How Does NATURE Define Marriage?
How Does NATURE Define Marriage?



@CrossExamined Says:
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@Lightbearer616 Says:
How does nature define marriage? You do know "nature" is intangible and therefore can't define anything? Marriage is a word invented to describe a man and a woman creating a permanent monogamous relationship with each other (with the intention of creating offspring). And just as you cannot redefine a cat to mean a dog, nor can you redefine "marriage" to have a different meaning. If you want to let gays marry (whilst they still exist), then call it gayrriage not marriage. The reason that would be unacceptable to gays is that they want gay "marriage" to be equal to actual marriage. That will never happen or work because they cannot reproduce. Even if legalised, in 100 years, people will understand marriage needs no further qualification, gay marriage will always be qualified as two men or two women because they can't reproduce so it's not marriage. Whether I approve of gay marriage or not is irrelevant, marriage is a word created with one meaning and not even the law can change that even though they might like to think they can. As above, the law could make it compulsory to call a cat a dog but cats would still be cats and dogs would still be dogs.
@loost68 Says:
As a muslim, I agree with you 100%
@Gayboy21 Says:
Marriage is a human invention Did we all forget this? Religion just makes people insane
@John_811KJV Says:
*Biblical Marriage: 1 man + 1 woman = One Flesh til Death do you Part* Mark 10:2-12; 1 Corinthians 7:10-11; 1 Corinthians 7:39; Romans 7:2-3; Luke 16:18 *Remarriage after Divorce while 1st Spouse Lives = Adultery* Romans 7:2-3; Luke 16:18 Mark 10:6-12 Adulterers Do Not Inherit the Kingdom of God: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Unless they Confess and Forsake their Sin: Proverbs 28:13; Luke 13:3
@alexnorth3393 Says:
Marriage is invented by man. That is that. Gay love and marriage is real. Cry more you evil bigots.
@edgarmorales4476 Says:
As long as the churches let their humanhood think for them, there will always be division.
@RO-rr3tx Says:
Frank Turek once as said evil is being sold as good in the name of love
@cameron.on.canvas Says:
More John on the channel! 🙌🏻
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
Nature? There are other animals that mate for life but I think the concept of marriage as a legal arrangement is uniquely human
@hectortejeda2057 Says:
Nature is not an entity to intent marriage.
@royhiggins7270 Says:
Homosexuality in nature is natural. Humanity being easily deceived is a reality that Christians can not deny no matter how much they try! The problem with humans being easily deceived is that if humans were designed this was a design flaw. Humanity if designed was designed to be deceived. One just has to look at how many lies christian's embrace! One just has to look at how many lies humanity embraces! The overwhelming examples of christians and humanity in general embracing lies and liars makes so called "truth" irrelevant and moot. Christian truth is a oxymoron. If human beings were designed with this overwhelming flaw then truth doesn't matter...lies don't matter....christ doesn't matter...nothing matters because truth and lies are indistinguishable...Trump has proven this beyond any doubt. If we as a species are ever to discover any truth...that truth must come from outside a god. Or we must discover a god better than the christian one. Which truth or god shall that be...will we choose Trump or will we choose reality?
@brodygaston6053 Says:
If Christians don't feel that gay marriage is real marriage anyway, maybe it's time to retire this issue as a pet issue to harp on. Maybe it's time to let gay couples feel safe to go to church.
@reytejero4732 Says:
As Our Lord and Savior is married and committed to his church, He blesses us with perfect enjoyment of Marriage between a man and a woman. God takes that VERY seriously
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
The bible is primitive, doesnt matter what it claims about marriage, marriage existed long before the religion / cult was invented by man
@dorothysantos8929 Says:
God instituted marriage not anyone else. Marriage is designed to Glorify God. Anything else is an insult to the creator.
@TakeHit0 Says:
So basically a teleological fallacy and an appeal to tradition fallacy
@jozitro4554 Says:
Not every marriage is sacred. You break the promise to God thru divorce, cheating, swinging or groups or with same sex partner or with AI robots. Sexual immorality of any kind is the path to self destruction.😥
@markshard Says:
most homosexual couples fein heterosexuality. one is more masculine than the other. Says:
I challenge any Christian to explain to me the story of the prophet Elijah in 2 Kings 2.24. 42 children killed and devoured by 2 she-bears (in atrocious barbarism) because they made fun of a bald man. Where is morality ? If one of your children was part of those 42, would you consider it to be a fair judgement from your holy righteous God ? Also, why do stars fall upon the surface of the Earth during the Apocalypse described in Revelation, which for the record are 2000 times bigger than the sun, which is itself 110 times bigger than the Earth ? Eventually, I’d be curious to know what context can justify a woman stoned to death for adultery, ordained by God of course. Or have a better understanding of that Psalm 137:9 « Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks ». Bonus question : how did people like Adam live 900 years back then ? (Genesis). Anyone ? Anyone at all ? Dr Frank Turek do you wanna take the lead ?
@ltlsWhatltIs Says:
Gay marriage is a contradiction.
@stevey2741 Says:
Biology backs up marriage too.
@incredulouspasta3304 Says:
_"We have yet to discover any other social institution that can compete in effectiveness with marriage"_ That's probably the case for straight people, but what about everyone else? Should they be forced to stay single? Should they be forced into a straight marriage with someone they aren't attracted to? Do you really think either of those solutions is more effective than allowing them to be with someone they love, even if that relationship isn't ideally suited for popping out kids? Should we start breaking up straight couples who happen to be barren as well?
@incredulouspasta3304 Says:
_"If you want to be with someone of the same sex, that's not marriage"_ Are you arguing that we shouldn't allow it, or that we should call it something different? It sounds like you are just arguing about definitions, but words don't have pre-ordained meaning going back to the beginning of time. The English word "marriage" didn't even exist back then.
@thomasharp3246 Says:
Just look at the results. Look at beastiality, incest, lgbtq, and hetero. I won't sway you. See the results yourself. Simply put none of those others would produce the person you claim to love. Only hetero does that. At the very least you should be thankful to God for hetero and maybe listen to Him.
@incredulouspasta3304 Says:
Nature defines marriage as the union between the Queen ant and her drones. There are a million different ways that families are organized in the animal kingdom. To suppose that a specific type of marriage has been woven into the moral fabric of the universe, which for some bizarre reason only applies to humans, is silly.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
It doesn't matter what Christianity says about marriage... It doesn't matter what Christianity says period.
@artis-x9c Says:
What gay people have are civil unions made legal by the state so they are entitled to the same legal rights as heterosexual couples but it is not holy matrimony.
@deguilhemcorinne418 Says:
Is marriage institution preventing a male to be a ruffian ? Mmmmmh.... who has doubts too ?
@DM-dk7js Says:
Nature doesn’t define marriage….its a man made concept!
@rho_dan_us Says:
Did Frank quality check this before it was published?
@darrylcapuleeastwood5029 Says:
It seems odd to me that married men are getting domesticated. Is this man saying that bachelors are ruffians that need to get domesticated in marriage. Are husbands considered pet of the household now? Can someone please explain? I don't get it.
@MisterJax Says:
Why is this so controversial to people? The law has already decided this. The bible has already condemned same sex relationships. God has given people agency. So why argue about it? I think Christians can have an opinion without LGBTQ groups feelinglike their whole existence is being attcked and I think Christians can recognized you are not going to talk people out of a state of being, proselytizing and discipleship involve much more than words. I get the point if the video but some of these comments tell me that not everyone is hearing the same thing.
@LordNinja109 Says:
"Natural Marriage". Marriage isn't natural at all, and has been defined hundreds of ways throughout history and cultures. Frank doubles down into his favorite binary fallacy again, refusing to acknowledge other cultures and religions. It's either christian or gay to him.
@denisdelaporte5923 Says:
And again some middle age thinking ... we can see between the line how this kind of religious people hate gays and lesbians ... thought religion was love ... apparently not love for everybody, only for those who are following the middle age concept of this site ... but like i said last time, this site is not about how we can live together, have a philosophical thinking and enhance the society, it's about business and money
@hansdemos6510 Says:
As a wise and just divorced friend of mine once said: Let the gays marry! Why should us straight dudes be the only ones to suffer? Kidding aside, Mr. Ferrer of course completely misses the point. The question is not if people would like to stick the label "marriage" on their union; the question is if you can qualify for legal advantages if the government sticks the label "marriage" on your union. If Abby and Bobby happily live together and Abby can visit Bobby in the hospital when Bobby falls gravely ill, that is a good thing, is it not? Then why shouldn't Carl and Don have that same right when they happily live together and Don falls gravely ill? There are loads of these hidden and not so hidden advantages to being married that are denied people who live together as if they are married but who can't get married. Now, one way to solve this issue is to take away all or most of the legal benefits and advantages of marriage, but another is to open up the legal institute of marriage to other unions. The second method is much simpler, as the government does not need to untangle all its myriad of regulations, and has the added benefit that people who officially confirm that they are in a committed relationship will generally try harder to make it work. That means that more people will be able to adopt kids who need adoption, more people will be able to buy a home in stead of rent, etc. resulting in a generally more stable society, which is in the interest of the government as well.
@nzadventurefamily3728 Says:
Good work Cross Examined! It takes courage to swim against the flow.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
Marriage is a human creation, and yes 2 people who love each other should be able to get married…if they wish. It’s called individual freedom
@emmmerino Says:
The most natural thing, if that is what you want to base everything on, is for males to try and create kids with as many females as they can. Their are gay animals within a huge number of species on earth, humans are the only ones who thinks it is not normal. Saying that nature should decide what is the "correct" form of marriage is a very bad path to go for a Christian. If you want to say that you do not like gay marriage or that you do not want gays to be able to marry each other, you can. But nature includes gay animals and it is very "natural" to be sleeping around as a male, so your argument is highly unvalid.
Regardless if its right or wrong in gods eyes you dont have the right to force people that arent believers into your views. All it does is alienate people from jesus. Youre there to plant a seed and its gods job to give it growth. You cant force a seed to grow. Force only leads to resistance. Lead by example by loving your spouse and others and theyll see it and follow or wont and thats their own choice
@user-qs4xw7ye5s Says:
💩 relationships are not marriage. 😖😫😵🫣🤢🤮
@somerandom3247 Says:
Your religion doesn't have a monopoly on marriage. There are many different versions of marriage around the world that don't fit the christian version. And that's fine. If you are a christian, get a christian marriage. Stop trying to stop people from having marriages that have nothing to do with Christianity...... It has nothing to do with you, it doesn't hurt you. Let them be, as they let you be.
@ggpt9641 Says:
For what one person's opinion is worth on a comment section, only one question needs answered to me. "Which option between all gay combos, bisexual combos, or heterosexual combos give the best balance for living life?" If all embraced gayship, the human race dies out. If all embrace bisexuality, this brings in no restraint whatsoever, not to mention the absurd amount of health problems coming from such a thing and having no help anywhere because we're all just too busy with each other, dying out from going "all out." If all embrace heterosexual marriage, there is a balance between the 2 extremes of the gayship/bisexuality that eliminates the problem of "everyone dies because we're all gay" and "everyone dies because we're too obsessed with sexual lust towards everyone causing death for all another way." Not to mention the care and manageability of 1 male and 1 female as opposed to the alternatives. Marriage simply lets the person know "you're the one I chose to live life with."
@orangehillcomics7830 Says:
Not marriage. It’s a mirage.
@kevinbenko3714 Says:
I am a Confirmed Catholic. I have been married and divorced twice {PS: I am a 59 year old man}. According to Catholicism, a Catholic is strongly encouraged to only marry another Catholic. My first ex-wife was a Pentecostal; we were married for 4 years, my second wife was a {shudder} Mormon {shudder}; we were married for 12 years. I will probably never marry again, due to bad experiences. If you are absolutely certain that you want to be married to the right woman, marry her or him.
@mamusipipalisajelo5419 Says:
So true! The World has rejected nature and turned towards themselves instead of God. As Aristotle stated: "those who are as different as the soul from the body or man from beast—and they are in this state if their work is the use of the body, and if this is the best that can come from them—are slaves by nature. For them it is better to be ruled in accordance with this sort of rule, if such is the case for the other things mentioned." We must return to nature, affirming the natural state of humans in heterosexual marriage and slave-master relationships.
@Shawn-q3x Says:
The Alphas and the Omegas God reveals His words through Jesus and His Holy Spirit. We must have God's Holy Spirit to receive His word correctly. Most people read the Bible, but without intention or guidance from the Holy Spirit. They don't realize that God, the Father, and Jesus Christ are both alpha and omega. In Isaiah 44:6, Jesus speaks for the Lord of hosts (God) when he says, “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no God”; in Revelation 1:8, Jesus said “I am Alpha and Omega,” but every word was commanded by God through Jesus (John 12:48–50). These are parables to those who do not have the Holy Spirit. God is not a man nor the son of man (Numbers 23:19) and cannot be born of a human, yet Jesus was born of man. All things were given to Jesus from the Father; his words, power, spirit, even his life (John 5:26). They began this world together and they will end this world together.
@alexzaquinn Says:
The truth is, gay relationships are people giving up to their desires and passions, not actual love.
@alexzaquinn Says:
Its funny how people say that we can’t trust the Bible because it was written by men, but even if it was God who wrote the bible, they would still not believe in it.
@maccarnold Says:
You can do whatever you want in this life but there are long term consequences about that and you have to face them one day.

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