Good Reasons to Trust the Gospels As Eyewitness Accounts
Good Reasons to Trust the Gospels As Eyewitness Accounts



@Just_a_Reflection Says:
So, if you deny the authenticity of the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistles, you are pretty much being willfully ignorant🤔? That sounds about right. Let God be True, and every man be a lie✝️🕊!
@midimusicforever Says:
Trust the gospels, they are true!
@PaulUsypchuk Says:
My non-denominational Christian Covenant with the Father is simple. • FOLLOW Jesus as he is my mentor in becoming the human God wants me to be. • TRUST Christ, my Savior, God's only begotten Son and the spirit that was assigned to Jesus. • WORSHIP God the Father, creator of heaven and earth That's it.. I don’t need proof of any of it.. I know that God is my Father, I know that Christ is my Savior, and I know that Jesus was a human who represented God on earth and thought us how to be humans
@charliegarnett9757 Says:
Just because a book in the Bible is dated as say 50 A.D. it does not mean that the writings within were done that year. It may have been compiled that year from writings that took place in real time.
@JohnG93 Says:
I’ve been trying to believe all this. Been told I have a hardened heart. I can’t seem to believe any of this is true. I hope for an encounter that I can’t deny. But, I’ve been praying for one for a while and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna happen. I can’t believe this with blind faith. I need to feel it in my heart, which right now, I don’t.
@rickintexas1584 Says:
I’m so glad to see people confirming the early dating of the Gospels. Too many people still accept the late dating hypothesis.
@chrisanderson5317 Says:
Gotta love Lee's Chicago accent.
@justincameron9661 Says:
@edwardelliott5756 Says:
Excellent breakdown of the dating for the Gospels.
@wataboutya9310 Says:
If you have to have proof that Jesus Christ was and is who he claimed to be. You most likely will never be saved from your sin. Jesus last miracle before he was crucified was raising his friend Lazurus who had been dead for four days. Many of the Pharisee's who were the religious leaders of the time witnessed this event with their own eyes and it was basically the deciding factor for them to conspire and kill Jesus. Little did they know that doing this would fulfill God's plan to provide a way of salvation for humanity.
@CynVee Says:
JWW is my favorite apologist. If you haven't already, you need to read his books. He will equip you to have these types of conversations in defense of our beliefs. Something sadly missing in today's culture. God bless 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
@georgewagner7787 Says:
Luke 1 also says eyewitnesses
@Mike-sd9we Says:
The bible is the unerring word of God.
@shiningospel Says:
@hebrews1112 Says:
We christians should know this by heart!
@punisherlee Says:
Really good reasons.
@benmaugaotega Says:
‘Appreciate Your willingness and staunch commitment for the truth. “GOD” bless You with wisdom. Keep fighting the Truth. ❤🙏You. 🇺🇸🇦🇸

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