Science Points to God
Science Points to God



@a1awca07 Says:
Also in USA a very Christian nation is a supreme leader in many fiels !🇺🇸and what about the miracle of Israel 🇮🇱
@scotthinzman7698 Says:
And that wasn’t all that came from Christendom. Democracy, capitalism, human rights and essentially the entire basis of Western Civilization.
@deejaythedeejay Says:
It's funny because the Catholic guy who came up with the Big Bang theory was ridiculed by his atheist coworkers because they thought the universe had always been and that the Big Bang was just an excuse to believe in God. Now it's like the opposite lol. Anyway great video. J.W.W is very inspiring with his work and I haven't seen a single atheist able to disprove it.
@mrjdk4 Says:
Keep doing what you are doing Mr. Warner.
@shin.511 Says:
@giovanni545 Says:
Revelation 22:14 King James Version 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
@JohnCaprar Says:
Most atheists dont follow the evidence
@monkeyflower954 Says:
The waters run deep, and they are treacherous. I'm looking .W. Wallace "how to feedback defend the bible. Edit: God bless Israel 🇮🇱
@jbjoeychic Says:
J.W.Wallace is one of the world's greatest advocates for Christianity. He is just terrific and all of his books are a must read !
@stevedoetsch Says:
Everything that atheists admire was created by Christianity.
@bcarg69 Says:
Algorithm boost
@wlodell Says:
That’s one explanation, and reasonable. But science originating in Christendom while promoting the philosophy of logic or nature of logic, also resulted in or facilitated the mindset that concluded ‘evidence-based theory’ can explain everything and all the while to purpose negating ‘Intelligent Design’.
@ENFPerspectives Says:
Read one of your books - very indepth. Will be reading 2nd one soon.
@therandomd2717 Says:
Very interesting
@coldjello8436 Says:
Algorithm boost.
@nadams8863 Says:

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