Megan Basham & Alisa Childers respond to 'Shepherds for Sale' Controversy + Q&A! #shorts
Megan Basham & Alisa Childers respond to 'Shepherds for Sale' Controversy + Q&A! #shorts



@MomentumCanada365 Says:
She should have requested an interview of the people she attacked before publishing the book.
@steveobrien3673 Says:
“Granted you an interview.” What’s wrong with your head. She’s the one who attacked them. It’s totally bizarre to write a book attacking people and then play the victim! 🤡😂🎉
@loganmanderfield1162 Says:
Listen to the commenters.
@christianfurnari7052 Says:
Gavin Ortlund would almost certainly interview given the chance
@harryfaber Says:
Back in the late 70s, I went on a course, one of the slides the trainer used stated 'Don't listen to their foolishness, listen to Mine'. All authors who write under a banner claiming to be Christian need to understand that they should not be writing their opinions but the will and direction of God. If they want to write a 'secular piece', maybe something useful like how steam injectors work, they should not be claiming it as a 'Christian book'. It seems to me that this author deliberately sets out to be controversial to sell copy, not to teach anything that is true.
@mandys6525 Says:
Be it a book that is pro or anti other people, you ALWAYS ask permission to use their name and/or image in whatever source it will be going(book, website, social media platforms,etc) and get their permission in writing! One also makes sure they know the current law regarding that permission if the author asked and never received written permission. It sounds like there were important missed steps in the process and publishing of this book.
@merg-vh5sx Says:
@CollinBoSmith Says:
I’m waiting for the for the full video but hopefully Gavin Ortlund isn’t one of the ones being “mentioned” here, because that’ll just add to her list of lies. Gavin as been readily available for dialogue with Megan. Frank, please stop platforming this lady. Or if you do, how about you host a conversation between her and Gavin?
@Moist._Robot Says:
I googled the book and found dogs for sale in my area…
@craigbennett8053 Says:
She lied about Gavin
@JadDragon Says:
Hmm I'll wait and see. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@pappires Says:
I hope Frank doesn't give away his credibility in defending Karen.
@Lurkingdolphin Says:
She is a disgrace to the church . Evangelical pastors need to look after each other . Why on earth do you have always have to always fight . If you disagree dialogue openly with the person with the opposing view and sort it out provided it’s not a primary doctrine such as justification by faith alone , Penal sub, bodily resurrection of Jesus and the saints , deity and humanity of Christ and the trinity and the inspiration of scripture .
@giftedtheos Says:
She is running away from Gavin Ortlund and we know why
@jenniferfarrell1937 Says:
Who is this woman and what did she do/say?
@karl5395 Says:
Frank, why don't You reach out to your brother Gavin Ortlund?
@josephhamrick9501 Says:
Wait, that's the wrong question to ask, Dr. Turek. When I was in college training as a journalist and when I went on to write for the Greenville Herald-Banner, it was journalism 101, the very basic level, to reach out to those mentioned in any piece we wrote, especially when writing an investigative piece. As we find out more that she had not reached out to verify or even interview those about whom she is writing, something does not sit right with this book. And now Os Guinness has come forward saying that she misquoted him to make it seem as he was bashing his old organization, the Trinity Forum. There's so much coming out about this book that shows some fundamental things about journalism were not performed. Which is sad, because bad journalistic practice will hinder the good points in this book.
@jentwe Says:
The screenshots she posted show she asked for interviews at 10pm the night before the article she was asking to interview them for was posted. Let's not pretend she was trying to do her due diligence in representing people fairly. Please. It's a journalists job to reach out to make sure they're portraying things accurately. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the people being written about to reach out *when the work is already published* to correct her writing. Ridiculous.
@tenmilesGLE Says:
Please Frank, as a brother I ask you to take this video (and the promotion of the book) down. Because in the case of Gavin Ortlund, it has been unjust libel.
@harryfaber Says:
The Churches I go to don't sell any books. They focus on Christ.
@zacharystarrin4039 Says:
I reflect what everyone else is saying. Gavin Ortland is always seeking open dialogue. Im open to hearing Basham's side but it seems things are already being misrepresented. If this is so, then this would be a case of bearing false witness against Gavin in particular, a brother in Christ. Im would ask they have a public discussion in view of everyone.
@trinahaifa2860 Says:
Jesus told the parable about the 10 bridesmaids and only 5 of them had oil in their lamps, which represented the Holy Spirit and the 5 bridesmaids represent the church. Only 50% approximately will be the TRUE church of our Lord Christ Jesus and honor him by HIS authority, which is his word and his instructions.The church is completely filled with wolves, goats, hypocrites and heretics. More prophecy is being fulfilled in our lifetime. Jesus, please call your TRUE church home in our lifetime, Amen.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined. I listened to the podcast that Dr.Turek did with Megan and it had some interesting points. If pastors are being coerced by the the ways of the world to embrace squishy minds how can they lead congregations effectively..?
@harryfaber Says:
This may be a good book to read after having read all of the early Church Fathers, Kempis 'Imitation of Christ', Julian of Norwich, the hagiographies of Therese of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Bede's Histories, all the works of Charles Dickens, Charles Spurgeon, War and Peace and the Haynes Manual for Ford Cortina's. Maybe.
@mustachemac5229 Says:
I find it extremely interesting that when I go to look up this book for sale, all the editorial reviews are from other religious people who already agree with the book. Who would have thought? Mind boggling.
@David-ps1rz Says:
Basham has not asked for an interview with Gavin, she has only DOUBLED DOWN on her Slander—as did Alisa Childers of all people! This was not a simple miscommunication/misunderstanding, it was a bold faced lie! May God grant her the humility to repent.
@jackcrow1204 Says:
@quart5extakkord Says:
I don't think that is true. Gavin Ortlund is certainly open to a dialog.

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