LIVE from Boise State University (Boise, ID) - IDHEFTBAA
LIVE from Boise State University (Boise, ID) - IDHEFTBAA



@mkm8149 Says:
They screen their replies....
@firmamental4900 Says:
I love your work Frank. Sorry to hear how the level earth theory makes you so angry. It was biblical cosmology that brought me and many other people back to the bible. The big bang was a theory invented by a Jesuit priest by the name of Georges Lemaître. If you've ever read the Jesuit oath, then you would understand their modus operandi. I would have thought that having God closer to us in a geocentric universe would be a good thing.
@Mrqwerty2109 Says:
Look at all those people eager to hear our man witness 🙏🙏
@truthgiver8286 Says:
he doesn't have enough sense to be an atheist.
@twoshotthereal Says:
I love Frank, but he seems to lack knowledge of how and why the heleocentric model is flawed and ultimately false. It may be possible he is aware of Flat Earth but refuses to acknowledge and support it considering the backlash he may recieve.
@JuanManuel-ep8do Says:
This should be called, Frank is delusional enough to believe in bullsht.
@temsumongbajamir1582 Says:
Dr. Frank you are such a blessing from the Lord. God bless you.
@msmd3295 Says:
Wait... Jesus really said "there is no greater sacrifice anyone can make but to save friends"? Evidently ... John 15:12. But there's a problem with that claim... you have to ASSUME the bible is TRUE, as in FACT-BASED. One may as well also accept the notion that Harry Potter is real. Now...Turek might like to believe what he professes, but the Bible is NOT anything approaching what post-scientific revolution world should blindly accept. The Bible is JUST WORDS. And there is NO evidence or proof that what is in the bible is FACT. Personal testimony is NOT necessarily fact. And every adult with an average degree of intelligence should know just from looking around at the world they occupy that people, past and present make up all kinds of nonsense and for a plethora of selfish reasons. Human nature has always remained unchanged. Even today, can you believe everything you hear? If you do, you might want to seek psychological help. The modern world has a plethora of "agents" who specifically work to discern fact from fiction. In Jesus' times there were NO such agents who pursued "fact-checking". And even though we currently have a myriad of such agents one STILL can't get a straight answer on what's true/fact. And the fact that so many Americans in particular buy into the fantasies of the bible does not bode well for the future of the "great American experiment" and its [supposed] democracy. I seriously doubt that most if not ALL Christians realize that even the values expressed in the New Testament are very unlikely to be unique and original on the part of the biblical Jesus. Love, compassion, responsibility, duty, compromise, etc. etc. COULD NOT have been original values. Keep in mind that human kind existed for as much as 200,000 years before the time of Jesus. That countless cultures existed before Jesus. That human social groups could not have sustained CIVILITY for any length of time had they NOT devised values very much like or exactly like those presented by Jesus. Many biblical historians and researchers even believe that during the intervening years of Jesus [childhood to establishing his ministry] he traveled around the Roman Empire. In that process he HAD to come in contact with people from all over the Middle East and Far East. And it is likely many of his ideas were already pre-existing in other cultures [just not well known in Israel and the Jewish culture]. And that Jesus was introducing ideas and values the Jewish leaders did not find appealing. Thus, he was considered a rebel and they wanted him "eliminated". Historians also note that many of his main followers were also malcontents and rebels. And... get ahold of yourself... but for 300 years AFTER Jesus, Christianity was considered in the Roman Empire to be a CULT, similar to what we'd today call a cult. And it wasn't until the beginning of the FOURTH Century when Emperor Constantine saw a "vision" and converted to Christianity was Christianity even recognized as a legitimate religion. And even then Constantine ORDERED the entire Roman Empire to convert to Christianity. If it hadn't been for Constantine's delusion it is most likely Christianity would've died off in to oblivion. So you REALLY want to believe that horse manure?
@JesusChristMyLordAndSavior11 Says:
@JesusChristLovesMe11 Says:
@dannydade2508 Says:
God truly speaks through Mr Turek
@canadiankewldude Says:
*_Psa 51:1_* *_To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions._* *_KJB_*
@NoahThurman02 Says:
Frank! You should come to University of Montana!
@John3.36 Says:
Great audience.
@SanctusBacchus Says:
lol. if you've seen one Turek lecture, you've seen them all.
@Tom-j4v7f Says:
I haven't seen every Q&A session from Turek's posted videos, but he usually doesn't answer, or has only superficial answers to, the harder questions that serious counter-apologists could ask.
@TiCxToC Says:
Dang I didn't even know he was here!!
@markrudyi Says:
Thank Dr. Frank Turek for coming out yesterday, giving the wonderful and beautiful case for Christianity, the Resurrection, and the Existence of God! Also thank you for answering my questions! May God bless you and Give you strength
@jenna2431 Says:
So Turek only goes to red states where the majority of anyone in his audience is Christian to start with. He wouldn't be the first guy to go to campus, round up a few kids, pay them to shill for him.
@jeffsole8653 Says:
this guy is just so confused. tjump or Matt dillahunty could set this dude right
@jeffsole8653 Says:
jesus had a shitty weekend and then went back to being god. he didnt sacrifice anything. what childish nonsense. these people are allowed to drive? oof
@Moist._Robot Says:
Why doesn’t the bible make some decent predictions like total eclipses? Something that men couldn’t have made up.
@JustSomeBasilBread Says:
Another successful presentation 😊
@Jayson90210 Says:
Absolutely amazing, Thank you! 🙏
@Bonita.ch1 Says:
Oh wow!! Its fuller house than the one couple of days ago!! This is awesome!!! C Thanks for the live!! 🙏✝️ RIP MICHAEL MONSOOR 🙏✝️
@fl9667 Says:
The Bible said knowing God is the first sign of wisdom. Edit: sorry for misquoting here is the verse. Proverb 9:10 the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
@AENDT Says:
Religion and logic in the same sentence, ridiculous. Same with truth and religion.
@lisamilner6 Says:
I believe in miracles. My one year old nephew's eye swelled shut so they took him to hospital and after many tests he was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. He had cancer behind his eye , in his shoulder, stomach, adrenal gland. They were going to do chemo and a bone marrow transplant, but before that they were seeing a surgeon new York to remove the tumor in his stomach because it was so large. We had thousands praying for him and when they did another scan before his surgery in new York the tumor was gone. They did further testing and all cancer was gone! Thank you God for answering our prayers!
@residuejunkie4321 Says:
*Research the supernatural bible changes, I have lots about this to get you started.* ❤✝️💪
@gi169 Says:
Thanks for the Live CE.

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