Can Christians Call Out False Teachers?
Can Christians Call Out False Teachers?



@secondratefilms635 Says:
@avi8r66 Says:
yes but if you did every priest, rabbi, preacher, mullah and pastor, and all the apologists for the various religions, would be out of a job.
@rosemaryryan6455 Says:
Always, with wisdom and at God's timing, The Holy Spirit tells us when n how n what to say to bring them to the face of God in love for Him
@Tave247 Says:
Schools are filled with false teachers. People telling children there is more than 2 genders and you can identify as anything you want as long as it's not straight or white and absolutely not male.
@k3nny235 Says:
We have to be careful though. Seen way too many Christians attack each other constantly due to doctrinal beliefs. Heck, there's so many YouTuber Christian's channels made to solely bash other Christian's it's disgusting and evil. One must have good discernment to call out a truly "false" preacher and not just based on one's own disagreements with one another on doctrine.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
As all understanding or even just reading of any written text is a matter of interpretation, a good case can be made that *_anyone_* who claims to know what it means should be considered a "false teacher". All you can realistically hope for is for your personal opinion of what the text means to be as close as possible to its original meaning; any claim of knowing the truth should be considered false as a matter of principle.
@YophiSmith Says:
The problem with stuff like this is that many have no idea what Jesus would define as a false teacher. Someone who gets doctrine incorrect is NOT a false teacher. People who are in denominations that are different from yours are NOT false teachers. Also, even if someone IS a false teacher, we often talk about CAN we call them out, but we don’t consider if we SHOULD call them out. It’s not always wise to speak on a matter just because you CAN talk. 🤔
@appointedaday Says:
Amen Jesus said whoever commits sin is a slave to it and will NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven the opposite of what is taught today
@Zorton_ Says:
@Zorton_ • Os ago Weapons are tools of fear one only uses them with the upmost restraint. A decent man detests them. A master of this philosophy enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and great compassion. Like attending a funeral. This philosophy doesn't take sides.
@ntkmw8058 Says:
The gospel, the good news is salvation from hell. And here’s how to get it, the Bible makes it as clear as can be. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”, acts 16:31. Words from your mouth don’t even need to be accompanied, just “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” from hell, it’s this easy!!
@ntkmw8058 Says:
First make sure you’re reading the actual word. Not the versions which have 16 verses missing, 50,000 less words, and God and Jesus taken out of where they should be. Hint, be reading the KJV
@madaraindra9815 Says:
@gulzarkareem794 Says:
Jesus crucifixion and blood can not be payment against the penalty of sinners or guarantee of their forgiveness.all are to face audit for their actions and recieve heaven for good and hell punishment against sin however goodness done by one is lesson for others to follow and seek forgiveness for all and one doing good credits as goodness of and for all and all creator is to punish all or many against sin of others for why they allowed others to do so.
@TheTrueSonOfFire Says:
Anyone who says baptism isn't a requirement for entrance into God's kingdom is likely a false teacher
@bravehome4276 Says:
Colossians 2:8, Mattew 7:15, 1 John 2:4
@bigweathertruther6373 Says:
How do you know for certain you aren’t a false teacher?
@jeremysennett1709 Says:
I appreciate your thoughts on this, nice work! It's equally important to discuss how we deliver it. Do we act through love and what does that look like?
@jamesw4250 Says:
But chrisitans are already false teachers so hypocrites then lol.
@larzman651 Says:
We should call out all false doctrine. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@generichuman_ Says:
They're all false teachers, because the invisible man doesn't exist...
@Bomtombadi1 Says:
How does one determine a false teacher without also considering their own interpretation of a real one?
@kat-75 Says:
It should be done, but not a regularly consistent way of lilfe.
@briarpatchson3039 Says:
@geralddarkobekoe Says:
Ephesians 5:11 (KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
@lindsayschlegel9601 Says:
False is when it doesn’t line up with the word of God.
@mattwhite7287 Says:
Hey pals, from an outside perspective.. they are all false preachers 😅
@festushaggen2563 Says:
For example, charismatics, name it and claim its, self proclaimed modern day prophets and faith healers and anyone who says God speaks audibly to them and they know what Heaven looks like. (this is not an exhaustive list) Unfortunately, there's way too many of them out there doing the devils work.
@oreally8605 Says:
Like so called pro choice Christians. Making up a god- of their own.
@JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL Says:
@kenaultman7499 Says:
You are a false teacher because the Bible clearly says women shouldn't teach the gospel. Corinthians 14:34–35 33 As in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. 35 And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church. The Bible says that if you're curious about the word of God, you are to ask your husband. Not YouTube. It also says not to pray in public or spread the word for your own salvation like the pagans. Yet, here you are, doing that as well. How are you figuring out which verses to follow and which ones to ignore?
@carloscorona009 Says:
Kathryn Krick 😂
@mricci571 Says:
I call out the little horn Catholic Church for changing the Sabbath day from the seventh to the first day, therefore causing most Christians to not obey the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath being the fourth commandment. The little horn church is antichrist.
@Moist._Robot Says:
Ken Ham says anyone not conceding the earth is only 6000 years old like the bible says are false teachers.
@gi169 Says:
Thanks Cross Examined
@mattr.1887 Says:
What if false teachers base their teachings on the Bible?

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