Why Biology is Best Explained by the Existence of God
Why Biology is Best Explained by the Existence of God



@l.m.892 Says:
You just can't ignore the fact that proteins must have an associated set of codons in the DNA. They also must have a protein construction mechanism - ribosome(s). Then, ribosomes need mRNA and tRNA ...Give the evolution fairy tale a rest.
@l.m.892 Says:
There are always design goals. When a design doesn't have a goal, it isn't a design.
@78David Says:
Jesus is the only begotton Son of God. He is the Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Israel is not abandoned or replaced by Christians, He died for us all, His covenants never expire. Satan is hard at work in our world and more bold than ever, he knows his time is short. Make no mistake that there is a spiritual war taking place, we are all picking sides whether we know it or not. There are only two sides to choose from, God or Satan, please choose God. If you are a sinner (we all are) and are unsaved, please find a Bible and read the following, the rest is up to you. If you decide this is right, pray to Jesus and ask him to be your Lord and Saviour, believe in your heart that he will save you and ask him outloud to be your Lord and Saviour and repent of your sins. We are all sinners, being saved means believing that Jesus, who is God, willingly came to earth to be both fully God and man, lived a perfect life, died in payment of the sins of all of mankind, was buried and on the third day was resurrected and ascended to heaven to be seated on the right hand of God the father. His blood washes us white ad snow, it is payment for our sins, His work on the cross was the only work that can save us. We can't save ourselves through good deeds. It is by God's grace, through our faith that we have any hope to be saved. If you do not know Jesus and are not saved, please read in the Bible, the bad news followed by the good news  :) Romans Road -  chapter:verse:  3:23 5:8 6:23 8:1 10:9 10:13 May God bless you all! PS 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. ‭Genesis 12:3 KJV‬ - and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 ❤️
@sheriedwards362 Says:
There is perfect order in creation that's why God's word tells us to look to Creation to understand and believe God's existence❤ are only hope for a future securely rests in Jesus Christ alone. Repent and turn back to God
@wildolive7758 Says:
Even the so call " natural selection " hypothesis begs the question, what or who (mind implied) guides it intelligently and intentionally? How can it be proven scientifically its intelligence? I believe atheist must have way more faith than any religious person to pressupose their foundational beliefs.
@justincameron9661 Says:
@ytcarol Says:
I like the term "intentional design", since design implies intelligence. God purposed a world that serves us and is aesthetically pleasing so exhibits His purpose toward us.
@midimusicforever Says:
DNA without God would be like saying the phone in your hand works by chance.
@BerserkersBattle-816 Says:
God is the greatest artist ever. ❤
@Noahwillwalk Says:
I know it's eye-opening to compare Father's creations back to the Creator, but let's not forget glorify and exalt God! Let's praise God in the name of Jesus Christ! 😄
@piijay14 Says:
Everybody read Romans 1:20
@freethebirds3578 Says:
I have a 17-minute long ad that cannot be skipped before the video. 17 minutes! What is YT doing?
@l.m.892 Says:
How did the type 3 secretion system develop? Well, it could be, could have, might be, isn't impossible to imagine, ...
@Kroam-Bonez Says:
deduction, induction, and abduction.
@berniefynn6623 Says:
So much of our body as with all life, made up of millions of intricate interlocking parts and atheists think these all came togther by chance, this evolution
@gregoryt8792 Says:
Why were you an atheist? Serious question.
@majorphenom1 Says:
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿 His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯
@kojobadu7339 Says:
Cells in a dead body will eventually die; causing decay. All chemicals will spoil after expiry date. All food will spoil after sometime. How can a mindless process form a reproducing entity? Unbelievable!!!!
@nroger01 Says:
I've learned not to throw these pearls to swine.
@stiglet_mcg Says:
Such a good explanation, thank you
@walentinajerke2291 Says:
My mother read the Bible New Testament Gospel about Jesus Christ aloud and I sat listening. I felt in my heart a Big Fire burning Warmth Endless Love and Peace. She laid her hand on her heart and said this is God's Love. She felt the Love too. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior Son of God
@mrshankerbillletmein491 Says:
The best explamation for the appearance of design is design
@suichinggo8236 Says:
Though God need not prove Himself, He is so merciful and gracious to let these things be understood, for the sake of the intelligent but "humble", for them to believe in Him. For the proud would never admit that they are wrong, they have hardened their heart to only believe in themselves, in what they decided is true, even though they are lies, deceiving themselves..
@DanielaWilliams-qk5xg Says:
@IronSharpensIron127 Says:
This is amazing!!!Where is the whole video??????
@shiningospel Says:
@randallburke Says:
2 hours more of this please.
@walterdebnam8021 Says:
That was beautifully illustrated Jim. Especially the irreducible complexity, which puts to shame so much of evolution, because natural things cannot continue by losing parts. They die off.
@coldjello8436 Says:
Algorithm boost.

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