The Question That Left William Lane Craig Speechless! | with @ReasonableFaithOrg
The Question That Left William Lane Craig Speechless! | with @ReasonableFaithOrg



@CrossExamined Says:
FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱
@rotorblade9508 Says:
people that believe what William says are the kind of people that they don’t care what you say but how you say it😂
@Jockito Says:
Seriously though, couldn't God have made that man suffer a little less? Why would a loving God create a world where Ebola virus could and would come about?
@kurtdvet Says:
Suffering and dying of Ebola virus is not using rhetoric and emotion, it’s presenting reality and a valid point of debate. Passing it off as emotion and rhetoric is an excuse for losing the debate, Dr Craig.
@wsmc723 Says:
I didn't know Frank could keep quiet for that long!
@yorks_atheist3069 Says:
WLC yet another person that has traded his humdanity for his religion.
@sids5002 Says:
The argument about the Ebola guy dying was not answered intellectually. God of the bible is truly awful. The correct response would be that he is a random and vicious killer. Instead WLC would have deflected and used some long words that ultimately add up to the " no one knows. God works in mysterious ways" nonsense.
@biedl86 Says:
The problem of evil is not an appeal to intuition, just because it talks about suffering. Suffering can be talked about on an intellectual basis just like with anything else.
@samppakoivula9977 Says:
Well it kinda makes sense, given tha emotionnal questions are tougher to answer so as to not to make oneself look bad, sanctimonius etc.
@jasonmanasco6291 Says:
Faith in something that has some evidence to point to it being true is reasonable, faith with 0 evidence to support it is not. Having faith your wife will be loyal because of years of loyalty showing she is likely to. However if I say I have an all powerful leprechaun living in my shoe, do you have faith it's the truth?
@ronaldrrootiii6040 Says:
But it's not like the other person used some tactic they were just speaking the truth about suffering. Little kids born with diseases or cancer that don't make to 10 years old or whatever. While Faith healers supposedly Faith heal people in a church with a bunch of blind and deaf who already attend and none of them get healed or the faith healer never heals any blind who was born blind anywhere the way the Bible shows the blind being healed. Just simple stuff like that you don't have to over explain it you just see that it doesn't happen and you're like that's strange
@roberthill4581 Says:
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering 1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not tamper with our free will because if he did then we would be robots and therefore not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day. 2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts. 3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be able to be built up, so likewise adverse circumstances are needed for the building up and testing of our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering are a result of adverse circumstances. 4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world, if they were to examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome by education, training, medications, or any other way. 5. God has allowed sin to continue so that the consequences of sin can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal. 6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything. 7. The choice to sin by Satan, Adam and Eve gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness and grace. God uses what is selfish and sinful and is working it out for ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen is being used by God for an ultimate purpose. 8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth is but a vapor. 9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything appears to be bad and out of control? 10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change. 11. If we have truly accepted Christ and are seeking to love others unselfishly and sacrificially then we will follow Christ’s example. We will embrace sacrifice and suffering to benefit others even if they reject and fight us because we love them enough to want what is eternally best for them. Jesus embraced his cross and did not shrink back. We will accept the injustice and evil perpetrated against us as we uphold and proclaim the truth of the Gospel and the Bible. We will forgive them and not curse them because they don’t understand what they are doing. We could not learn this and demonstrate that we are willing to do this unless pain and suffering were in the world. No greater love has anyone but this – that a man (or woman) lay down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart then we will love the world by telling them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn except when there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
God could not help that dying guy. Of course not. He had no covenant with God. And the Earth is man's domain. Nobody was praying for him. So he was at the mercy of the beggarly elements. This is why Yeshua suffered for us. Luke 13:1-5 (NET) Now there were some present on that occasion who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. He answered them, “Do you think these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered these things? No, I tell you! But unless you repent, you will all perish as well! Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower in Siloam fell on them, do you think they were worse offenders than all the others who live in Jerusalem? No, I tell you! But unless you repent you will all perish as well!”
@Jay-L33 Says:
I've been listening to Christians try to give evidence for God for 20+ years now and haven't heard anything that comes close. So much so, that even professional apologists have moved away from that model and gone to syllogisms like TAG, and the Kalam Cosmological Argument . The problem is that these arguments fall embarrassingly short too. It's almost like there is no evidence for God!
@vviswana Says:
Dr. Craig was hardly speechless. 👀
@Justmekpc Says:
These two are hilarious as the simple truth is no god and man’s created thousands has ever been proven to exist Sure we have some unanswered questions but until any god is proven it’s not a logical answer These two will deny every god but theirs so they’re only one god less atheist then atheist are That’s the funniest part is they try and blame everything on a god but only their idea of a god 😂😂😂
@rickedwards7276 Says:
Well, what does low bar bill have to say these days?
@joeradler Says:
You begged the question and didnt answer it. Sooooo... what does one do when Satan's man lies by switching from logical debate to compelling emotional rhetoric?
@jeffreypaulross9767 Says:
I was going to join a university debate team, but someone talked me out of it...😏
@johnz8843 Says:
The emotional impact is part of the argument because the suffering of living creatures is at bottom hard to make sense of in light of God's presumed love. No intellectual argument without trustworthy empirical evidence in this world can defeat it. But if the answer is always in a tomorrow in the heavens so that those on earth can't know, it's not a winning argument imo.
@tryemc3026 Says:
There's no truth in christianity. Christians know not their god, and their god have no public proof of his virgin birth
@nakkadu Says:
There's no good answer to the problem of evil. Christianity is illogical.
@jimmydork9206 Says:
This isn’t actually an emotional argument. It’s a very fair question. And I’m a Jesus loving Christian
@timg7627 Says:
Grifters gotta grift
@aaronchandler2380 Says:
I’ll never stop being amazed at how Christians get so offended that other people don’t believe as they do. Christian’s have no right to inflict their beliefs on others. Defending ourselves against Christianity is not a crime. Keep your beliefs in your church and out of our government. The Bible does not give you special rights or privilege. Learn to coexist.
@chrissammels5444 Says:
The most formidable opponent is. Indifference. You can’t do anything with indifference. You can’t fight it, you can’t turn it. These blokes spend a lifetime and make a good living out of pseudo intellectualising a big construct. It’s just a turn on for them and an amusing side show to me. I am indifferent to the insatiable needs of their self centred egos. I don’t need them to do my thinking for me. They are closer to the atheists than they are to any imagined god, if only they could see this reality.
@Irongaint Says:
"To try to move the audience to his side" aren't you're supposed to get to the truth?
@denjua2234 Says:
Majority of scientists aren't trained at debating, their trained at putting experiments together to test things. Debating is an art in itself and entertaining to watch but scientific progress is made through research papers vs debates. Debates are kind of like a court case, where the best lawyer/debater wins but it's not necessarily there truth.
@Michael-el7uc Says:
BS I saw Christopher Hitchens absolutely destroy you in every question or statement. None of these people can hold a candle to their master Hitch.
@Humbucker1103 Says:
That God cannot lie, is no advantage to your argument, because it is no proof that priests can not, or that the Bible does not. Thomas Paine The declaration which says that God visits the sins of the fathers upon the children is contrary to every principle of moral justice. Thomas Paine
@jimjuri6490 Says:
People who debate are those insecure in their beliefs. 1 Timothy 6:4 he is puffed up with pride and does not understand anything. He is obsessed with arguments and debates about words.
@Solomon11777 Says:
the suffering argument doesn't really work for me because who are we to say we deserve less pain when the LORD of heaven came down to be crucified
@rocketeightyseven1823 Says:
Never forget when we want to play the "victim,"or use our arrogance to try and judge God with these types of questions...there's an old song from many years that seems to address human suffering, "He grew the tree that He knew would be used at Calvary." Even God Himself chose to partake in our suffering even though He is the only one who is indeed God and is truly innocent. We are all wicked and are paying for the penalty of sin from Adam. Jesus is the only one who suffered and did not sin. That is why we owe Jesus a debt that we can never repay. That is why every knee will bow and confess way or the other.
@JoeandAngie Says:
Bad hair dye
@calebsayger5824 Says:
These descriptions are really frustrating… literally WLC wasn’t speechless the whole time.
@gavinmcewen5896 Says:
lol WLC pretending the example given was his hardest debate. Here we see the typical dishonesty and sneakiness of your average Christian apologist, trying to make out their position is rock solid and that they have all the answers. I remember WLC's debate with Bart Ehrman where WLC refused to to answer when Bart asked him if he thought the Bible had mistakes in it or not. lol. He knew his position would be severely weakened if he answered truthfully. Such is religious delusion.
@Raeodor Says:
God could have made him suffer a little more. We don't know what plays out in the larger scope. If we had knowledge of everything, everywhere, at all times and every possible scenario, then I think we would be qualified to judge. I only know one with those qualifications, and I put my faith and trust in him to know and do what he wills. What are the chances of one person having to suffer prevents many from it?
@gavinmcewen5896 Says:
I remember WLC's debate with Bart Ehrman where WLC refused to answer when Bart asked him if he thought the Bible had mistakes in it or not. lol. He knew his position would collapse if he answered truthfully. Such is religious delusion.
@yourfriendlyneighborhoodin1559 Says:
God said, there's no such thing as an atheist. 9 quotes from 1 paragraph in the Bible. Romans 1:18-21 — "revealed from heaven" "who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth" "what can be known about God is plain to them" "God has shown it to them" "have been clearly perceived" "they are without excuse" "they knew God" "they became futile in their thinking" "their foolish hearts were darkened"
@alessioandreoli2145 Says:
I can answer on behalf of those idiotic liars. They both have been fried by Christopher Hitchens multiple times. Their butts became atheists before their mind could realize it.
@imimpo9316 Says:
WLC is the goat, bro
@Jahson70 Says:
What was the question?
@chommie5350 Says:
God didn't create Ebola.... We did.... So stop blaming God for everything wrong with this world.... You people are idiots
@Alf_The_Gr8 Says:
William lane Craig is a heretic. Beware of him. A wolf in sheeps clothing! Heretics are outsife the faith!!
@maxdecimus13 Says:
There is a grudging respect for WLC amongst atheists mainly for what he is talking about here. We dont find him convincing, but can recognise when he has had the better of a debate. He has a way of framing an argument that makes it hard to argue against.
@kyriacostheofanous1445 Says:
Atheist are only good at rhetoric
@thelogiclockedwithinhuman8285 Says:
The answer is simple, yes God could have people suffer less but we don't live in that Reality, we live in a Fallen World where SATAN is god and he tempts people, why children die, why we are Tested with Cruelty instead of Moral Character, Jesus however died to Save us from the Evil One and is the only TRUE LORD is Jesus the LORD of lords, and God of gods. The World we live in is just a Copy of the TRUE Heaven and when Adam and Eve died they Lost their Sinless Body and SATAN gave them this Mortal Body of Sin and Death. This World is Hell and Jesus wants us to Understand that our World was given over to an Evil god, Perfection was given over to Corruption. God allows Suffering to show us that this is Hell and we're Puppets of an Evil god and Jesus is the the TRUE God who gave His Life Physically to Save the Jews from the Old Covenant and to Appease the Judgment of SATAN for the World's Sins, the Good will be in Heaven and the Evil Remain in this Fallen Universe until they no longer Exist at the Destruction and are Cosmically Erased from Existence.
@malirk Says:
I like WLC but I have a big issue with him excusing the death of children.
@MichaelTheophilus906 Says:
Craig is a very deceived and confused man. Pray for him.
@gjeacocke Says:
There are a lot of christians who judge william lane craig then there is also dr dawkins who was simply being himself when he said what said about Craig. But i liked the remark that jesseph made about Craig. Balances it out. Jesseph should interact with dr dawkins in a debate.

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