End the Stalemate with Dr. @SeanMcDowell #podcast #shorts
End the Stalemate with Dr. @SeanMcDowell #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3RZV4Mf
@HaleStorm49 Says:
They will have to find a Mormon. 😂
@voodoochild5440 Says:
People stopped listening to christians making claims without actual evidence.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
Frank's christians (followers) are some of the dumbest people ive ever met...
@RangerRyke Says:
100% Sean one of only two Christian apologists I still respect because he actually listens and tries to understand people he disagrees with. He puts relationship and connection before being right. both sides of the isle needs to be like him and Alex O'Connor IMO.
@marcirozsa5185 Says:
Wow! That hit me. What if we were the people that every broken people would turn to? But you know, I believe that there are some Christian that are too harsh about delivering the truth and that makes people turn away from Christians and Christianity rather than turning to them.
@gi169 Says:
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
@JadDragon Says:
So many out there don't want a conversation, they just want to attack. Jesus lives! ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@user-br3ou2cs9o Says:
As long as you're actually willing to be treated Exactly Like Jesus and His Disciples were treated by unbelievers everywhere during His and their Earthly Ministries. Amen✝️🕊️
@frankcavazos5263 Says:
Yeah, this sounds a bit too much like compromising. Jesus Himself told us we would be hated by this world. I am not greater than my master and I don't wish to compromise the Gospel of Christ to win brownie points with an atheist or anyone that willfully rejects the Savior. There is no need for hate from any side, I agree, but the Gospel is plain and simple. We are ALL sinners, we just sin differently. We ALL need a savior and God provided One way to be redeemed, the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. No, you don't have to accept it but you will suffer for all eternity without it. If you hate me because I say that to you, then you are really hating Jesus Christ, so what's new? He was crucified to save me, why would I deny Him and that truth to make someone feel better or more accepted?? How much more can someone show love than to give up His own life for someone else?? We should love others, yes, but always through the lens of Biblical truth and that truth is not always pretty. Maranatha King Jesus!!
It IS weird how angry and mean atheists often are when they know they’re talking to a Christian. Specifically Christians, they don’t seem to get as mean when talking to believers of other religions. I’ve seen it, a lot. They’ll mock other religions, but they don’t usually get as vile.
@paulrivalto1974 Says:
They, generally sane, considerate, level headed people when confronted by the absolute truth will cry out: crucify him. In fact they did! Then the word of God tells us: All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12. And Christ's last physical command to each of us, found in Acts 1:8 says: " you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all of Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost places on earth. Acts 1:8 - This word witnesses here is the Greek word " martus " yeeesss where we derive our modern day word " martyr "! There is no stalemate! There is still only one truth ( His name is Christ Jesus) And you know what? They crucified Him. For always telling the fullness of that truth!.... Am I above my Master? Captain beloved, battle wounds were Thine// Let me not wonder if some hurts be mine// Rather O'Lord, let my deep wonder be// That I may share a battle wound with Thee! UNKNOWN
@jamesw4250 Says:
Yea and most of those types of comments start on your side of the fence. People like gil timmy and chloe just to name a few who never do anything but what your describing franky boy. Most athiests don't start with that. Christians do. Especially when they know they can't prove what they are saying.
@CAPTRON_7 Says:
We still need moderators in chat.... I mod for a few channels. It's not easy.
@T0Mmichael1234 Says:
Enter INTO their world?! And cast our pearls before the swine and give that which we hold as holy to the dogs? Are you kidding me! NO THANKS.
@larzman651 Says:
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
@zfg14978 Says:
I have spent year sharing the Gospel and I have never had such hate thrown at me when trying to discuss Jesus. It’s unlike anything or anytime in my 40 years of being a Christ follower. Pray, pray and pray some more before your conversation starts. It’s only the Holy Spirit who can open that door of hard hearts! Keep the faith.
@jenniferm3572 Says:
Yeah, I don’t think that’s for everyone. Certainly not the calling for everyone. We are also commanded not to “hangout”. Be prayerful about your calling first 🤍
@ifiok-dan7926 Says:
Enter into their world?
@Gek1177 Says:
Frank cultivates a community of prejudice. Suprised Pikachu face when his fans say vile things about the LGBTQ community.
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
A Christian will love, care and listen to me. Or at least the human does, by a threat of eternal punishment because of your religious text of choice. So realy it is for their own selfish reasons. Christians will also thrust their religious views upon everyone else, use tax payer funded services tax free that the rest of us pay for and also bully and harass the LGBTQ community. Some Christians even go a step further and try to outlaw people of the LGBTQ having a family because it doesn't fit into the cookie cutter Christian version of a family. Christians have a lot to do to resolve this PR nightmare they find themselves in.
@trinahaifa2860 Says:
Barna polls indicate over 70% of Christians do not live by the principles of God's word, and they do not have the attributes and the virtues that Shawn is mentioning. THEY DO NOT! People are so quick to say that they are Christian and that they believe in Jesus, but they know very little if anything about Jesus or God and the Bible. They wear the label of Christianity like a badge that will present them as a virtuous person. My landlord for 12 years in Orlando, Florida living on Lake Como Circle in the historical district of downtown Orlando was a judge and his wife Maryellen was a Christian but he said he went to church because it was good for his career and that his wife wanted him to go. He would call himself a Christian, but he told me that God was too busy to worry about my problems. He knew nothing about God! Who God wants to saved, the spirit will do the work and put that person in our path. But America is going down, and the world is going down according to prophecy.
@blakehenry9030 Says:
Keep up the good work
@gi169 Says:
Thanks Cross Examined

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