How Do We Know Good Comes From God?
How Do We Know Good Comes From God?



@srxdeka1000 Says:
goods without gods, good can be destroyed by evils, and hell is real. the same with murder. you do not want to be killed, so do not kill.
@Ninjaskeptic Says:
So you cant think of an answe to the real question so you ignore it and reask yourself a question you can answer. Christianity has to be the most ridiculous religion out there. How can you all fall for the most reaching of apologetics apologetics
@jisvischreuder8340 Says:
Never heard a non fallacious or evidence based argument from Turek.
@danielbrowniel Says:
God is not without reason. Virtually every law is for the benefit of mankind. From an eternal perspective the impact of Cain killing Abel is much the same as someone aborting their child/ someone climbing into a suicide booth, someone telling a child to take pills which make them infertile forever or praising sexual acts which replace human reproduction. All these things annihilate lineages. The wages of sin is death.
@goldLuck1 Says:
Love and moral can be taught. A child will learn from its parents and through the community and interaction with others.
@Yoshi-iq8yt Says:
You don’t need good to know evil or vice versa, you need indifference. A state of “meh” if you will
@SuperEdge67 Says:
Word salad at its worst.
@fazole Says:
I think Romans 2 is very OVERLOOKED. So much is explained in there. Everyone who asks "what happens to those who never heard the Gospel"; it's in there.
@christophersandford5888 Says:
Not answering the question. You are claiming that god is the source of morals, what is the evidence for your claim? Your statement "virtually every culture agrees" on certain big moral principles is imprecise and meaningless. There are significant differences across the board both within and between different cultures which you are handwaving away. You equivocate morals with something you call "the moral law" which smuggles in the implication of obective morals withour evidence. The question is explicitly one of epistemology which you shrug off and claim it is not an issue because you presuppose that your morality exists. This is not an explanation this is word salad.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
We don’t. No god(s) evident
@spacemoose4726 Says:
If morality is written on our hearts, why is there so much disagreement on moral issues, not only today, but throughout history? Only the most extreme examples, such as killing babies for fun, has a chance of being truly something everyone has always thought is wrong. But evolution easily explains why a species wouldn't want to kill it's offspring for fun. There's zero mystery as to why that's a thing in a universe without a god.
@thanatosdraga Says:
Not everything good comes from God, not everything bad comes from the devil
@danielblair4413 Says:
Good can't exist without evil either because what would good be without evil if you have nothing to compare good to in order to make it good to begin with. God created both good and evil the bible states that, but both good and evil can be used in right and wrong ways. When God created evil, he intended it to be used the right way not the wrong way. It's not about good and evil it's about right and wrong. Right and wrong determines how both good and evil are used.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Dr. Turek again not answering the question. Even assuming we have some moral law "written on our hearts", how do we know this moral law comes from God?
@maxhagenauer24 Says:
So Hitler knew murder was wrong even though he wanted to kill millions of Jews so badly because he thought it was good?
@rayellecarrington3915 Says:
Because evil can not create something that is better than itself. Because imperfection can not create perfection. Because if Good ultimately conquers evil, then Good is ultimately God over evil. God is Good! Hallelujah!
@somerandom3247 Says:
So in short, you don't. And you are falsely attributing peoples subjective moral opinions as being objective morals from a god....
@itsJPhere Says:
So if your God is the law giver of morality, why are there laws in the Bible that are terrible like slavery instructions and stoning to death and rape victims forced to marry rapists? It really doesn't make sense at all because I don't think anyone would say that laws like that are moral. They're incredibly abusive laws.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
He can't even show his god to exist.
@jamesw4250 Says:
Well you don't know good comes from god especially since your god made evil allows evil and encourages evil. Try again. Moral law doesn't exist.
@helpmaboabb Says:
When did the belief that everyone has knowledge of good and evil written in their hearts, even if they never heard of Christianity, become popular among protestants in particular?
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined
@scape211 Says:
I get that frank is trying to present an otological sense of objective morality we all experience and know to be true, but that isnt really answering the question. The question is how do we know good comes from God? I can certainly agree with frank that objective morality exists as we find areas of moral absolutism (which he alludes to without giving detail). But this doesn't necessarily mean that the justification of that objective morality comes from God. Thats what it seems the original question is about. Is it just morally right because god commands it (divine command theory)? is it because it flows from God's nature (which is what I think)? or is some other element/entity providing such justification? Not looking for anyone to comment really. Just found it interesting that Frank isnt really answering this one and its one I often think about too. Not exactly a clear and easy one to address.
@Mogwat Says:
Understand NOT agree. Morals don't need agreement.
@shirleysamsel8455 Says:
Thank you Jesus😊
@mattr.1887 Says:
A couple of problems I see here. If Romans 2 is correct and everyone is already on the same page in knowing right from wrong, then what was the point of Judaism? It seems to have been redundant and a complete waste of time. Speaking of Judaism, why did so many moral laws change over time? Ex, Back in the day, it was justified to slaughter your ethnic and theological enemies. Now - (as far as I can tell?) it's not. Why? Why do people disagree (sometimes quite passionately) on morality? If it's written on everyone's heart's, then disagreements should not be happening.
@DruPetty42 Says:
1 John 1:5 "This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."
@larzman651 Says:
Evil is the lack of good. That's why we have morals from GOD. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil
@JadDragon Says:
Amen. Logic and reason point to all truth, beauty, life, goodness and morality coming from the perfect Triune God of the Christian Bible. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@Gek1177 Says:
You literally can't "know" it. It's a religious belief that good comes from God not an inherent fact of nature. In fact Frank's reasoning for why God is good seems to be contradicted by reality which to me at least indicates that Frank's version of God isn't real.
@DM-dk7js Says:
You don’t.
@markpaulin884 Says:
Thank you Frank for all your videos.
@joshuwaortiz Says:
God is blameless, and in order to even have life there must be a sacrifice. Behold the hand behold the nail in Hebrew is YHWH, our lords tolerance/threshold of pain is behold our understanding, of what sacrifice really means to a God that doesnt serve itself. Thru love, morality and justice is a repeating pattern of everlasting qualities that outline something we could all describe. Hearing the chorus of a song, sung by someone you love, for Jesus his song of mercy and song of life, all good things have always been inside the mind of God. It is only in our world of parallel deminsions, where we have a body, a mind, a spirit. When our bodies are like radios picking up the qualities of heaven or hell.
@mustachemac5229 Says:
Claim: God wrote moral law on our hearts. Frank: "That's why *virtually* every culture agrees on certain big moral principles." Saying virtually, shows that even Frank agrees not every culture agrees on moral principles... which would infer that moral law is not written on all hearts.
@chloemartel9927 Says:
Thank you Lord God for all your care and blessings!

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