Why Don't Seminaries Teach Apologetics? #Shorts | Frank Turek
Why Don't Seminaries Teach Apologetics? #Shorts | Frank Turek



@anthonytoussaint1565 Says:
Apologetics is so necessary in this day and age
@danielfraser643 Says:
If you've not reached an initial understanding of Christianity via logic and reason (not 'evidence'), you will not reach Christian Faith and therefore will not be equipped "to give the reason for the Hope you have". Seminaries are breeding grounds for dangerous ignorance and for producing Faithless pastors.
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
It was apologetics that was a big reason for my deconversion
@danicaauge983 Says:
Yep & AMEN 🙏
@Blessed.2.Teach.4God Says:
Seminaries (for the most part) are infiltrated by the enemy in so many ways it's pathetic.
@kayleighdunn2 Says:
this can’t be more true
@darkeyeze Says:
Who calls who names? It is the christians that I see who are the most belligerent.
@spyrosstivactas2300 Says:
Join an Eastern Orthodox Church! We are taught every week about Christ, the Apostles, the Saints, apologetics and much more. Our spiritual fathers (priests) have time for you on anything. You will open the Bible in front of anyone! We are taught to not shy away from mockers, insults and the like. ☦️🙏💕 The Orthodox Church wrote the Bible; put it together; and shared it with the world. Without the Orthodox Church, there would be no Apostolic Bible; no Apostolic teachings; no early Christian fathers writings etc.
@jeffreywp Says:
I think Frank is taking this too much as either/or versus both/and. Pastors SHOULD open the Bible and preach because it is the Spirit who makes the Word alive, not the pastor. Likewise, I think pastors should also make use of apologetics in their sermons when applicable. They should also be offering classes on apologetics topics with the classes on how to reach the culture.
@Groovy-z3x Says:
America needs the Black Robe Regiment in churches that our American Founding Fathers had during the American Revolutionary War and after the war.
@fossilfishleg9188 Says:
Frank is a liar for Jesus. He’s been corrected many times but is still wilfully ignorant.
@peytondonaldson5887 Says:
Absolutely love Frank, especially his book “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.” However, as a seminary student, I think he’s wrong here. There are numerous seminaries engaged in the field of apologetics, mine included. The thrust of seminary is to get the student familiar with the doctrines of God, the Bible, Jesus, the church, the languages, the history, hermeneutics, etc., with apologetics being another subset. I’ve taken 2 apologetics classes at SWBTS which I absolutely loved, because that’s how I’m wired. However, if someone is searching for a strictly apologetics based model, they should complete seminary and pursue their DMin or PhD in apologetics.
@freddurstedgebono6029 Says:
The focus of the early church was history (retelling a historical event) and apologetics, proving why Jesus was the messiah. Churches today should be focused on church history and biblical history on top of apologetics
@mikeramos91 Says:
They just want to teach Jesus & not get into apologetics, but not realizing Jesus was involved politically
@Lukandon Says:
My pastor has done additional sermons on apologetics, but he's not the best. He didn't have a great answer regarding one question I asked a while ago. Frank had a better answer for it. God bless Frank.
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
Does the Bible not preach to have faith? Why would someone need evidence for a faith based belief?
@talltimberswoodshop7552 Says:
Yet "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ", not apologetics.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined
@joshendley Says:
Do most not? That’s literally my MDiv
@spiffygonzales5160 Says:
"Christians are behind the times" Christianity should change the times, it shouldn't let the times change them.
@Pjrock2112 Says:
Many seminaries have become apostate, and don't even believe the Bible.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Traditionally, there has been a division of labor between pastors, who tended the flock at home, and missionaries, who went out to spread the word. Now, the outside world has come home, and the pastors are confronted with the kind of questions their missionary colleagues would have encountered in the old days.
@Moist._Robot Says:
If the bible were true you wouldn’t have to make apologies for it’s errors.
@kiwisaram9373 Says:
There is a difference between preaching to the choir and preaching to unbelievers.
@aniketalextirkey9500 Says:
And in India it's even more worse.
@alexanderangelo7284 Says:
Christians used to say it's true because it's in the Bible. Now they have to say its in the Bible because its true.
@georgeemenyeonu1511 Says:
The Bible remains the core of the message. Not apologetics.
@black-cross Says:
And it also doesn't help when christians dont believe the universe is 6k years as written in scripture.
@kevinleitner1103 Says:
I disagree. It is not pastors war to fight, nor gentiles war. We can peacfully talk but i will not confront freaks that are lost to the serpent.
@richardpierce2633 Says:
Expository preaching and teaching Pastors are all that's necessary. Everything else will flow from that. Being relevant to the culture is not the objective. Being faithful to the written word is still the way.
@criticalthinker2477 Says:
OMG, I sure Frank knows how bad he is lying as he is saying this. I'm sure he knows that, except for the most ultra conservative 1% of seminaries, seminaries are teaching the most modern scholarship and archaeology of the bible that contradicts much of the inerrancy and shows how manmade much of the writings are. Unfortunately pastors know that the congregation doesn't come to church to hear that kind of info, so they stick to to the standard script.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
That certainly is a pattern. The need to catch up that is. Part of it can be traced back to one of Frank's earlier videos, where it was mentioned the church decided to take itself out of the culture and politics. Now that I think of it, any chance that move might have been against the Christian doctrine? I would like to here why or why not.
@Gek1177 Says:
Because apologetics are rationalizations used to deny certain aspects of science in an attempt to allay doubts and the purpose of a seminary is to teach theology and the skills required to serve as a member of clergy.
@jamesw4250 Says:
Because even they know apologetics are wrong.
@jacobembry6709 Says:
Todays Christian should be able to quote C.S Lewis and the early church fathers such as St Ephrem The Syrian, and St Maximus The Confessor. Open people's eyes to the true cosmological reality of the Logos
@araenasanchez Says:
I attend seminary school and will become a teacher just so I can introduce an apologetics class!
@lkae4 Says:
Ahh, wondered why there are zero evangelism ministries around me even though there are hundreds of churches in my city. It's the seminaries. Makes sense. Ivory towers of spinelessness.

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