Is Christianity Oppressive? @ChristianityStillMakesSense #Shorts
Is Christianity Oppressive? @ChristianityStillMakesSense #Shorts



@demonking86420 Says:
Secular and liberal schools of thought were more rooted in Christianity than the Christians that opposed it. Separation of Church and State? Well Jesus said "Give unto Caesar what is for Caesar and unto G-d what is to G-d". Men and women being equal in human worth? Paul's first letter to the Corinthians says "For woman comes from man(referring to Adam and Eve) but man also comes through woman(every man is a son to their mother)". In other words, equal, but also complementary. I've known atheists and Christians alike. A lot of those atheists are unknowingly more Christian than the Christians I know.
@spyrosstivactas2300 Says:
It has been this way since the Roman Empire. Christians found peace with the Byzantine Empire, but then came the Ottoman Empire, the Russian revolution, the Turkish genocide, the French Revolution, WWI and WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Lydia, Gulf War, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Syria, Ukraine, Gaza. Meantime we had the evolutionist, suffragettes, sexual revolution, feminism, Pro-Choicers, transgender etc.
@logicalatheist1065 Says:
Not enough evidence to support Christianity
@CarlosJustThere Says:
Christians if you're seeing this, please pause to pray for those in this comment section, the creators of this channel, as well as your own spiritual lives and the lives of those around you. In my opinion these debates are pointless. Our best responses are messages of grace, kindness, and truth. It's best to have these debates in person, over text, people rarely retain what they read. Once they enter a debate with a presupposed conclusion, they hold biases towards it. Hope this message can serve as a gem in your day, God bless you all!🎉
@somerandom3247 Says:
Our cult isn't oppressive. Its all those people that aren't in our cult that are oppressive!!
@askip7 Says:
That hair, dude 😂
@jenna2431 Says:
READ some history. Ask the northern Europeans who were tortured and murdered by Charlemagne if Christianity is oppressive. Ask the indigenous
@henrywillis6127 Says:
If a christian tries to tell me my life style is wrong because I am not a christian, then it is oppressive.
@dancepartyinmyhead Says:
When christianity tries to say that 2 men or 2 women in love can't get married. That is the literal definition of oppressive.
@crazytrain86 Says:
Christianity is based on a story. People will use religion as a basis for doing any number of things. At the end of the day, just be a good person.
@alphapt9370 Says:
Yeh. So let's disregard the Crusades or the Spanish Enquisition. All religion is oppressive. Just because you're into a specific brand of religion it doesnt mean it's devoid of any evil. Using christianity as an example, it's a poor example. As stated above. People should use religion for what it's supposed to be. A core set of moral values that you could follow in order to be a decent human being. See that I set the bad at decent, not even good. That's the base line. But, sadly, that's not how people handle it, and we get what we get. On one side of the spectrum, we have people commiting atrocities in the name of their made up deity, and in the other side, building super churches and drying their community up of their finances, while building up a tax free fortune. You can still go toot your own horn saying "god bless" to any voices exposing how ridiculous your argument was, but deep down you dont believe it as well. Maybe you want to be on the "free money" part of the spectrum. Because that's what people do nowadays. And guess what religion tries for people not to be? Yeh, exactly that.
@dgrayhoffman2198 Says:
Can't think? Pray.
@charlesdahmital8095 Says:
If only we had the original bible. But wait- god never called for one to be written. Neither did jesus. And no one got around to starting one until 400 years after the 'fact'. Written and coalesced by no one with any first hand eye witness knowledge. Go ahead- pick and choose your version. They are all wrong.
@jasonsimpson1397 Says:
The problem isn't "at its heart", the problem is in its head; those in positions of authority, who wish to stay in power and make rules that God did not tell them to make. Those are the ones who cause religious wars.
@MrEireengr Says:
This iscthe no true Scotsman fallacy. Now please shut up about your death cult
@cheesedoesgaming6088 Says:
Christianity is only hypocritical and oppressive when you don’t align 100% with their specified beliefs and the more Protestant you get depending it’s worse. Like Mormons, jahova witnesses, and Baptist preach the gospel but god forbid your wife dosent wanna say she Submits to you in her vows 100 times 😂
@moltencarnage Says:
An error in translation from the Old Testament to the King James Bible which states to behave as a lamb has lead to the over pacification of Christianity and rendered Christians into a moral straight jacket unable to adequately defend themselves and their values.
@davidw6677 Says:
We are disagreeing because the Christian right want to turn the US into a theocracy.
@philsurtees Says:
Christian morality is pure evil. It's bizarre that anyone would follow it.
@whoareyouyouareclearlylost323 Says:
Lol 😂
@shaydunn6781 Says:
This thinking is modern Christianity. Which is why it's going away.
@tahoekid7548 Says:
Christianity is only oppressive to a rebellious spirit
@TheContrarian32 Says:
Always start by defining the terms. Then, move from there. Oppressive; unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group weighing heavily on the mind or spirits; causing depression or discomfort. Can we fit Christianity into either if these two categories? I think we can, on one of its most prominent tenants; that Christianity claims to have the one and only true God, and, all other gods are false…as are the other religions. This assertion of exclusivity is by definition an oppressive position towards any other position that stands in contrast to Christianity.
@Mavors1099 Says:
Christianity is not oppressive enough, Christians have become too limp.
@kathybj Says:
This guy’s hair cracks me up!
@jeffphelps1355 Says:
The same people who think Christianity is oppressive promote Marxism
@gi169 Says:
Thank you Bobby and CrossExamined team.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Yes. Christianity oppresses sin, evil, corruption and perversion. I'm all for it.
@DruPetty42 Says:
Christianity is not oppressive...people are.
@itsJPhere Says:
What is more oppressive than the call to murder gay people? Leviticus 20:13 Even if you don't think Christians have to follow the OT, you should stop and think more about what your supposedly morally perfect holy book really says. It's gruesome.
@JustaGuy2.0 Says:
It's quite hilarious to hear this since apologetics are not good people (99% of them) as they prey on people's suffering, people's pain, people's misery, they love to to humiliate and put people down, they love to use fear and the concept of horror, all so they can say some garbage like "you need jesus". I don't know any atheist that does that. Now, you can say that the world is in shambles, and you are 100% correct but that has nothing because "people stopped believing", in fact, you can trace 99% of all bad things that happened to the world to religion.
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
He sits there with a straight face and says it is not oppressive. Tell that to the kids and wives who are slaves because they were born while the father was a slave. You could also tell that to all the first borns in ancient Egypt or the 42 kids mauled by a Bear or all women who allegedly experience the pain of child birth because Eve ate a piece of fruit. These are all stories designed to scare and control the masses but it only goes so far. Ask any Christian why they don't take their rebellious children to be stoned. Why? because secular society and common sense mean that even Christians do not believe everything in the Bible. So much for this perfect, divinely inspired book. Then there is this guy who is trying to sell you that you are under attack because of your religion. Let's be clear, it is not you who is under attack, it is the ideas in your book that tries to control people that are being questioned and people personalize that. Thankfully, we have the secular world to say, No, not today.
@Gek1177 Says:
Buy it or not, Chrstianity and the other Abrahamic religions are very oppressive. Not just externally like it's constant and ongoing oppression of minorities and women but it's also inherently oppressive, teaching even it's adherents submission and guilt and fear of punishment as core values.
@larzman651 Says:
For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@jamesw4250 Says:
Yes it is opressive. Anything that threatens you with eternal torture because you didnt believe in it is oppressive by its very nature.
@DM-dk7js Says:
Anything that forces you to comply by the threat of eternal torment and torture can ONLY be described as oppressive. Same goes for Islam with their respective punishment for apostasy.
@MrAuskiwi101 Says:
Christianity is mind control. But like all cult victims, Christians wont see it. Bizarrely some will say its freedom, just like burqa wearers do lol.
@katamas832 Says:
Having any God before the Christian God is listed right next to murder as a wrong doing. How were they acting contriary to Christianity again?
@psalms50_5 Says:
Who's the new crowd? What's their new set of morale that's oppressive?
@wet-read Says:
It is indeed oppressive, absolutely.
@stephanc6138 Says:
its oppressive ... to those who want a 2nd Sodom and Gamorra. as well as those who'd using it to gradually push Christianity to a corner, while taking full advantage of it.
@eternalgood1846 Says:
There is not greater freedom in life than freedom in Christ. It’s unexplainable and can only be experienced. No greater love, than love through Christ, that too is a mystery. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Be blessed with all peace. You are loved.

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