7 Archaeology Discoveries Associated w/ the Life & Death of Jesus w/ Titus Kennedy #podcast #shorts
7 Archaeology Discoveries Associated w/ the Life & Death of Jesus w/ Titus Kennedy #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3Qa61u7
@MichaelEHastings Says:
Yea, none of these are that compelling...
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Any archaeological discoveries supporting anything supernatural? No? Then why believe anything supernatural happened?
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
That a man might have died is a far cry from that he “resurrected”. One concurs with actual evidence…the other mythos
@cleggyclark6238 Says:
'Nitty Gritty' is a racial slur
@Zorton_ Says:
@Zorton_ • Os ago Weapons are tools of fear one only uses them with the upmost restraint. A decent man detests them. A master of this philosophy enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and great compassion. Like attending a funeral. This philosophy doesn't take sides.
@PrayerBear Says:
Thats an amazing hat
@DiggitySlice Says:
Athiests, you need to learn how to reason better. "This video _alone_ doesn't prove the resurrection therefore God isn't real." and "This single piece of evidence _alone_ doesn't prove the resurrection therefore God isn't real." are not good arguments. You just look like idiots, please stop.
@larzman651 Says:
Most people could see JESUS himself and they would still question and debate on his authentication. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@Amy-un6xg Says:
Can someone please clarify what the SEVEN findings are?
@jackalsgate1146 Says:
Frank - • There was a skeletal found, in a tomb with no ankles or feet, which is evidence for Peter. • There was an inscription with the name: Peter, above a tomb which is evidence for Peter. Response - Do you ever tell the complete truth.? • Bones were dug up in the 1930s (along with other bones from other individuals) from an ancient Roman necropolis, buried beneath St.Peter’s Basilica. • The alleged tomb of Peter is near the west end of a complex of mausoleums, that date between the first and second centuries. The complex was partially torn down and filled with earth to provide a foundation for the building of the first St. Peter's Basilica during the reign of Constantine I in about AD 330. • Peter was said to have died in the year: 64 AD. • In the necropolis, there are sepulchres of wealthy Roman families, which date back to the first and second centuries (as I pointed out above). • The mausoleums bear clear images, paintings, etchings, and mosaics. Graffiti on the walls, focus toward one burial site, said (by the church) to be that of St. Peter, where only nine bones were found: not, a skeleton that has the feet missing as Frank wants you to believe. • On one wall the name: Peter, is carved at least twenty times, along with prayers carved by numerous individuals: not, one name (Peter) inscribed to mark that tomb as being, Peter's.
@WarriorBongSociety Says:
A skeleton without ankle bones is consistent with being crucified upside down? Why would that cause the feet to disappear? Perhaps the person was born without feet or had them amputated at some point.
@gi169 Says:
That is awesome 👍👍👍
@Ida_Harper Says:
Nice one 🙌
@Moist._Robot Says:
How is this evidence for Jesus the Christ? Let alone “very powerful evidence” These people are clowns.
@itsJPhere Says:
Christianity is a case of starting with a conclusion and then finding the evidence to fit the conclusion, rather than starting with the evidence and finding a conclusion that fits the evidence.
@Gek1177 Says:
This guy's Peter story is 100% fabricated. No such bones exist.
@jamesw4250 Says:
There's never been any evidence for jesus.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
How inconvenient. Don’t these people know that the Bible has been accused of being “myths and fairytales with no evidence to support it”? Please stop digging and ruining the hopes and dreams of those who don’t want it to be true.

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