Can Christians Also Make Good Scientists? @ChristianityStillMakesSense | #Shorts
Can Christians Also Make Good Scientists? @ChristianityStillMakesSense | #Shorts



@skepticsinister Says:
Science is the direct opposite of religion, it removes bias. There is NO god of ANY holy book. ALL gods are strictly human manufactured fiction. ALL evidence and rules of evidence point to ZERO gods. God is fiction in EVERY religion, culture, and language, everywhere, every second of every day, 365. It is just an excuse to engage in ordained hate and othering. Non-belief is JUSTIFIED! Christianity, Islam, Judaism are an absurdity full of hate and ignorance. The divinity of Jesus is fiction, likewise that of Mohammed, likewise Moses...etc for all religions for many thousands of years, ALL fiction. Your religion is false just as much as you believe the religion across the globe is false, no one gets to be right all by themselves, instead, EVERYONE’s religion are wrong. Human created god(s). Religion is no solution for the requirements of humanity in the 21st century. The sooner humanity understands this, the sooner we can get to work in unison for humanity actual.
@nothanks9503 Says:
@SuperEdge67 Says:
What a pile of nonsense. All the scientists you name lived 100s of years ago…….when virtually everyone was religious. If these people were alive today chances are they’d be atheists. You didn’t mention Darwin……..who only became an atheist in later life.
@paulcampbell9618 Says:
Believers in God or being called a Christian does not give residence in heaven. Read COL.1:27 ...2 Cor.13:5. That will seat you at the table of saints
@defenestratefalsehoods Says:
I just hate when apologist spend so much time denying science to make the bible stories seem like they actually happened. There was no worldwide flood 4300 years ago because we know there was several civilizations who recorded their history at that time.
@Ape... Says:
Those christian Scientists never took anything for their discovery from religion, rather they took the way of disbelief and evidence based. Whichever religion you carry has nothing to do with the discovery or results .
@joshuajohnson1891 Says:
Oh ya know the fact that the church would have tortured and killed them.
@incredulouspasta3304 Says:
Of course there are plenty of great Christian scientists. As long as you don't let certain fundamentalist beliefs get in the way of the scientific process, there's no problem! If you really want to compare numbers though, it's worth pointing out that a much lower proportion of scientists are Christians than the general public.
@dominicmacaulay1227 Says:
Muslim Technology is awsome
@johannesvoss9880 Says:
holy fork, u suck
@lorenzodossantos1111 Says:
they were saving their lives.
@edwin5419 Says:
Maybe back in the day, but now that we have a vastly better understanding of the world, Christianity is incompatible with the scientific method. Those who say otherwise have not turned their intellect on religious questions, preferring the comfort of blind faith to the harshness of reality.
@AtamMardes Says:
Obviously it is possible to be a scientist and also believe in superstitious religious fairy tales, fictions, and myths.
@theparodychannel7842 Says:
But we got Christians today who dont want kids to learn science cus it goes against the bible
@solofourohsixgaming Says:
I still find it surprising how many people don't actually read the Bible. And the reason I know they don't is because very few know about the scientific facts written in the Bible thousands of years before they were discovered by scientists. Too many people are like the Pharisees, they have their traditions but they don't actually follow the word of God, or even read it. How does one who knows nothing about what the Bible says claim to be a Christian? Sorry for the rant. I am not a religious person. I don't believe in religion. I believe in the Most High, and that he sent his only begotten son as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
You can be a scientist and believe in a god(s), but it would be basically impossible to reconcile the bible in a literal way to science
@williamrice3052 Says:
Ideally science is about pursuit of truth, so we should expect God finding as a result.
@jimbaker2698 Says:
I believe GOD did the big bang ,,to put the chemicals man would need when he was created ,and nourishes all other life forms
@JadDragon Says:
Nothing makes a person better than God. Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@larzman651 Says:
Absolutely GOD gave us science to navigate his creation. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@Bomtombadi1 Says:
Yes, they can. Of course they can. No one disputes this. Is Bobby Conway the dude who just learned to read yesterday and decided to get a mail order diploma?
@jamesw4250 Says:
Nope. They have to assume their conclusions at the onset of the question to keep their faith. They don't follow the evidence.
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
As long as your religious dogmatic beliefs dont trump facts and evidence of course they can be good scientists
@MrFossil367ab45gfyth Says:
Yes, I'm an Earth Science Major in college and I'm Christian.
@krimsonknight7190 Says:
Well, I'm a scientist and I believe. In my experience, science is man's best explanation of something that God has done.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
As long as you follow the scientific method, it doesn't matter what you call yourself... That's why no one takes "creationist scientists" seriously in the scientific community Adherence to the scientific method is a MUST
@chloemartel9927 Says:
Big difference between science and scientism.
@piijay14 Says:
Most scientists are Theist!!
@Gek1177 Says:
Chrstians absolutely make good scientists, creationists on the other hand usually do not.
@brosebrose4154 Says:
May Jesus Christ the Son of God guide all non Christians to Christianity.
@coolumesque Says:
Originally the whole world had one religion as can be seen from far ancient art from all over the world. It taught that God is a tree goddess who manifests beside the feet as a spiritual bush & connects a serpentine rod or branch to each person, & a soul & a son of the tree goddess comes out of the crescent flower & are placed into the person. In The Bible this is shown as a goddess standing on a crescent in heaven & delivering her son to earth where he was taken to sit on the throne of God & rule mankind. The original religion taught that our universe is a level or layer of light in God's ocean & when God created this level the life from God's ocean came through into our oceans & came ashore. So life came from life in God's ocean that is all around us. Genesis explains that God was with an ocean before anything existed & then God created light & then created the universe in That ocean, & then made all life including birds come forth from the waters; & when God had finished making our universe it remained in God's ocean. So in modern terms Genesis is describing the creation of a holographic universe in God's ocean where it remains. Science will discover that the universe is holographic & suspended in an ocean that is filled with life, & life on our earth came from that ocean. Reality has more dimensions than science can observe because their instruments are not designed to do that. But God & the ocean that our holographic universe is suspended in are simply on another dimension that is all around us. And so science is simply studying the holographic energy that God created & is unaware of God's presence & God's ocean that is right next to them on a deeper dimension. A dimension is a direction in space & because space is an energy which creates the dimensions we can perceive it is the dimensions of the energy itself which science needs to study. They'll find it is a level of a light spectrum, & the dimension they have always been unaware of is the direction from this universe's level of that spectrum, with the observable dimensions it creates, into the other levels of the spectrum that have created parallel universes all around us. The Gods use those parallel universes with their different dimensions of time & space to remain outside of time & space as we know them & reach into our own level of the spectrum & make changes & take our souls to the other levels of the spectrum & beyond to the outside of the light spectrum where the ocean of God is. And so the energy this entire universe is made from is simply a level of a spectrum & the dimension (direction) science needs to learn to observe is the direction leading from our own level of that spectrum into the other levels of that spectrum. That is the dimension (direction) science is unaware of & so they are trapped in time & space & do not know that time & space are simply projections created by the energy that the universe is created from. And the direction they should be studying is the way/direction in which our universe's level of that foundational light leads into the other levels of that foundational light which have projected (created) parallel universes of their own. Doing so will free science & mankind from the dimensions of time & space they are trapped in & give them access to parallel earths with their universes, & meet The gods who live there, & step outside of the spectrum itself into the ocean of God that the multi-level spectrum is located in; & see the land there where The Tree Goddess, that all mankind originally knew as GOD, lives. Then they will have discovered the GOD above all other Gods & that GOD is The Tree Goddess who is shown in The Bible to have created the Christian's own God. All ancient people's show in their art that The Tree Goddess created from Her Flowers all the gods including Buddha, who is often found in far ancient art sitting on a flower beside a tree with a Goddess inside of it 'to symbolise that She is The Tree Goddess who creates all the flowers that the gods come from. Today's religions are all offshoots from the one original religion followed by the entire world, that worshipped The Tree Goddess; & over time they have changed & forgotten their roots.
@Mrqwerty2109 Says:
Can christians make good scientists? Kepler: 🗿
@maxhagenauer24 Says:
There are some scientists that conclude a god and some that don't but that is their opinion, actually doing science has nothing to do with which of those you believe. So yes, christians can be just as good of scientists.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined
@robbymounce5764 Says:
An honest look at EVERYTHING, and you’ll DEFINITELY realize that there is an Intelligent Designer behind the Universe! ❤
@TheContrarian32 Says:
Sure they can, and do. Francis Collins is perhaps the best known modern day scientist who is also a Christian. He was head of the human genome project that demonstrated conclusively the reality of evolution. His book The Language of God should be read by all Christian’s, particularly those who deny evolution.
@pauloofernando Says:
Yes. And the world just lost one last week. Adalto Lourenço. Great physicist, great teacher!
@skirtonbear1 Says:
“…or a Christian background.” Tesla was the son of a priest, well-schooled in the faith.
@Moist._Robot Says:
Francis Collins is a geneticist and a Christian. He explains in his book how we know from DNA that all mammals are related. That humans evolved from apes.
@katamas832 Says:
Yes, as long as they keep their religious convictions seperate from science. Otherwise you get creationists.
@Stratiotis_tou_Christou Says:
Amen ☦️ ✝️ 💪

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