What Does Spiritual Warfare Have to Do With Apologetics?
What Does Spiritual Warfare Have to Do With Apologetics?



@CrossExamined Says:
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@davex444 Says:
It's about grown adults believing in magic, and it's beyond sad.
@RobertSmith-gx3mi Says:
Do you pretend to use light sabers while you're fighting this spiritual war? If not what kind of pretend weapons do you use in this pretend war? What's the pretend casualty counts on each side of this pretend war?
@renierramirez9534 Says:
Is not rebuke the devil but resist the devil... That frase is in James 4.7
@octaviomarquez1361 Says:
I had one in counter with one guy doing witchcraft in a swap meet, boy was that scary, also I had a next door neighbor who was demon harassed man was that scary. I learn I don't go looking for this people, but I speak truth to the power of the air and ask the Holly Spirit to intervene. I don't go having conversations with these demons, I don't want to get to know them. I guess that is the difference between me and priest.
@kurtwinslow2670 Says:
Reminds me of the "Truth Project" by Focus on the Family. I really enjoyed that series.
@RobertSmith-gx3mi Says:
Frank can you give me the explanation of how a character from a book spoke everything into existence and evidence that was given to you that convinced you that this is in fact a true assertion? Don't spare any of the details you were given when the Evidence to back up this assertion about characters from books speaking things into existence was given to you? I really, really hope the evidence you present to me doesn't amount to you just regurgitating passages from the holy book you believe to be true because that's not gonna cut it in terms of evidence.
@kimsteinke713 Says:
This kind of understanding and theological conception, that evangelicals comport onto the next generation. Is so damaging, it's just so damaging. it's just built on a very unstable foundation which leads to a fragmented mind. God help us- if there is a God. 0:54
@docequis9796 Says:
The evil he describes is the work of Satan. The Satanist worships sin and will most often pretend (often to themselves) they are atheists but they know God exists and reject Him. They seek the corruption of others and delight in the sin that others take part in. They might even sacrifice self pleasure to see others corruption toward sin..... recognize them as they will hide amongst the atheist (and even hide within the God loving groups) but will excuse and promote the sin of others. Recognition of the different atheists is helpful in their discovery. There are several types of actual atheists... narcissists worship themselves... the rules of their lives are made by them... whatever serves them best is good and whatever hurts them evil. They are their own god. Most atheists aren't that. The second type is a vast number... they are Marxist/socialist types who believe society by majority vote determines what is good for the group and thus individuals must follow the laws of their government... their government becomes their god. If the majority said slavery is ok or you can hit your wife then it isn't evil to do so... most socialists will stop reading at this point... that makes the last atheist remaining... they are well intentioned people who believe slavery, spousal abuse, cold-blooded murder etc are universally evil... even when it serves the government or mob or themselves they chose the altruistic route of universal good. When asked where those universalities originate they say trial and error, common sense and such. This type of atheist refuses to acknowledge the existence of God but acknowledges His universal Good. Like a painting without a painter.... scientifically and logically (math) not happening in this universe. Why not acknowledge God if you try to live by His universal rules? Well, most of these altruistic atheists hate religions. And we can all agree that man in the name of religion has done many universally evil, horrible things... and continue to do so. Religion is the study of what God is like and what He wants of us in this world... if you have a better idea than how Christians see it then say so but for God's sake don't deny that things like slavery and abuse are not always evil.... God bless, stay safe and prepared.
@eriklee6786 Says:
I think “oppressed” is such an appropriate word, with the operative part of the word being “pressed” as in receiving “pressure.” The sensation of an uncomfortable, ill-intentioned pressure upon you as from a government or powerful and influential figure whose negative attention you have drawn.
@aussie1602 Says:
Got saved 30 years ago. First night of salvation it was on... Sleep paralysis, demonic dreams, shadows in my room, an electronic document i was working on at work got changed (wordperfect 5.1) to something with a theological accusation. all in the space of 24 hours. I agree not to focus on the demonic, but it's very very real. Jesus Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil. He has delivered me from many many demons which were cast out in Jesus name. Since then I've cast demons out of many people thru the authority Christ has given all believers... These signs shall follow those who believe. I agree with Frank that it's the truth (Jesus) that will save us and make us free!
@ebongvictory Says:
😄😄 Frank, you need to visit Africa to understand spiritual warfare. You will understand how tangible darkness and it's influence can be. You can also experience it in the West but it's rather hidden and closed by false perceptions. You need to exercise the blood abd the name and they'll flee, Hallelujah
@nottelling4828 Says:
This stuff isn't a joke; it's real. As faithful believers in Jesus, we need not fear demons, as Frank is correct: the real spiritual warfare does not manifest itself with spinning heads and walking on ceilings, but control of the thoughts and mind. I know people, today, who can spout the most ornery jokes known to man, but at the very mention of the name of Jesus they grow terribly agitated and angry. That's no less spiritual possession than the stuff in Hollywood. I had more than one encounter as a boy. I got into D&D as a kid and played it for years, but had since discarded it, but one time I recall vividly to this day. I came across my old D&D material in a box and thought, "This would be fun to relive," so I started playing it again that day for no real reason. I fell asleep that night on my bed while playing it, and during the night I had a crazy nightmare as if something was choking me. I couldn't make it out, but it was dark and evil. I woke up gasping for air, my heart racing from the encounter, and although it was dark in my room, I felt a crazy presence hovering over me. I know for a fact that I felt it because I immediately turned over and started praying to God. I saw the game and dice sprawled on my bed, and I took the box and threw it all away. Needless to say I got little sleep the rest of that night. And no, I haven't touched that game since! It's been well over 30 years ago since that happened.
@JohnSmith-ug5ci Says:
James not Peter. Resist the devil, draw near to God, and the devil will flee, NOT rebuke the devil.
@joeleniola9140 Says:
I find it interesting that Christians are able to leave behind other fairy tales like tooth fairy, but still believe in demons. They find themselves so special that they believe "evil" demonic thing have time for them. The "devil" has time to try to deceive you. It is funny that the devil showed up at 3 places in the bible. The important places like in the garden of Eden, Job, and Jesus. These are according to the bible holy people. Christians today who are not special at all, and they think that the devil that showed up 3 times in the bible is showing up every now. This just shows how many Christians are self-centered and think they are special.
@imeldaprado204 Says:
@ItsNearMellowL Says:
Could you please do a review on Satan's guide to the bible? I watched it today and there were many things that struck me. Im not sure if its just me?😐
@e.r.9905 Says:
As christians we have autority over the devil and even his spirits/demons! I can tell them to go! I don´t have to live with demons in my apartment or have to share my bed with them! I speak "to the mountain" and then the mountain will leave! And if there is sin in my life I have to turn around and to do and speak and think what the Bible tells me to! Point.
@bridgetgolubinski Says:
Very interesting, thank you for sharing!
@HenryGibbs-u2r Says:
Bring it on satan. We who fight satan's evil. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND GOD's ARMOR. A must. COME LORD JESUS. Amen! Pray often. We are in the end of times.
@MarianneRamos-jb6os Says:
Submit yourself to GOD, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
@danieljust295 Says:
I know many people who had encounters with spirits. My sister saw a man wearing hat looking at her when she woke up, my wife saw dark creature something like a shadow who showed up and one person start behaving very strange. My wife has never when to her friend’s house anymore. This happened at her friend’s house. I myself had vision when exercising outside. I saw in front of me huge Asclepius sign (stick and two intertwined snakes) - this scared me and I still remembered after 30 years. Later found out that this symbol is used in visions by Thot (Egyptian god) who is Satan. A fried was passing centenary and she felt as something felt onto her and she started shaking. Another one went to pool, sorry of healing pool and saw something came out of her as if black shadow. Yet another friend was sleeping at home and felt deep breathing on her shoulder, turned back but no one was there. My mother had a vision of huge wild cat face on the wall. Literally, story after story after story. Once in my dream I was pulled by chains by fat pig like creatures and I had to call Jesus for help. Immediately I felt power coming down from top as jet stream, the chains broke off and I woke up. No more nightmares after this event. Apparently, Jesus released me from shackles. One more interesting story. When the Russian-Ukrainian war started I was praying for Putin to soften his heart. The same day I had dream and I witnessed something like secret meeting. Generals sitting around the table and debating, it was a bit dark yet they noticed me and all I remember was me screaming “Light, turn on the light!”. No one will ever convince me the spirit realm doesn’t exist.
@kirk9671 Says:
Demonic influence is common - we are fighting a spirititual battle first.
@jaycolinsofficial Says:
Brother Frank is definitely a great apologist & I honor the part that he plays in the body of Christ. I do have to say, however, I don’t fully agree with his position on spiritual warfare. ”For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” - ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭4‬ We can and should reason with other people. ”but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” - 1 Peter‬ 3:15. Demonic spirits are not to be reasoned with. They must be cast out in the name of Jesus. ”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” -Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ That is the first thing Jesus gave His disciples authority to do before He sent them out. “And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.” - Matthew 10:1
@AdeelKhan-uu2pv Says:
"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
@southernlady1109 Says:
We are supposed to know and live our Faith. If you’re receiving Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, visit Him in Adoration, live His Sacraments He implemented, make use of His Sacramentals, listen to The Holy Bible (Bible in a year) and Catechism in a year podcasts, you can withstand attacks of spiritual warfare. Jesus Christ established His One True Apostolic Catholic Church & Doctrine with His apostles, before His Passion. He appointed them leaders, Peter as Head, gave THEM His authority, power & Sacraments(The Keys to Heaven). He taught everyone is to be His One True Church, receiving His Sacraments, Doctrine & Teaching or you DO NOT HAVE GOD. ALL 44,000 other Christian Churches, without Gods authority, broke away from the only Church, Doctrine & Sacraments that Jesus Christ established, to start their own version of Gods Church, like the Pharisees did and God rebuked them for doing so. Mt 23:1-39, Lk 11:37-54, Jn 1:42, 21:15-17, Mt 16:18-19, 10:1-4, Mk3:14-19, Eph 2:19-22, 1 Cor 12:28, Acts 20:28, Lk 22:28-32, 1 Pet 2:6-9 Remain in His Catholic Church, Doctrine & Gospel—Jn 10:16, 17:20-26, Eph 4:4-6, 2 JN1:9, 2 Thess3:6-16, Rom16:17, Heb 13:9, Gal 1:6-9, 1 Cor 11:3-4 Sacraments—Jn 3:5, Act 22:16, 2 Cor 5:18-20, Jn 20:21-23, Mt 18:17-18, Jn 6:51-59, 1 Cor 11:23-29, Eph 1:13, 2 Cor 1:21-22, Mt 19:4-6, Col 3:17-19, 2 Cor 5:20, 1:25-29, Lk 22:28-32, Jm 5:16, Lk 10:34 are a few pertinent verses.
@happy777abc Says:
Yeah, you've never HAD to rebuke a vicious demon harassing your life for months and months. It's a nightmare for people! And yes, get the Truth to as many people as possible 👍.
@GloryBeToGodForever Says:
Spiritual warfare is real. I believe every true Christian has experienced it to some degree, but if they haven’t then it means that they have not been born again.
@biteme3456 Says:
@MaitreyaBabaji Says:
Truth is Paul claims to be the 13th apostle and Bible is very clear everywhere else that there are only 12. Either you are a liar or the Bible is a liar.
@kryptonian5539 Says:
Nefarious is a great movie that everyone should see. Its not your typical "cheesy Christian" movie. Its very well made and well acted and a little bit creepy.
@genuinetrueblue Says:
The Devil and his demons operate in the realm of our Principles, Ideals, Beliefs, Ethics, Standards, Convictions, Doctrines, Philosophies, Views, Morals, etc. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. PRINCIPALITY as in principles People have a big misconception about how Satan operates. He influences peoples minds, specially those who live FAR from God and who are unsaved....
@rogerevans6389 Says:
He said spiritual warfare is not about “power encounters” then went on to quote 2 Corinthians 10:5 but the previous verse says that it IS about power… “4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine POWER to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” I understand what he’s getting at but his argument isn’t fully scripturally sound.
@markdomar4944 Says:
To all you supporters of this video - and particularly @black-cross right below this - atheists are not giving an algorithm boost to Christians channels anymore than Christian channels are giving algorithm boosts to atheist channels. For that to be true you would need some evidence, and all of you, including Frank Turek, have no evidence, just presupposition and the Bible to support the Bible's claims. Uh, duh, even the dumbest among us know you can't use yours or any holy book to support the claims within its pages. There is no evidence for spiritual warfare. There is no evidence for demons. This is the same god that allows over 16,000 children the age of 5 and under to die every single day of war, hunger, disease, and violence. You are the same Christians who supported and continue to support Donald Trump, the least Christian president in the history of America. I'm sorry that you embrace the voices in your head as evidence of anything, but that's all they are, and your claims are without merit.
@bencorley8687 Says:
Shout out to Steve Deace and Nefarious. Amazing work.
@44altecz Says:
Spiritual Warfare is all in your mind thats where the fight is
@randybobandy4801 Says:
Demon possession is an excuse religious people use to excuse and distance themselves from their bad behavior. Ie. “I -was- possessed when I did bad things. But now I belong to Jesus and you can trust me!” I’m sure there are evil spirits, and many in the minds of bloodthirsty, hell-hungry Fundamentalists.
@GTX1123 Says:
43 Years ago shortly after I was born again I had an interesting encounter. I had started a new job several months earlier. One day we were all going on a break and there was this really weird, quirky older guy who worked a couple of desks down from me walking next to me. I said to him "so, is your name written in the Lamb's book of life?". With a weird glassy look in his eyes and in a really strange voice with an arrogant, mocking tone he said "I wrote the book. I've been around for a long time - since the foundation of the world". Just as he finished saying this, there was a table in front of us so I went around one side and he the other. I was trying to process what he said and continue the conversation but he went off on a different direction. I kind of forgot about it until a day or two later when I had a clear revelation from God - this was a demon speaking right through this man. I've had other encounters while praying for people to be delivered from evil spirits that were far more intense but this was my first encounter and one of the most unexpected I've ever had...
@terryhansen5928 Says:
Frank does a great job eith apologetics. Dealing with the demonic is not his area of expertise.
@louisewalls7283 Says:
When witnessing to someone who rejects your message, the bible says not to cast your pearls before swine. Mathew 7 : 6
@jeremyozuna4493 Says:
Weak men who are afraid of demons... ya no thanks
@revivalcycle Says:
2Cor10:5 should be stated in full, and not reversed. It's force comes from the full statement. TikTok style blurbs, which you gave to your audience, are no doubt why you felt oppression. Your dimness, your weakness was obvious to the evil present.
@revivalcycle Says:
Feeling oppression present, yes. You being oppressed, no. If you stand in your knowledge of God, satan flee's.
@bsd119 Says:
If I am not necessarily having spiritual attacks does that mean that I am not close enough with god and doing enough as a Christian
@georgekuchma6185 Says:
Some how I missed that teaching of Jesus that says "go out and make enemies in my name with all who do not think as you do"
@dougitoonsdesigns Says:
@CrossExamined Apart from my issues cited previously, I pray that God continues to grow your ministry of apologetics. FYI I see the war in Heaven as being outside Our Creation, which explains the supernatural nature of the war between God and Satan.
@dougitoonsdesigns Says:
@CrossExamined I have no issue with US or even the speed of light being bound by the laws of physics. But to limit the supra-physics of our Supernatural, miracle performing, life-restoring God to our logic to conform with our perspective of cosmology is a compromise too far. Miracles are evidence that certain rules like death, walking on water, parting the sea, do not apply to the majestic Word through whom all is that is.
@dougitoonsdesigns Says:
@CrossExamined If you put spots close together on the surface of a deflated ballon, what happens to the distance between the spots if you inflate it? Being both omnipotent and omnipresent, the Word can both inflate and populate the balloning universe immediately and with precise accuracy. With such an ability, if God wants to call forth life like Aslan did in Narnia, what's the problem? He set time, space, bio-rhythms etc. and, despite sin, maintains all to preserve us for his ultimate Glory.
@dougitoonsdesigns Says:
@CrossExamined Can a large construction company build several projects simultaneously at once several miles apart? Yes, even though you might take hours or days to travel between them. Being omnipresent, is God constricted by the constant speed of light? No. Why? Because omnipresence defies physics, time and space.

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