How Do We Recognize Design in the Universe?
How Do We Recognize Design in the Universe?



@MurkedClipz Says:
No atheist will find a computer in the middle of nowhere and say it happened by chance, they all know it was designed by a designer , so why is something much more complicated than a computer so hard to believe it also has an intelligent mind behind it, it has nothing to do with evidence it has to do with a cold heart running from the truth
@voodoochild5440 Says:
😂😂 "I don't how something works so it must be god"😂😂
@juanpena7827 Says:
I dare you build a pyramid
@juanpena7827 Says:
Who you become nature law
@juanpena7827 Says:
Explain the pyramids and you live now your house was built by Mexicans
@iPlumb-vt8hp Says:
Amen thank you Jesus for creation itself 🙏 🙌
@jtkirkfan2002 Says:
There are dozens upon dozens of constants in the universe that if they weren’t just right, the universe wouldn’t exist, let alone life. To believe that happened by random chance takes more faith than I have.
@StraightUpProductionOfficial Says:
Video games
@dieseljunker9234 Says:
Designed? Maybe. Proof zero. I'll stick with the science for now. Worry about magical beings no one can see later.
@thebamabirds8182 Says:
Unfortunately some people won't believe even with signs and wonders. God just needs a mustard seed of faith.
@joab757 Says:
A scientist told God, I can do anything you can do. I can even create life! God nodded in amusement. Scientist said, I can even do it the way you did it with Adam. I can create life just from dirt. God played along and said, ok let’s see! The scientist bent down to pick up some dirt and immediately God interrupted him, no no no. You get your own dirt!
@maran.ath4 Says:
Yes, thats it, the consistency is how we know, science only works because the natural laws are constant, because they've been molded and are nor just random, they are predictable
@StarGlazedMuffins Says:
Uh... This guy will not answer honestly. Sad but true.
@patriot1303 Says:
If you don’t design a house it doesn’t get built and if you completely stop maintaining that house it will devolve back into a non-house. Without design there is only chaos as chaos is the most natural state of things not design
@rickeyammons9866 Says:
Basically common sense
@rickcampanella4254 Says:
The infinite points to the Creator
@abhgup Says:
An evangelist or jihadist will invent half lifes to promote their sick cause.
@travisdiveley1652 Says:
GOD Is the Creator of ALL things pertaining To Life! *Including IT'S LAWS of OPERATION* The Universe Consistently operates as designed. Created Beings (Angels/People) are given A WILL (The Choice) to Participate within IT And ITS DESIGNED LAWS. *RIGHTEOUSLY or DESTRUCTIVELY* GOD MADE Vs MAN-MADE. *KEEP EM SEPARATED*
@alexkiaii6548 Says:
Dna is stil random, it comes from rna. Which just duplicates itself. Intelligent design does not prove, a divine being.
@beeamerica5024 Says:
He just said everything was designed how can you have an undesigned thing
@tartufo4870 Says:
Amen brother 🙏 😃
@thinkingislegal192 Says:
If only I could make people realeyes that we live below The Firmament that was built by the Hand of God everyone would instantly become a believer ! Then , they would freely open their hearts and minds to all of the other things that only God could have created . Instead we are taught that we live on a spinning Baal that is souring through infinite space . There are good people all over the Earth that are severely dumbed down by the Devils teachings and by cognitive dissonance most of them will ever believe the true Word of God . WE CALL IT SEA LEVEL FOR A REASON ! 🙏🏼✌🏽
@ChrisOrrock-w9y Says:
Listen to this lost generation, if it's got no copyright sticker on it it's not created...
@timcollett99 Says:
He really didnt listen to the question 😂
@mikesarno7973 Says:
Dr Turek, I admire you greatly and pray for you, by name, every day. However, what you said here is word salad and doesn't answer the question in any way.
@jacobbeight4268 Says:
Are you kidding me imagine if we weren't on this planet and didn't kill everything around us how beautiful this place would be, it would still rain grass, fruit, animals that have killed off by our stupidity would still exist hello!!! Like this whole system was built for us you think corn wouldn't grow? You think bees still wouldn't make honey? Yes they still would!!!!
@amac9044 Says:
First of all he completely and utterly faiedl to actually answer the question, which was actually a very valid and relevant one. The form and configuration of the dirt outside, no matter how seemingly random it may be, is created and put their BY DESIGN based on Turek's worldview. He has no methodology for distinguishing between a design thing and an undesigned thing because he doesn't even believe in undesigned things. Therefore his appeal to complexity as the Hallmark of design is invalidated. Secondly the fine-tuning argument is actually an argument AGAINST intelligent design. Why would an all-powerful God need to fine-tune ANYTHING? Shouldn't he be able to cause the universe and life to arise REGARDLESS of any "natural constants"? The fact that the natural laws and constants are consistent with the universe we observe, to me, is further evidence that the universe and everything in it most likely IS just a result of natural processes. It would be a much MORE convincing argument for intelligent design if the universe and life existed in ABSENCE of universal laws and constants that seemed to be required for it... Wouldn't an omnipotent God be capable of this? The students question beautifully highlights the flaw of Turek's and other apologists' logic....
@asylumyeah Says:
i think the old guy is still confused. under his worldview the natural laws would be designed aswell and carry “specified design” i don’t know exactly how he’s even defining that either but it carries some connotation that something designed with y with the intention to fulfill x like the fine tuning argument which the guy concedes on. so natural laws don’t create a relevant distinction because everything in nature is designed by god. like sure we can tell the difference between the natural law design and human design but that’s still not answering the question of what can we point to that doesn’t have design if literally everything is designed in his worldview.
@mikewaddell8814 Says:
Glory to God Almighty Yahweh Yeshua and the holy Spirit 🙏🧬🙏🧬🙏🧬
@markduran9562 Says:
Science follows natural law Natural law was created by the Creator the Almighty God
@MrsZambezi Says:
Turek is the classroom dunce. Why is he there? He understands nothing.
@thetruthseeker-hk2kq Says:
To the dummer comment answer PATIENTS we will get that answer soon
@seekerhonest Says:
Where do you see a design in a universe , thats a chaotic clash of galaxies, explosion of suns and black holes swallowing complete solar systems?
@seekerhonest Says:
There is huge animal suffering and struggle for survive every single day. Of course thats not because of human “sin” or human “free will”: Animals existed millions of years before humans came up. If god created those animals, they suffered and suffer because of him.
@trojanprincess3396 Says:
Young people are given such a big platform and voice.And ask some of the dumbest things
@jackssmack8859 Says:
God loves you
@dylankandoll3756 Says:
That is an excellent question and an excellent answer! Well done
@charliestewart5164 Says:
In a sense, there is nothing 'but' God, and all emanates forth from that origin, the Alpha and the Omega.
@kunalramjunum1207 Says:
How Can any thing come into existence by itself? Can anyone explain this to me without the Bible
@codexman900 Says:
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior
@MrJimiJK Says:
Intelligent Design and Fine Tuning have all been debunked as we don't see any evidence of either. Its just other versions of the 'God of the Gaps'. "I don't understand, therefore God did it".
@MrJimiJK Says:
Bricks serve a purpose, they have a use, they solved a problem. What is the purpose of a 'designed' universe? To create life? If so, then the universe is poorly designed, or it's actually designed to be hostile to life, because that's what we see the majority of the universe actually is. So we can give you a 'designed' universe if you like. But you can't then have an all powerful God, as his designs for life aren't that great. In fact life in the universe looks like an accident. The universe certainly isn't designed to support life.
@hamnchee Says:
So mountains and rivers aren't designed.
@freespeechorgetsilenced Says:
If you are trying to find the origin of creation and land on god. You now have the same problem. What created god and so on.
@Kramer-tt32 Says:
Every Christian should read the paper by sharp. Way back in the early computer science days, he proved that information can arise from random non-information. So, complex systems can arise from non-complex systems. And to say other wise is not called a "composition division fallacy"
@davegcomedy1267 Says:
The human circulatory and nervous system are not random
@ThePrometio Says:
it's designed! why? looks like :-)))) how do U know? Bible sas it :-)))
@Dragn33 Says:
And he’s just scratching the surface of how incredibly fine tuned the universe is
@bricekey1310 Says:
Take just the human heart. NO WAY it just evolved!!! It was designed and created with function and purpose.
@kuroihikigaeru Says:
Natural law says there must be a law giver…

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