Is Non-Resistant Non-Belief Possible?
Is Non-Resistant Non-Belief Possible?



@drumrnva Says:
"We don't know our own psychology". "I don't think we always know if we are being honest". Ok, so how do you know your belief in a deity isn't due to some flaw or "degraded faculties"? Frank wants you to be a truth seeker only up to the point you believe in his god. Then you have to stop thinking. Good luck with that.
@Adam-mj5hl Says:
So I guess Frank Turek knows what's going on in my head better that myself. I can unequivocally say that I would fall down to my knees and believe in the Bible if there was an undeniable demonstration of the existence of God (e.g., amputees regrowing limbs in the name of God, parting of the Red Sea, etc.)
@macmac1022 Says:
Is belief a choice or what you are convinced of?
@chriswest8389 Says:
Definitely some Gaslighting here.
@Whattsup-nr7tv Says:
Building a testimony!
@ToniMg4u Says:
Like Julia Roberts said in "Pretty Woman"..."the lies and negative stuff are EASIER TO BELIEVE.." If u listen to lies about Urself all these years.. pretty soon..U begin to believe them..and act accordingly... ✌️❤️😎👍👍🙏🇺🇸✝️
@blob2134 Says:
love the music
@thechristianbookshelf Says:
Some people expect God to come to them instead of seeking Him out.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Reason 1 People who have been looking for their whole life and yet have not found your deity do exist. What do you say to them when they die as unbelievers? Reason 2 How do you know that at some time in the future you will find God? We already know that there is no guarantee of that, so this is no help to anyone at all. Reason 3 If we do not know our own psychology, then Dr. Turek does not know if he truly believes or not. Moreover, if we honestly believe we are non-resistant while "actually" we are resisting, what reason is there for God to punish us by remaining hidden to us?Apparently we can't help it, so why should we be blamed for something we can't help?
@jeffphelps1355 Says:
Humanity is notorious for denying the obvious. According to the Bible we are without excuse.
@kal22222 Says:
More Turek nonsense. " What you're telling me isn't really true . You're resistant because I tell you that you are." When you're an apologist you make up whatever answers you want and the credulous will eat it up.
@brentkindle6058 Says:
Or people are looking for a cosmic Santa Claus that doesn't exist
@randallfilz4151 Says:
Simple answer.... We are ALL sinners and that's why people can easily deceive themselves.... That's why we need Christ as our Lord & Savior
@gmoll7535 Says:
[3] And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. [4] The god(devil) of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬. ... you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed (inspired) and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:15‭-‬17
@Jeffcox-c3v Says:
Question for pastor frank is doing the sins like miss use of gods name I’m a believer and I’m saying will this keep a Christian from seeing god I’ve repented to him Jesus Christ I’m so sorry for my sins and I repent god I pray for everyone he can turn our lives around 😊❤❤ thanks frank
@somerandom3247 Says:
Yet again, the title is a different question to he one asked, and frank doesn't answer either of them... To answer the actual question, it's a great argument that shows flaws in the claims of Christianity. To answer the title, yes.
@royhiggins7270 Says:
Is there anything that showcases the forced birth Christian extremists' hatred for conscious life more than hell? When asked about forcing more people to be born knowing that more people will suffer eternal torment...@TheGuy said, and I quote: "Well logically, with more people being born there would obviously be many going to eternal torment. There's nothing wrong with that since they are the ones making the choice when they have another option. If they don't like the idea of eternal torment then they are nuts for choosing that road." Nothing showcases the lie of christ and the moral bankruptcy of forced birth extremist more so than their belief in hell. But Pro-life Christian's hatred for humanity is so great they want to force women to give birth so more people end up suffering for eternity in hell when they die. If hell is real then abortion is the most humane thing that could ever happen to any potential human being ever! The risk of eternal torment if true will always outweigh bringing any finite life into this world. So how insane is a religion that makes human extinction the best option to human suffering? So the question was answered by @TheGuy...christians don't care about the little babies who will be eternally tormented when they grow up and die. And this flawed thinking by the so called pro-life christian movement is what makes them so dangerous and showcases their hypocrisy. They think they are moral but are far from it! They place the worth of a non-conscious being over the well being of every human on the planet. You see this in their support of Trump's authoritarianism, supporting those that do nothing about climate change or gun violence, supporting those that do nothing about America's unsustainable health care costs, supporting those that give tax breaks to billionaires at the expense of the majority of Americans and forcing raped 10 year old little girls to give birth. The pure hatred for all conscious life is the foundation of christians as shown by their real world actions and beliefs.
@somerandom3247 Says:
Way to just not face the issue Frank.... Ok, so what about the people who are genuinely non-resident non-believers, and make it their entire lives without finding any gods, even tho they have looked? Why wpuld an all powerfull, all knowing god, who wants everyone to come to know it, let that happen?
@johnroemeeks_apologetics Says:
Alex says that he is a non-resistant non-believer, but yet at the same time, he says God is cruel and immoral for letting animals suffer and for God commanding the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites. I think he would like to consider himself neutral and open-minded, but the heart is deceitful and he is guided by his flesh and his flesh is hostile to God. Just watch his debate with Dinesh D'Souza, and you can see his hostility toward God
@aidanya1336 Says:
So the answer is they do not exist. They are just deluded. If that doesn't sound as ridiculous to you try the reverse: A lot of times we don't even know our own psychology I think some people will say: i am a believer when they really do not. I think we can deceive ourselves quite easily. I don't think we always know if we are being honest. Because our faculties may have been degraded by our own suppressing the truth over many years. per this argument no1 can know anything.
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
Frank should look at those last couple of sentences. I don't think he realizes that he is deceiving himself.
@Paulthored Says:
Hearing some Atheists claiming that Atheism cannot be a Religion, and/or their Atheism is not Religious... by definition/default? Reminds me of this particular issue.
@JadDragon Says:
Everyone will stand before God one day and have to give their excuses to Him directly. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is Yahweh God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@pandajacket1598 Says:
I have been a Christian all my life and try to keep the commandments and try not to judge others, I fail often but I try, and I pray, but I still struggle to feel like I have found God. Divine hiddenness is an incredibly strong argument because we feel like God should respond in someway
@black-cross Says:
How many atheists tell themselves they come here for "intelectual reasons", they're "trying to stop the wrong ideology from spreading" when in truth they only come here for a fight and to feel superior while keep asking for something they know they will never get: empirical evidence, and so they think they won the discussion? See, people can lie to themselves and not know it.
@black-cross Says:
Some people are looking for knowledge that will give them what they want (control), not the Truth (God and submission to something higher than themselves).
@Faust2Dr Says:
Frank seems to be assuming that non-resistant non-believers are actually seeking a god, when in reality, the world works perfectly well without a god. We might be non-resistant if a god wishes to present themselves, but can get by perfectly well without them.,
@Mark-dq6lr Says:
The Bible says , “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” The key is “all your heart” in other words , like nothing else matters , daily , continually, putting all else aside . Example, deciding your going to watch the football game first or whatever other casual thing you want to do and making those things primary and making seeking God secondary is not with ALL your heart .
@jamesw4250 Says:
Hard to find the hide and seek champion of the universe.
@hosscat1829 Says:
Non-resistant non-believer I would say that a non-resistant non-believer, who is open to the idea of there being a God, that they are looking for Him with their intellect (their minds) and not with their hearts. The intellect is not where God has shown us we need to be. God knows and sees every humans heart. Your heart must be broken and contrite. Psalms 51: 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. If you truly want to know and see God You must be broken, and it’s not a power trip on God’s part, it’s you, it’s all about the condition of your heart, it’s about giving up, it’s about being at that cliff with just one hand holding onto the edge, and you’re feeling the last bit of your strength leaving your body. When God sees a true repentant heart, that’s a person he really wants. He wants to turn that kind of heart into one of His children. Are you good? Jesus tells us “there is none good but God”. In Mark 10:18,19 He tells the young ruler basically to be willing to give up the life you have and humble yourself. If the non-resistan person is “willing” but not yet “believing” it’s because they’re still standing on their own self righteousness, thinking that Gods going to just add Him to who they are, but God wants to start all over with us. John 3:3 Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Think of what Born Again means, it’s starting all over (like a baby) but this time God teaching us by His Spirit. After all, that’s how Jesus said He’s building his church “not flesh or blood showed you this, but My Father in heaven did, & up on this Rock I will build My Church “(Matt 16:17,18). The non-believer won’t come to God because they love their sin, I know, I was one, once. Not broken, not contrite not willing to give up everything that I had learned since I was born the first time. God wants to reform them/us into the image of His Son, but stiff neck people are not going to be willing to do that, they’ll ignore certain parts of God‘s words, and cling on to other parts, and that makes a rotten Christian. So it boils down to this, you don’t have to do the work of believing God, if you would just surrender, God will make you a believer in God. See; He’s the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)
@msmd3295 Says:
“Keep looking, keep knocking & keep seeking…”. Look science keeps knocking, keep knocking & seeking REAL answers, not via mysticism and the spirit world (which doesn’t exist). No person of “faith” will ever receive the things mentioned in the bible. For example, life after death !! And the evidence for that is EVERYWHERE. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but EVERYTHING DIES !! The idea of life after death is the stuff of children’s stories, fairytales and mysticism. You believe it because you’re too afraid of dying so you sink your existence into ridiculous things that can’t be proven fact. Unfortunately you don’t seem to understand the slightest idea of what the real world constitutes. You might even live a long life but sooner or later you like everyone else will eventually die. And believing there’s a god and that some guy called Jesus is going to preserve your “soul” (which no one has) then you’re in a constant state of denial of life. Because the nature of ALL life is to emerge, grow & then die. Death is as much a part of life as Birth. And you’re too afraid to admit your life like everyone else’s is LIMITED.
@riaandoyle8196 Says:
The person asking the question seems truly sincere . Narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and few be that find it to find something one must seek or, look for that which you can't see and what you want. This person is seeking , so he wil find ! Hope sir spoke too him afterwards 😊
@marcus3457 Says:
I love point 3.
@samsam-nx8gq Says:
As always great answer.
@riaandoyle8196 Says:
@johndardi1334 Says:
You don’t find God He finds YOU!
@apostolicapologetics4829 Says:
I think it is not that God is hiding from us but we are running and hiding from God. I think this can normatively be applied even if there are some exceptions, such as a person born deaf and blind. Romans 1:20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
@adamstewart9052 Says:
A Christian apologetics channel called DanielApologetics has written a book that was 3-years in the making responding to this argument and to "gratituous" suffering/evil.
@DM-dk7js Says:
That certainly wasn’t reassuring
@derekardito2032 Says:
People have been searching for gods for thousands of years and not one person has ever found one existing, " if at first you don't succeed give up, no good carrying on and making a fool of yourself , " Homer Simpson,circa 1980.
@exspiravit13 Says:
“I don’t think we always know when we’re being honest” well put
@mattr.1887 Says:
This sounds like a human system, where the goal is to get convinced. Be part of the system. A "relationship with God" is almost secondary.
@ufpride83 Says:
If you don’t know how you really feel and believe, don’t worry, a Christian will be around shortly to tell you what you’re really thinking and what you really believe 😂
@larzman651 Says:
If you are truly open to seeking GOD , he does not hide himself. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil
@scotthinzman7698 Says:
We pretty much never know when we are self deceiving. That’s what is true of all sin. It’s hidden, it’s a lie, you don’t know what it is or doing to you.
@criticalthinker2477 Says:
Frank ignored the most obvious option -- that christianity is just another manmade religion that has many attributes of other religions --like a sense of belonging with a like minded social group, security of a powerful loving god, etc. These attributes make christianity compelling, but wishful thinking can only get you so far. Many people have minds too rational to just blindly accept a religion based on a "sacred" book riddled with contradictions, errors and mythogy, with nothing in reality that actually confirms any truth in it or that could be easily explained without a god.
@Moist._Robot Says:
“We don’t even know our own psychology” “I think we can deceive ourselves quite easily” “I don’t think we always know if we are being honest, because our own faculties may have been degraded by us suppressing the truth for so many years” Priceless. 😂
@m.r.6222 Says:
I think those who say that they are open to God may not truly understand what God requires. Which is for them to recognize that they are sinners and that they need a savior. Understanding a worldview that they haven't heard before may be keeping them from truly finding Him.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Though we would like to carve out a neutral middle ground in regards to God and salvation through Jesus Christ, God doesn't afford us that. He has made Himself known to all through life, creation and a conscience of good and evil. When confronted with that, a decision is made. Most of the time it's a rejection of that truth if they're being honest. There will be no room for "I dont know" at the judgement seat. You are either for Christ or against Him. There is no in-between.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined

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