Were the Gospel Writers Biased?
Were the Gospel Writers Biased?



@jurrutia4173 Says:
I have a friend that thinks Jesus is made up and the Flavian Dynasty of Rome created the New Testament, I believe he always claims Josephus is who wrote it. I sent him some of your videos but he always says there are no names of historians and Christians don’t count as witnesses to their own story. I told him Paul wasn’t a Christian at first!
@trippwhitener9498 Says:
@Llyrin Says:
Where does fear of consequences call within those three reasons to lie. People will lie because they don’t want to do time in jail. Is that a fourth reason to lie? Yes, I understand that does not apply to the Gospels and New Testament, because the willing the Gospel story would land them in jail or executed.
@conradrichard1492 Says:
Amazing explanation. Why didn't my pastor teach like this?
@nadams8863 Says:
@johnglad5 Says:
@maplebob23 Says:
Aside from the Gospel, what is there? I’ve read a lot of history and human systems of government are gruesome.
@Skarlet-ju8sr Says:
I gave your book, CCC, to my pastors. They loved it. Currently listening to your audiobook version.
@corinne7126 Says:
Great points
@williambillycraig1057 Says:
These are good examples of real-life witness testimonies as compared to scholars' hypotheses and conjectures. One is easily testable; the other is not so easily tested.
@adrianlaith9111 Says:
Thank you

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