How to Answer Tough Arguments for Abortion w/ Scott Klusendorf @TheCaseForLife #podcast #shorts
How to Answer Tough Arguments for Abortion w/ Scott Klusendorf @TheCaseForLife #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱
@skepticsinister Says:
Abortion is none of your business, it is PHI, private healthcare information that is none of your goddamn business. There is NO god of ANY holy book. ALL gods are strictly human manufactured fiction. ALL evidence and rules of evidence point to ZERO gods. God is fiction in EVERY religion, culture, and language, everywhere, every second of every day, 365. It is just an excuse to engage in ordained hate and othering. Non-belief is JUSTIFIED! Christianity, Islam, Judaism are an absurdity full of hate and ignorance. The divinity of Jesus is fiction, likewise that of Mohammed, likewise Moses...etc for all religions for many thousands of years, ALL fiction. Your religion is false just as much as you believe the religion across the globe is false, no one gets to be right all by themselves, instead, EVERYONE’s religion are wrong. Human created god(s). Religion is no solution for the requirements of humanity in the 21st century. The sooner humanity understands this, the sooner we can get to work in unison for humanity actual.
@L_Jan_Turner Says:
Luke 23:29 "behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck. "
@rmartin70 Says:
The god of the Bible killed fetuses. You shall acknowledge no God but me. . . . You are destroyed, Israel. . . . The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” (Hosea 13:4, 9, 16 New International Version)
@Dragonomics42 Says:
Women have the RIGHT to their own healthcare; separation of church and state precludes ANY religion telling a woman what to do with her own body.
@stevenbatke2475 Says:
Frank, by your own definition, abortion is nothing more than relocation. Relocation, I might add, straight to heaven. So, what’s your real issue with abortion? Technically, it’s the free-pass-to-heaven-loop-hole. It’s win-win. What’s not to love about it?
@mattslater2603 Says:
So what Israel is doing to palestine right now? Got it.
@followerofchrist2627 Says:
Abortion is murder Murder is sin
@DruPetty42 Says:
The way he described how people throw in the word religion when they argue as a dodge is exactly what happened to me recently.
@tonyornelas9374 Says:
Murder is against God
@PixieDizzie Says:
There is scripture that teaches against abortion. "Thou shalt not kill." Abortion is killing. And it is a human being that people are killing because as we all know going by "science", a fetus is alive upon conception. Upon conception, there is instant process of growing and that proves there is life, if it starts to grow. God knows us when we are in our mother's womb. and when we are conceived we are in our mother's womb,
@chuckiebaby Says:
Exodus 20:13 Thou shall not murder.
@silasbucur685 Says:
Pro life 💙
@cake6420 Says:
Abortion is 100% an abomination to God.
@defenestratefalsehoods Says:
Yes, the priest did the abortions in the bible. Num 5:12-28. what innocent humans are they killing?
@jeorgemarvel4086 Says:
Does the bible condone murder 💁🏽
@JadDragon Says:
True evil in these comments. People who don't even believe in the Bible trying to invent it saying things it doesn't to justify their personal whims. And I bet these same people would claim God a moral monster, so by their own criteria, what they're trying to justify would be immoral. Truely, truly sad.
@Gek1177 Says:
The Bible commands abortion. It also makes it clear that an unborn child is not equivalent to a living person. Let's not forget that the Pro-life movement is a political tool built to control Chrstians by a Catholic lobbiest in like the 60s.
@somerandom3247 Says:
The god of the bible is expressly anti-life. Every death is on his hands.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
The Bible condones life. “Thou Shalt Not Murder”.
@kyrebanorg9897 Says:
"Christian" leftists are hilarious. They love to twist scriptures out of context and cherry pic to suit their own whims.
@mbb-- Says:
No one who's read it will honestly think "yeah the God in this book is ok w parents offing kids to solve personal problems." Anyone who gets that from the Bible is dishonestly pushing an agenda, illiterate, or both
@JadDragon Says:
The Bible says life for life, and life begins before birth, and to even accidentally cause a miscarriage deserves life for life. Anti abortion to the max. Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@ConservativeMirror Says:
Apologists will ignore Numbers 5 : 11 - 31. If asked about it, they deny that the passage is describing a pregnant woman. But the question is, what happens to the baby if she is pregnant and she participated in adultery?
@jamesw4250 Says:
Yes it does. Numbers 5 11-22. It rather eloquently gives instructions and describes one.
@jozitro4554 Says:
Life at zygote. Never has it entered the lords mind to abort babies. Abortion comes from fallen angels for when they saw the Lord create Adam and hated the image of us and cursed our gift of fruitily in the womb.
@TheContrarian32 Says:
I’m not passing judgement here either way. But consider this; it’s Christian’s who say that morality is objective. Yet, it appears without a cohesive list of “good” and “bad” things, it’s subjective to the Christian to determine what constitutes good or bad. Not the Bible
@zariahlafleurpowell7028 Says:
No, the Bible does not say that it Abortion is good. It's bad, and it's not okay, killing people.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you Cross Examined 👍

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