How Do We Know God Brings Good From Evil? | Frank Turek Q&A #Shorts
How Do We Know God Brings Good From Evil? | Frank Turek Q&A #Shorts



@thelifeofmaryd.2494 Says:
🙋🏾‍♀️I think what they meant was Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world. That coupled with God, giving us free will means that now we have big pharma, pushing out drugs getting people addicted. Companies dumpling chemicals into our waters and streams. Factories that release toxins into our air. Eventhe folks that created Teflon. Now, every single person alive has Teflon in their system, which is toxic to us. And now, every Gen X and Millennial is wondering how we went from only hearing of people getting cancer on T.V, to knowing several family members that had it. Its not a curse, it's evil. It's evil that stems from pride and greed.
@itsjoseph360 Says:
It's in the old testament. 7 generations cursed for worshiping idols.
@dylanbeckner6863 Says:
Book of Job
@jeffnoble9757 Says:
Adam sinned against God yet billions of innocent people suffer, die and have to listen to paid clergyman like you
@lynabuttercup Says:
@voodoochild5440 Says:
God created evil
@livedbothways Says:
God works all things for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.
@Chrsi-o5o Says:
The American church better wake up. Jay Dyer will learn you some truth ya pleebz
@willyum849 Says:
Think dude talking about how they says the sins of the father are delivered unto their sons & even grandchildren's son . . .
@jbd4365 Says:
"I punish you and every generation after you" is what he's referring to. Old testament stuff, very different behaving being compared to Jesus
@Steve-in-the-uk Says:
Just shows that religion is a farce.
@helendurow8211 Says:
My Favourite Bible verse in Joseph's life story❤❤❤❤❤
@joannaferrara5884 Says:
Romans 8 28
@godschild6882 Says:
I think this young man is talking about the generational curses mentioned in the Old Testament.
@247tx3 Says:
So karma?
@onlymyself7225 Says:
not sure I understand this question , why is there evil? people make choices that are evil each day , it leaves the world in a wicked state..........why else would there be evil? or HOW else?
@143Jesus38 Says:
Book of Esther Prime example too
@temsumongbajamir1582 Says:
I think he was confusedly asking about generational sins and punishments.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
If you believe that your God makes things happen through a "ripple effect", then you can't believe in free will.
@ndibunwapeter9013 Says:
@somerandom3247 Says:
You can't. This answer to the problem of evil doesn't work. It's just saying that evil is good, instead of actually answering the problem.
@danielbrowniel Says:
If you read Ecclesiastes you see a lot of injustice happens in this life (which is short) but, eternally, God will not let injustice happen.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
Well, first, you have to answer if you think God is good and reasonable and if He created this universe. If the answer is yes to both, and you deduce that He's allowing evil acts to happen, you'd have to ask why? If the belief is still that God is good and is still in control, assuming that your belief was based on evidence and knowledge of God, you can guess and trust that He has a good reason for allowing it to happen.
@jamesw4250 Says:
You don't. Because god isn't real. God created evil according to the book of hate and death you worship.
@DruPetty42 Says:
The Bible is full of examples of God bringing good from evil.
@hhh-et2vi Says:
Of course it makes great sense for us to pay for the sins of Adam and Eve, if God would only have put that tree of knowledge a little farther away, or maybe there's some kind of a curse that God could have put on the tree so it wouldn't bear fruit.
@adelalopez9424 Says:
Curse is from the god of the old testament the real devil and satan that will be hades and zeus, or jehova of the fields and or jehova of the heavens. Yawhe is there dad which is cronus or death but his children are imposters except poseidon or seimon/peter was supposed to be jehova of armies but his different. This is not on scriptures but Christ said when the Holy Spirit comes his the truth and the way, which means more than the bible and if you dont want to believe than thats blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is the only thing that has no forgiveness.
@larzman651 Says:
Lucifer sinned against GOD and started it all for angels , the ones that fell with him some are already in chains. Man got engraved into evil and the punishment of hell in the garden. GOD sent JESUS to set it all straight for everyone that believe in him. GOD knew it would happen this way and it's all still perfect. Everyone still has free will. Pretty easy to understand. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@macmac1022 Says:
So you are basically saying evil is good then. Sickle cell anemia somehow brings about a greater good even though we dont know what that is. You go to save a child from drowning but a guy tells you the child drowning is for the greater good but does not know what that is, do you continue to save the child or listen to the guy saying its for the greater good?
@Paulthored Says:
❤❤❤✝️😇👍 Hmmm... When True Evil encounters Good, its immediate response seems like it should be to crush it or corrupt it... maybe use it. When True Good encounters Evil. Its immediate response, seems to be Redeem it, Save it, or Contain it. Maybe use the results of the Evils presence.... Philosophy is hard.😅 My basic point was that Good isn't bound by its Nature, to the Immediate Destruction of Evil without Alternative. _Like when a kid hurts themselves disobeying their parents instructions, the Parents have options other than to immediately get Punitive._ There's a time and place, where it's Good to Destroy/Deny/Punish Evil... Meanwhile, there are times & places, where it's less than Good, and may in fact be Evil to Punish Evil... the way said evil may deserve. Especially when the Evil may yet be Redeemed. 😅if anyone can follow my logic here.
@maxhagenauer24 Says:
If god brings good from evil then we should be praising evil and think of it as a good thing, right?
@JadDragon Says:
The blessing of Jesus lasts for eternity for those who love and accept Him. Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑
@NewCreationInChrist896 Says:
Galatians 3:13 👑 “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”
@Greg-n6t Says:
Poverty is a curse if your grandparents are poor and your parents are poor you will be poor until you break the cycle
@brosebrose4154 Says:
May Jesus Christ guide all non Christians to Christianity.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
I've seen that providence many times in my life and that of others around me. What at many times looked like a bad thing or a disappointment turned out to be for the better later or something very good came from it. God knows what He's doing. I believe part of the rejoicing in Heaven is when we'll see how God "worked all things together for good "for those who love Him and are called for His purpose." Romans 8:28
@toddhefer-en3kh Says:
Praise God. God Bless in Jesus Christ Name Amen.
@gi169 Says:
Thanks CrossExamined
@mattr.1887 Says:
"The saving of many lives"? Joseph let the Egyptians starve.

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