Whose Disciple Are You? The Culture or Jesus?
Whose Disciple Are You? The Culture or Jesus?



@CrossExamined Says:
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@nickshively1192 Says:
When I gave my life to Christ I vowed this commitment. Philippians 1:21 King James Version 21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
@msmd3295 Says:
In other words, you're discrediting your own beliefs. The root issue is whether a belief system can be "demonstrated" with empirical evidence that a belief conforms to the laws of the natural universe. Science largely conforms to those natural laws. And it often provides physical evidence of it conclusions. Faith beliefs can't do that or generally don't do that because faith is premised upon the absence of physical evidence. So the concept of DISCIPLE is largely irrelevant. What really matters is whether or not a person is being indoctrinated to a physical universe that exists and its laws OR indoctrination into a make believe universe of which is what theism largely consists of. Truth or Un-truth... there's a big difference.
@JamesRichardWiley Says:
I am a critical thinking independent minded atheist who examines human culture and beliefs.
@monkkeygawd Says:
Um... im no one's disciple, because everything is one (nondualism is reality). So, all is one unbroken Consviousness, aka the Mind of God. Our individual egos are merely thoughts of God. No sin. No good. No doership. Just being.
@paulrivalto1974 Says:
A disciple requires transformation. That is why Christ commanded us to make them, ( Matthew 28:18-20 ) Every true disciple of Christ Jesus is a true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God, but not every true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God is a disciple of Christ Jesus! Those have to be made! Then it is our command to make them! And Jesus said: " If you love Me, you will obey My commandments. " John 14:15....Well....Do We? Bless all who will!
@s.laurent8139 Says:
God is powerful enough to save people if we preach His word and follow His principles in doing so. We need to stop using worldly strategies in the church and think we are succeeding by doing so ---- if you look back carefully, you would realise that the church is in the mess it is, because of this same reason...this is God's business that must be done God's way and no other way
@samsam-nx8gq Says:
Follow God/Jesus not silly people.
@cmdrseljdon Says:
@crossexamined i just listed on spotifty to your podcast about dec 25 being the exact date of messiahs birthday. I listened to the mans "history". Which in not accurate at all. I have proof hes wrong too. Id lovetp be on your show to explain this.
@SAM-dm5qg Says:
@briancahill5916 Says:
Hi. I am a believer in Christ. So this question comes from an honest place of wanting to know how someone with more knowledge than I would answer my question Frank Turek describes the road runner tactic in his most well known book, and I agree it is extremely useful to turning the problem on it's head and dissolving a flawed argument. In several discussions Frank brings up the good point that while Germany operated under the Nazi regime the atrocities that were committed were not moral and we know that, however the people within Nazi Germany saw them as moral. Disproving that leaving morality to general consensus is not a way to come up with an objective morality. My consideration is then taking what the bible says about following the law of "kings" as good. Once I followed this logic through it left me with the question. If our rulers write into our law something that goes against jesus's teachings is that then good? My bad answer to my own question was this: It says God puts those rulers in place, however God is infinite. so it could be a timing difference as we see them as rulers in that instance however they never truly were rulers as defined by God. This home grown answer still left me wanting more information, as it seemed too nebulus an answer for me as I find other arguments more solid. possibly someone has asked this before and there is a very well reasoned position? I'd really appreciate any insight. Thank you for all you do !
@toomanyhobbies2011 Says:
Intel calls their marketing team "evangelists". They're using the term correctly, but their context is 100% anti-Christian. Christians are not considered, but Muslims are accommodated to the extent they have their own private rooms in every building. A Christian woman walked into one and was fired immediately.
@phoenixanimations5233 Says:
Relationship between god and satan is best depicted in job's book. Two assholes playing with humans.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
Not enough evidence to support Christianity, sorry Frankie boy
@UserhyimUserhyim Says:
@ggpt9641 Says:
The phrase, " they associate discipleship with religion" is.... discipleship itself attempting to not be religious. Interesting.
@mattr.1887 Says:
Never be afraid to think for yourself.
@paulrivalto1974 Says:
Every true disciple of Christ Jesus is a true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God but, not every true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God is a disciple of Christ Jesus. For those have to be made! Then it is our direct command from Christ Jesus, to make them. Matthew 28:18-20. Full obedience to this command answers the prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers for the fields ripe unto harvest. Matthew 9:37-38. Putting feet into ministry not just butts in pews. Then fulfilling Ephesians 4:11-13 - Equipping the saints for the work of service to the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God; to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. Our command is this: " make disciples of all nations " - ( matheteusate ta ethne in the original Greek text. ) We must stop treating the Great Commission as a concept to be considered and begin obeying the Great Commission as the direct command of Christ that it truly is. Jesus said: " If you love Me, you will obey My commandments. " John 14:15.... Well...Do We? Bless all who will!
@jackalsgate1146 Says:
Great job Shandra in being another ignorant spoke in the Cross Examined wheel. You're going to teach how to make disciples of Jesus.? You're literally too inept to take on something that's that far above you.
@justincameron9661 Says:
@Brad90977 Says:
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
@JustaGuy2.0 Says:
This must be the weirdest video i've seen in a couple of months, and i've watched some really weird stuff on this channel. Here is a video talking about indoctrination and discipleship and ending the video asking for people to bring their children to be indoctrinated and discipled. WTF?!?!? One of the 1000th problems with religion is that it tried to indoctrinate people since the dawn of it's creation and teaching people not to think for themselves. Do think, don't ask, just accept what we and this book tells you.
@jamesw4250 Says:
Well I certainly wouldn't suggest jesus. After all he didn't come to save people. He came to divide them. And impose thought crime.
@hasone1848 Says:
Shanda, remember that the Definition of Indoctrination is "to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs" which means you teach some something and they are not allow to even consider anything else. You say "Babylon is doing it so we should too"!! In the west we try to teach critical thinking skills which has you consider and question every other option out there and make your own decision on it. This is why 90% plus of the scientific community does not believe there is a god. The god Hypothesis fails critical thinking every time!!! What the Babylonians did that you described is more kin to what the U.S. did the the native American population where they set out to "Kill the Indian but keep the Man" and if you look at what happened at the Catholic reform schools in Canada, this is what you are pushing for..
@pinklavender12 Says:
Super timely. Thank you very much. 💞 🫰 Unawares "freethinkers" on socials are shaped by cultural trends 😑
@entity5678 Says:
People have so much of stubborn hearts that they won't accept this message as true..May Lord Jesus change their hearts.
@Chazd1949 Says:
The apostle Paul said the same thing, making it even stronger by equating our compliance or non-compliance with a cultural position to becoming a slave to one or another: "Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?" (Romans 6:16, New English Translation).
@Gek1177 Says:
If you're watching a Turek video then the chances are you are a disciple of culture and not Jesus.
@larzman651 Says:
Im being disciples by JESUS. He has been my teacher and mentor since the beginning. 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
@alejandrojoselizano Says:
I am not a discliple of Jesus. F**k. Jesus and long live the culture.
@msmd3295 Says:
The Unmentioned problem with this video is she doesn’t get into what discipling is most rational. Which makes the most sense and which “teaching” is based in real-world fact(s). Religion (any kind) is based upon the supernatural. Yet there is No evidence whatsoever there is a separate supernatural existence. People believe such things because one way or another the idea of the supernatural is the empty promises of such things as divine forgiveness, paradise and immortality. Thing that do nothing but soothe one’s ego and fear of death and it doesn’t matter if none of it can be proven.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
This has never been more clear than it is today. You are either on one side or another with just about everything. The middle ground has shrunk to near nothing. The world's disciples have been taught to not only accept but defend things they never believed before like there being more than 2 genders. A fringe minority idea that was widely disregarded only a few short years ago. The time of separation has begun. Your are with God or this world. Nothing in between.
@canadiankewldude Says:
1Ti 2:5  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
@armsracer8273 Says:
For most people the state is discipling your kids. And the state doesn't teach Christ like values. They indorenates your kids into Darwinism and atheisms. They elevate science to Godhood instead of an extension of theocracy. Instead of exploring God's creation and understanding the nature of the divine and the cosmos. They want to explore a world without meaning or purpose. It's all numbers to them. Made from randomness and emptiness. When everything points to God with such complexity with each part depending on the other, things in perfect balance and screams there must have been an intelligence behind this.
@michelangelope830 Says:
Are you a journalist? I have big news for you. Are you a mother or father of beautiful, innocent and vulnerable children? I know how to end the war to protect them. To end the war the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy has to be news. Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. To understand the atheist logical fallacy you have to be honest. The most important and urgent question that atheists censor, ignore and don't dare to ask is "is atheism a logical fallacy?". I am not asking you to believe me, but to discover the truth for yourself thinking for yourself. Humanity are deceived because humanity believe in God and don't know God is necessary because logically it is impossible the existence of the creation or finitude without the creator or infinitude. I will explain briefly the kalam cosmological argument that logically proves God exists. Creation is what has a beginning of existence, like for example you, you didn't exist before you were born. What has a beginning of existence has a cause because from nothing can not be created something. Nothing is absence of existence. Logically it is impossible the existence of an infinite number of causes and effects, therefore an eternal first uncaused cause that caused what has a beginning of existence must exist. God is by definition the creator of the universe or creation. Emergency! Lives are lost while I am talking.
@joeschmoe665 Says:
That's a nugget I'll hang my hat on. Thank you!
@ajgibson1307 Says:
God bless and Amen
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CE
@christisthekingofkings777 Says:
Unfortunately all the new modern bible versions have this wrong on what a disciple is according to the bible. The word disciple is only used 1 time in OT and 256 Times in NT and every time it refers to people who God has chosen. Its not something humans can choose to become or appoint a disciple. Only the Holy spirit has that power. Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: We can only teach everyone the word of God. The new bibles has changed "teach" to "disciple". Major difference in meaning.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
Whoa! They really weren't dumb. And, it's a reflection of how today, people still know how to bend a concept. Truly, we need a savior. Thank God.
@NayBuster Says:
Alpha: The universe cannot have an infinite past as there couldn't have been not enough time for the present to happen yet before it did with an infinite past. >The paradoxical impossibility still applies to God, special pleading. To say it's special pleading presupposes time before the existence of the universe which is nonsensical as time is a feature of the universe. >God couldn't have created the universe along with time as that would take time. That's just another way of saying that time cannot begin to exist as that would take time which is just nonsensical. >What if the universe began to exist from quantum mechanics? The fact remains that it has to be from something timeless otherwise it's just begging the question. Without God, all that exists is the universe in different forms which cannot be timeless as space-time-mater is a continuum. One can't exist without the other. So by the law of excluded middle, the universe either has a finite or infinite past. With the latter being impossible, the only possibility left is the finite past of the universe, that it began to exist. Which without God, if it isn't from God is the universe from nothing which is impossible as nothing comes from nothing. So the non-existence of God is impossible. TLDR: A timeless something is necessary which cannot be the universe. >Why does the timeless something has to be a conscious, sentient being? Those aren't things which can only exist within the space-time-matter continuum so it makes no sense for it to lack it when it came from it. Mind over matter. >So is God sinful/evil? No, sin/evil is precisely a deviation from his nature.
@jeffphelps1355 Says:
If your following Jesus the world will hate you
@chloemartel9927 Says:
There is good (God) and there is evil (Satan). There is no gray area. We all have chosen to be a disciple of God or Satan. You will know them by their fruits.
@John1633foundationuganda Says:
God bless you

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