Boost your apologetics superpower by 228% by doing this one simple thing...
Boost your apologetics superpower by 228% by doing this one simple thing...



@collectibles4u Says:
O I love King's
@michaelmcgraw4888 Says:
ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!
@jonathanwilliams6922 Says:
Thumb nail is awesome sir ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@danielmadera9930 Says:
Is Logos in Spanish?
@geraldbritton8118 Says:
This is an infomercial
@guerreroazul2484 Says:
Super saiyan 2 frank โšกโšก
@DerMelodist Says:
And this is to go even further beyond!
@michelangelope830 Says:
You don't have to believe in God because God is necessary because logically it is impossible the existence of the creation or finitude without the creator or infinitude. Something exists now therefore something has existed always because from nothing can not be created something. Nothing is absence of existence. From non existence can not be created existence. I know 100% sure reality is eternal. The thought is mind blowing, incredible. Atheism is the belief immune to arguments that all reality is created, and that's why atheists remark "who created god?". Either the universe is eternal or what created the universe is eternal. Either what has a beginning of existence is eternal or what created what has a beginning of existence is eternal. Either the universe is eternal or God is eternal. The universe is a reality of causes and effects, beginning and end, birth and death. Is it possible or impossible the existence of an infinite number of causes and effects? Is it possible or impossible the existence of an infinite sequence of finitude without a beginning? Can the evolution of the species be infinite without a beginning?. I want you to reflect on the fact that regardless of when the universe was created God existed always before. God is Time and Space and your existence is perfect, as you would expect of God's Creation, and your life is your perfect eternal hell and heaven. God is everything that exist, you name it. The truth is the only that matters and if I am right you should abandon atheism and religion for your own eternal sake. To understand reality you have to understand God created life to live, eternally, as long as life creates life loving having children keeping the Miracle of Infinite Possibilities of God's Life and Death Alive. You choose to understand or not. The idea of eternity is not a joke. I am not threatening you, I am just telling you what is most likely to happen using reason and emotional intelligence. I am a poet that writes prose to be understood better, and I am not understood. To end the war the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy has to be news. Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists
@Kulring Says:
Used Logos for years and am currently using for a one year chronological plan, but if you can't take Leviticus in one fat chunk, do a study that gives you a psalm and a little New Testament each day!
@raytothet7665 Says:
That beard is too perfect ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@foolish_god Says:
I've listened to a bunch of videos on MLMs & pyramid scheme. Which means I've listened to YouTubers review speeches by leaders in those fields. This whole time, everyone speaking has the tone of voice that mimics MLMs or pyramid schemes. The constant upward reflection of their voice, the happy sounding yet sales-based words, and the buddy-buddy feel without a genuine interest to learn or doubt cued me in.
@Valor. Says:
Dr.Turek, my power level is at 9,000. I need more of the Word to get to Super Heaven Instinct Ultra.
@Ancient-Paths Says:
Correct ... as you say regarding the survey ... "take it with a pinch of salt" .... but surely 'real' Christians DO read their Bibles every day? When they hide God's Word in their heart ... they do not sin against God.
@Ancient-Paths Says:
Another advert ... for an expensive Christian 'tool.' .... and most of this stuff is free online. "Freely have you received, freely give."
@ChileVerdeDavid Says:
Cringe title made me unsubscribe.
@ADAMAkhi2024 Says:
Super Sayian Frank ready to beat the false heroes.โค
@Shawn-q3x Says:
GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON, JESUS: Jesus's role is to do God's will and to finish his work (John 4:34). Jesus always tells us who the Father is and that it is God the Father who is the creator of all life. It was God who created Jesus (Colossians 1:15), and Jesus created all things using the power given to him by God his Father (Col 1:18). Jesus is the first who God gave life to; for as the Father has life in himself so has he given to the Son to have life in himself (John 5:26). God sent his Son to us because no man has seen God at any time except Jesus, who has declared him (John 1:18). Those who believe Jesus came out from God shall be saved, but those that believe not shall be damned. Jesus said *I came forth from the Father* and I come into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Fatherโ€ (John 16:28). All who believe in Jesus know that there is the Father, and that the Father is the only true God, and Jesus Christ is the one whom God has sent (John 17:3).
@Terabapu3156 Says:
God bless you all and may Lord Holy Spirit Ji stand more apologists like Dr.Frank.
@friisteching3433 Says:
So this is an almost 2 hour long commercial about a website on showing crossexamined interpretation of the Bible. But not about Biblical scholars discoveries of scriptures.
@dukeofgermany7137 Says:
Super saiyan frank gonna spread the gospel over 9000 ๐Ÿซ 
@michaelharrison7072 Says:
who is frank
@JJ_Hernandez Says:
Hahah that art is awesome, super saiyan Frank all powered up with the Holy Ghost
@TheRealRoyalFam Says:
For some reason I only like watching Frank on this channel
@Toasted_Buttons Says:
Love the dragon ball inspired art, dragon ball when you honestly boil it down is a great analogy that works fantastically for the christian argument that we get far by ourselves but we soar past our limits with the help of god and believing in why we fight for good and truth
@hammishhiggins153 Says:
Comment for the algorithem

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