Digging Up the Bible #18: Even More Archaeological Evidence for Jesus and His Life
Digging Up the Bible #18: Even More Archaeological Evidence for Jesus and His Life



@salmonkill7 Says:
Dr. Frank Turek is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about Israel and the Palestinians and history!! God Bless.... P.S. I believe a Census is singlular and Censuses plural, but don't quote me...
@dragonhold4 Says:
Biblical Capernum, Bethsaida, Magdala, ... more reasons why the Holy Land needs to be protected no matter what.
@brendamartin3444 Says:
One correction… a careful reading of John shows that Peter denied being himself three times, he never actually denied Christ, and why did he do this? Because when Peter chopped off the ear of the servant, as Christ was putting the ear back on, he made it clear to Peter, that anyone who stops what Christ must pass through, is against Christ, and Peter knows the law… if even one witness can be brought in to speak on the behalf of the accused, then the accused must go free, so Peter stayed with John as they followed Christ all night long, and John heard Peter as he was asked if he was Peter three times, and John heard him say three times, no I am not Peter Peter denying himself three times, so that he is not brought in as a witness for Christ, and thus thwart the plan of Christ… is a totally different thing, than denying Christ three times My heart breaks every time I hear a teacher falsely teach that Peter denied Christ, when he never actually did…
@darz3829 Says:
There is enough contemporary evidence that the man Jesus existed and was crucified. However, people aren't that interested in that. What people want is the magic. And no evidence of that exists today except the bible which has many flaws.
@ElsieLyn Says:
Is the previous part uploaded? Maybe under a different title?
@CristoIglesiaCasaDeLuz Says:
Amenn 🙏🙏🔥
@susanm7888 Says:
They give kids amphetamines to treat their hyperactivity, I can't believe people don't realize hyperactive kids just need stuff to do that can keep their attention. And better discipline, in quality and quantity. And, of course, growing up with no respect or love or even fear of God is what the real problem is. Compound all of this by feeding them sugar and chemical laden food, giving them video games and TV, and not encouraging exercise, and, well, im sure everyone can see why this is happening. Oh, and even more compounding, let these kids be raised by narcissist parents who have way too much to do to spend any time with them. I was this parent, I have repented and I'm Christian now and I'm doing better Christian parenting now, when i get to see him. My ex husband has my son on Adderall and the scenario i just played out is very real in my 15 year old son. The only difference is he does believe in Jesus, but he is not yet where he needs to be, but we're getting there. This scenario is also how my brother grew up, they had him on Ritalin and then adderall since he was 7 years old. Hes 40 now, and he is on disability, suffers severe mental disorders, threatens to kill himself about once a week, hates everyone and everything (except me, he doesn't hate me or my kids), he says he hates God and Christians (again, except for me) while also saying he doesn't believe in God, he does not live well. He needs a lot of prayer, and so does my son. I believe that medication contributed to my brother's severe mental health. This is a real problem now, its contributing to mental health disorders and crime, and hatred for authority. I pray Jesus comes soon and i pray my brother will believe too, before his time comes.
@colinmatts Says:
When they make an archaeological discovery that proves Jesus was divine or rose from the dead, let me know
@CODATV. Says:
@hhh-et2vi Says:
One hour of Frank Turek and then an hour of Seth Andrew's, who's more honest?
@ecoded3033 Says:
I always thought Matthew 16:28 is a reference to John in the book of revelation. He’s the only apostle that did actually see the Kingdom, because Jesus showed it to him.
@manamanathegreat4986 Says:
and all evidence shows its euhemerism
@rt3tech Says:
Surprised to hear him advocating for war, let alone Israel's actions. Mossad works with Hamas. Always has. False flags galore. As Christians, the only answer is peace. Especially in these fake banker wars. Trillionaire families moving chess pieces for the evil one.
@willievanstraaten1960 Says:
Is CE afraid of the truths I post? If not why block me from commenting.
@stevenwbaker56 Says:
Does frank know we cannot hear the questions from the audience !!!!
@MrAuskiwi101 Says:
There is no evidence bible jesus existed let alone the supernatural nonsense attached to the stories. Please stop lying to yourself and therefore others. Thanks.
@djcrobo2877 Says:
Please give a mic to those commenting or questioning because it's very hard to here them. Thank you.
@ctenos45069 Says:
Another excellent installment. Your teaching style is the best out there. I have the Kindle version of several references you have mentioned, including yours. I am going to look up the volumes from Titus Kennedy and add those as well. I recently had the pleasure of helping my wife concert from Catholicism, and the issue of Peter as the 1st Pope was one of the topics we covered, but the biggest affect on her was simply reading thru the book of Acts. Keep up the great work!
@Kulring Says:
census  noun   /ˈsensəs/   /ˈsensəs/ (plural censuses) ​the process of officially counting something, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts
@Tyler-Clark Says:
Dr. Turek have you watched any videos on Joel Kramer's YT channel Expedition Bible? I've only seen a couple of videos thus far but he's doing some great stuff. His vids about Sodom & Gomorrah and the oldest inscription of Yahweh are great.
@collectibles4u Says:
I look forward to the day that Israel looks upon their Messiah and say this is the one we pierced.
@royhiggins7270 Says:
There is a reality about human nature that wrecks apologists like Frank...it is a reality they ignore and one in which they have no answers. Being easily deceived is "basic" human nature! And recognizing the human penchant for deception wrecks all arguments for Christianity and "free will". "Free Will" can't exist in those who have truly been deceieved and believes the deception. The problem with humanity being easily deceived is that if humans were designed this was a design flaw. One just has to look at how many lies christian's embrace! One just has to look at how many lies humanity embraces! The overwhelming examples of christians and humanity in general embracing lies and liars makes so called "truth" irrelevant and moot. Christian truth is a oxymoron. If human beings were designed with this overwhelming flaw then truth doesn't matter...lies don't matter....christ doesn't matter..."free will" doesn't matter...nothing matters because truth and lies are indistinguishable to most people...which Trump, Hitler, Kim Jong-Un, Jim Jones, etc. have proven beyond any doubt. If we as a species are ever to discover any truth...that truth must come from outside a fabricated god and fabricated "free will". Or we must discover a god better than the christian one that supposedly designed us. Which truth or god shall that be...will we keep choosing the lies of Trump or will we choose a better reality?
@mathetes7759 Says:
The "Two State solution" is a fairy tale. Let's look at it, so Israel would be one of the "2 states" who is the other State? Fatah (The old PLO) who controls the West Bank, or Hamas who controls Gaza? In 2007 Hamas took power in Gaza, Hamas & Fatah are technically at war with each other. From Wiki: The reconciliation process and unification of Hamas and Fatah administrations remains unfinalized and the situation is deemed a frozen conflict.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined.
@EdJones-p5r Says:
Love Christopher Hitchens. He doesn't lie.
@dd13mm Says:
If you're a Christian, you take the side of the peace(and work towards peace), not the side of war or a side in the war.. calling yourself a preacher
Prayers for brother Mari Mari Emmanuel
@donofon1014 Says:
2000 years later... still looking at .. or for evidence. OOO YE OF LITTLE FAITH. Evidence, the rules of evidence, the use of Reason, both deductive and empirical are the antithesis of "divinity" miracles, and legends, and the hallmarks of logic. When you argue on the side of science ... you demonstrate LITTLE FAITH.
@sniffiejoe9370 Says:
please pray for me I'm a trans girl and I can't go on living this lifestyle i feel like I'm in prison in my own body and i can't brake free please pray that god will set me free
@madmoe4 Says:
Thank you!
@JesusisKingofAll-mz2gp Says:
Suggestion: change the title to "Dig The Bible". It would fit with your demo and dad jokes 😆 and the play on words may help the algorithm reach a wider audience. Downside: having to alter the slides.
@JadDragon Says:
Brilliant series. Thank you for doing the hard work for us so we can learn and understand. Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@residuejunkie4321 Says:
*Even though you were probably made to believe that the bible can never be changed and that God wouldn't allow it, He actually only promised to protect His word until the last days. Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 and Revelation 22:10 He promised to send a famine of hearing His word in the last days too, and that we won't be able to find it anywhere in Amos **8:11**-12. In Daniel 7:25 God said that He would give the AC power to "change times and laws" for a short time which we now know meant history, laws of physics and scripture. The famine for hearing God's word has already been sent! Because when hearing "pastors" today, you're hearing some of Satan's words mixed in with God's words **_UNAWARE!_** This truth shines a light on people and exposes who the WHEAT and the tares are. 👉WHEAT ALWAYS react the same way, they immediately investigate to PROVE if this is true or not, find out it is and start warning their brothers and sisters because they LOVE truth and OBEY God's commandment to "prove all things". 👉Tares ALWAYS react the same way too, they quote scriptures and argue instead of looking into the videos offered as proof.* *The tares are being divided from the WHEAT and the famine for hearing the words of God has been sent! Our bibles will never be taken from us like we used to believe, they have all just been changed by Satan into his "rat poison." Rat poison is 99.95% corn, and even though the rats love it, it is 100% fatal for every rat that eats it. If you are still reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing at you! Soon Amos **8:12** will be fulfilled like **8:11** already has, because they are going to cut our lights! The ONLY place you can still find God's words without risking reading some of Satan's mixed in unaware is in the videos DOCUMENTING the changes or in written lists of the documented changes like the one at the web site (amos)(8)(.)(org). I urge EVERYONE to open up your bible and watch as many as you can NOW! There will be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you want. I will never read mine again, and haven't for 7 years. It gives me the creeps just looking at it like if I was looking at a Ouija board on my bookshelf or something, so it will stay in a box in my closet. I learned so much about this it disgusts me! There are thousands of changes, they're on every page, many are ridiculously obvious and blasphemous, and they are ongoing!!* *The first few short films are just about Isaiah 11:6, and could easily prove it was changed in any court of law in the world.  Open any bible to that verse and watch those films, (this is one of the two universal changes, the other is Luke 19:27)  I don't make films btw, they were made by 6 other true followers of Jesus (TRUTH) who researched to find "residue" showing that it used to say "LION" instead of "wolf".* *Watch all of the rest of the films for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies that we had all previously misinterpreted simply because we had no idea they would be fulfilled supernaturally. It's funny how many people who claim to believe the bible just scoff if you talk about the supernatural. LOL But when people see absolute proof of this with their own eyes, their faith is strengthened greatly! You can read some of their testimonies on my COMMUNITY page.* *Here are a couple examples of the replies I receive from the "WHEAT"...* Hello Residue Junkie, my name is Tamara Dobson. God lead me to you through a call for an uprising. I just wanted you to know how blessed I have been through finding you. For awhile I thought I was losing my mind, because of the things that I was seeing and experiencing, that so many around me were apparently not seeing. And I couldn't understand how or why that would be, unless maybe, I was in fact losing my mind. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with white matter disease, which I thought was a completely ridiculous notion, however alzheimers and dementia, as well as a vast laundry list of other mental degenerative disorders are associated with it. So I thought it was at least possible, however, that never set right with my spirit. Any way, I was thinking about you and hoping all is well with you and yours. I remember you mentioned that your health is not the best and I hope you are feeling better. But I mostly hope you're in good spirits and your faith is still strong . Much love and many prayers for you and yours, & God willing, I hope to meet you someday, so I can hug you and thank you in person for restoring & strengthening my faith .  john oz Yes residue junkie I was a backsliden Pastor, away from God for over 25 years. When I found out that Isaiah 11:6 had supernaturaly changed from a lion to a wolf. It spun me out, and as a result it brought me back to Christ. I have been back in the arms of Jesus for 12 months now. I see changes in the bible constantly now. For example, you can not find the words, "hallelujah, demons or wineskins" in the Old KJV bible anymore. Too many changes to go into. In Gen 1:1, the word heavens has changed to heaven. It no longer has the letter s in the word.... *To see proof of many of the changes plus all of the end time prophecies this is perfectly fulfilling, and  to receive the greatest strengthening of faith you ever had, type in PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE 1. God bless you all!!!* *Everyone will learn about this eventually, I'm simply trying to keep as many as I can from learning about it at the Gate.* ❤✝️💪 *P.S. After people have taken all of the required 💉's, they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo to their head or hand, but anyone who has had just one has a bluetooth mac # that can be read by any smart phone and when you walk through the deal at an airport they know if you have it. They are literally no longer human, have triple helix DNA and their offspring won't be human either! The no buying or selling is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished and worship can be defined as "to fear, obey and trust in someone or something" which is what they are doing with the Beast System and the Image of the Beast, (NWO and TV!). Yes, this absolutely is it, and if you write me at the address on my about page I'll send you 17 **_shocking_** films that will PROVE it to anyone who has the courage to watch them.*

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