How Do I Listen To God? #Shorts
How Do I Listen To God? #Shorts



@barryquinlan1469 Says:
Get baptised in the Holy Spirit pray in tongues, then be still and listen and God will speak to you in your thoughts. They will be in line with the word of God.
@motley331 Says:
Exceptional advise. I continue to listen to Chuck Missler - Book of Job. Session Eight. I think I have played this 10-15 times. Gives me incredible insight into accepting God's will.
@Zorton_ Says:
@Zorton_ • Os ago Weapons are tools of fear one only uses them with the upmost restraint. A decent man detests them. A master of this philosophy enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and great compassion. Like attending a funeral. This philosophy doesn't take sides.
@A166-b7x Says:
So we'll stated. Read The Scriptures! God's user manual for our lives. Amen✝️🙏🏻
@dianaholderness6704 Says:
@keibro13 Says:
Such a pity that it’s poorly written and impossible to verify.
@ojibwayinca8487 Says:
I love Frank but his cessationist tendencies came forth here.
@somerandom3247 Says:
Just assume that the bible is the word of a god, and not the words of the humans who wrote it. Gods don't communicate with people, you just have to pick one of the various holy books and blindly believe it.
@paulcampbell9618 Says:
First read 2 Corinthians 13:5. And Colossians 1:27.. Because all the teaching in the Bible is only meant to be applied to the New Life God places in you. Without the Spirit of God within there will not be a kingdom of heaven
@kenaultman7499 Says:
1 Peter 2:18-20, slaves are ordered to "in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh
@JohnnyG4903 Says:
We hear from God from Godly people around us. God also uses us to speak to others. Literally the great commission. Go make disiples dont just tell them to read by themselfs.
@Moist._Robot Says:
Couldn’t you simply do this with any Book regardless of this god existing or not?
@MrAuskiwi101 Says:
Via imagination of course
@MB-NC1967 Says:
@alricphipps9544 Says:
GOD spoke through the Bible, yes.. We still can hear GOD as men of the Bible did.. We need to listen to GOD for ourselves also.
@stussysinglet Says:
read the scriptures and found contradictions, moral actions commited by God I that I found repulsive, stories that go against science or make no sense.. Researching how the scriptures and the bible came about I personally found no reason to conclude the books in the bible are more than the writings of human beings but this is simply my interpretation. Not going to say that there isn't value or positive ideas in the bible or even that there is no god or any truth in there. I completely suggest anyone to read the bible for oneself, research both sides of how the bible came about and what it is, have an open mind either way and decide for yourself..
@scottsinger273 Says:
That's it There ya go Welcome to the new life in Christ Jesus! And all things to the Glory of God!!
@migueltorres2198 Says:
You also need to congregate.
@lancedooley7558 Says:
Thank you. I definitely learned something new. God word speaks to us and Psalms speaks to God. God bless you all in the name of Jesus.
@mattr.1887 Says:
If the Bible is all you need, then there is no need for this God. You can just have a relationship with the Bible.
@chloemartel9927 Says:
The scriptures are everything we need to grow our love relationship with God. They teach us how our salvation was planned and carried out by Jesus to the glory of God. It teaches morals and obedience. There is no greater love than the love of God.
@kyleorr7039 Says:
Yes, but, dr. Frank also said that if we didn’t even have the Bible, people would still get saved through the testimonies of others who were already saved. I totally agree with my brother in Christ, Dr. Frank. But again, we should also be completely able to hear God speak directly to us through the Holy Spirit. Amen?
@jd3jefferson556 Says:
"Read the Scriptures" ok then why are there 1000s of different interpretations of Scripture. Once again just a terrible answer from Frank
@Moist._Robot Says:
This lad clearly isn’t going to stay a deluded Christian. He’ll be an atheist within 12 months.
@achildofthelight4725 Says:
Do as Jesus did... go out into the wilderness (somewhere silent) clear the mind of ego chatter.. and you will get to know your true voice. ❤
@jessicapampy9321 Says:
Thank you for this. It's absolutely clear how to hear from God.
@jadem3613 Says:
Thank you, God bless 🙏💖
@Stratiotis_tou_Christou Says:
I can feel this guy's pain. I've been through that as well. ❤🫂✝️☦️. I will pray for him
@Gek1177 Says:
The same way you'd listen to any imaginary friend.
@paulrivalto1974 Says:
Abide and have that quiet time with God and Christ where you are not striving for God but resting in God! ( Psalm 46:10 ) Scripture truth is how we find ourselves conditioned for these times! Scripture tells us that Christ Himself was used to doing this in His own walk! Meaning He thought it so important for His own life that to do otherwise was unthinkable. This was an intentional condition of life itself to Christ. His teaching in John 15 speaks to the importance of this dynamic in each of us. John 17:3 even goes as far as to claim this as a true mark of salvation in our lives and living.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
I would probably add that those who are too selfish and/or prideful can read and still not hear Him.
@jackiesterling1555 Says:
@jonathanturek5846 Says:
I can say Dr Frank Turek has shown me the path thru a dense forest. I cannot thank his willingness to not give up and I wish I could let him know the difference he has made with just me. -- J Turek
@jamesw4250 Says:
You listen to your imagination. For in the end that's all any god is. Imaginary.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined

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