:
Theists annihilated in the comments again... Thanks CE
@larzman651 Says:
Who cares about atheism. Share the gospel For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@friisteching3433 Says:
Let me tell you how not believing in God morally transformed my life. Every time I lied, I could just repent for my actions and all was good. Becoming an atheist I see that lie to people has an effect on them and their view about me. Before it was about pleasing God and receiving his forgiveness. As atheist it is the fellow humans that are important and their forgiveness. Does apologetics repent for every lie and misrepresentation?
@iljuro Says:
- Atheism doesn't struggle with that. Atheism simply rejects your transcendental foundation since there is no reliable evidence of that foundation. - This is just arguments from consequence and thus irrelevant. - I still don't know of a single atheist who believes in something from actual nothing. Why to you keep repeating this unfounded assertion?
@macmac1022 Says:
Can christians give honest answers to simple questions? Lets find out. All criminals are caught red handed of murder 100% guilty and show no remorse. The judges always apply the perfect amount of punishment. All things being equal and for arguments sake. Now I will give an example. There are 4 judges and 10 guilty criminals. Judge #1 orders punishment for all 10 criminals and does not forgive without punishment a single one. Judge #2 forgives without punishment all 10 criminals. Judge #3 forgives without punishment 9 of them and punishes 1 of them. Judge #4 punishes 9 of them and forgives without punishment 1 of them. #1 Which judge is the most/maximally just? #2 Which judge is the most/maximally forgiving? #3 Is judge #3 either most/maximally forgiving or most just? #4 Is judge #4 most/maximally forgiving or most just? #5 Is it possible for any judge to be both most/maximally forgiving and most/maximally just?
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
What a dishonest video. First Atheism is a position on if you believe in God(s) - nothing more. All the extra stuff added on in this video is not Atheism. Second, All of the added on things such as morals or hope etc is not answered by Christianity. It's easy to make things up and say the ghost in the sky did it but this doesn't make the position reality. Such is the bankruptcy of Christianity.
@ndibunwapeter9013 Says:
@mattr.1887 Says:
I am not an atheist. I even agree with some of what Bobby says. But let's put this into full context. The very foundation of the Christian faith (evangelical at least) is an attempt to control God and manipulate the outcome. Saving your own skin from eternal torture is priority number one. Ironically enough this actually gets in the way of selfless love. Because you are too busy surviving the moral labyrinths and theological mind games of Christianity. It is the Christian who insists that life is meaningless if you aren't rewarded with an eternal Disneyland in heaven. That is, of course, if you take it seriously. If you just relax and don't think too hard about your faith, then you can make it work.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Nihilism is the logical conclusion of atheism. Came from nothing, going to nothing. There's no reason for rights or good behavior between the 2 nothings. No reason for anything. That's why all they have is to attack others beliefs that they don't have. There's no joy, hope or peace in nothing.
@Catmonks7 Says:
@katamas832 Says:
Can any Christian show the existance of objective moral values and duties?
@katamas832 Says:
"Atheism as a worldview" This guy is still as clueless as ever about atheism.
@TheContrarian32 Says:
Go look up the definition of “atheism”. Then, reconcile that definition with what this man is asserting.
@riverblack123 Says:
They don't believe in atheism because it's the truth. They do it because they take pleasure in believing we are meaningless dust.
@Moist._Robot Says:
There you have it folks. Let’s make believe because we can’t handle the truth.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CE, there are no atheists, but there are anti-theist cluttering the comments.
@ConservativeMirror Says:
1. "Moral values and duties." — They can be objectively based on principles. 2. "Ultimate meaning." — Temporary meaning will suffice. 3. "Morally transformed." — Some of the de-conversion videos on YouTube would disagree. 4. "Popped into existence." — If that's what the research shows then that's what it shows. 5. "Hope beyond the grave." — Yeah. Understanding this is part of being an adult.
@jamesw4250 Says:
Morals aren't objective. They are subjective. And there is no inherent meaning to life. The fourth one the only ones saying it popped into existence out of nothing are Christians. A singularity point or pure energy are not nothing. That's because athiests are honest about if there is hope beyond the grave and there isn't. We die and that's it. End of story.
@wet-read Says:
This guy is spouting absolute rubbish.
@Thaijler Says:
I love how an atheist will tell you there's no right, or wrong then proceed to get butthurt when you don't follow their moral standard(or lack thereof).
@BlasterMaster80 Says:
Atheism is as much of a world view, as bald is a hair color.

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