Did Jesus Think He Was God?
Did Jesus Think He Was God?



@glenfinch1468 Says:
MATT 28:18 if all authority had been GIVEN to Jesus , who gave it to him 1 COR 15 : 25-28 states that he is subject to his father and that it is God that puts all enemies under his done feet How is it then that he is God other than he shares his Fathers nature as his father befit him so that he is divine in nature
@glenfinch1468 Says:
Of course he didn’t think he was God , as he referred to his heavenly Father as his God JOHN 20:17 The book of revelation was a vision that was given to the glorified Jesus BY God that he then passed on HEB 1:3 speaks of the glorified Jesus as the exact representation of Gods very being . The Greek word used here meaning an ‘exact copy ‘ or reproduction.
@VoidSurfer9 Says:
I rented a film called "The Case for Christ" about a Chicago investigative reporter who went on a journey to try to find out the truth about Jesus's historical existence. It ended up leading him to accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior. I rented the movie because I was expecting a different ending. I, too, was looking for evidence against the existence and deity of Jesus Christ. I, too, failed and am glad to say that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Glory be to God the Father in the name of His Son
@midimusicforever Says:
Jesus is God and it is obvious!
@NatanKohen-b3k Says:
God has a beard?!... is He under the time factor?... getting old?!...
@jaysmith6863 Says:
Gives me goose bumps.
@Keyfer62 Says:
John 10:30 (HCSB) The Father and I are one.”
@tonetone7693 Says:
As a believer, I have to pose a question to other believers. Why do believers that teach the scriptures always depict God, Yeshua (Jesus the Christ), the patriarchs, the angels and the apostles as Caucasians? True believers do not promote images, especially false images of our Lord and Savior. True believers worship God in spirit and truth. False images like the one used as a thumbnail for this video is used to promote and perpetuate white supremacy.
@geraldmunsaka275 Says:
Great message I love your channel. I learn a lot of things. But I am not sure about Jesus being God or claiming to be God. Neither have I seen anywhere in scripture where Jesus was worshiped. I am a Christian and from childhood I have always viewed Jesus as the Son of God. Because God is not a God of confusion so as to confuse me of God being a son and father to himself at the same time claiming to not know things, also God Says he can't die neither can a womb hold him. It's when my fellow christians say Jesus is God that I started getting confused and wondered where they where getting this idea! Maybe I am the one lost. But would love to learn more
@pictureel5863 Says:
Another excellent summary of the evidence for Christ. Thank you!!

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