How to Respond When Someone Says 'No' to the Evidence #Shorts
How to Respond When Someone Says 'No' to the Evidence #Shorts



@Apb23 Says:
And you can ask them, so is clinging to those sins now going to be worth eternal pain later?
@viking_9994 Says:
As an athiest i can say that if the bible were literally true i would believe it. Ufortuanatly nobody has been able to prove it is true therefore i cannot believe in the bible especially after reading it.
@justinflor Says:
In my experience the majority of atheists aren’t these people that’ll say no. If the gospel made sense or more accurately if God existing made sense then they’d believe. It’s that the arguments for god existing that they’ve heard don’t make sense
@itsjoseph360 Says:
Let them go. Clean your sandals of the dust and walk away
@eric2555 Says:
It would need to be true for this question to matter.
@7LightInDarkness7 Says:
Had this happen two years ago in my truck at work. My co-workers name is Brian, He and I have been working together for 3 years and I asked him a couple years ago this very question and he told me he doesn’t want to stop having sex and drinking. So even if it was true that Jesus died on the cross he would not believe. As a follower of Christ I still had him on my heart to continue to minister to him and talk to him. And ever so slowly I saw him go from atheist - agnostic. As of last month we were in the truck not even talking yet “he doesn’t normally strike up conversation” and he randomly tells me “hey your not going to believe this, but I have to tell you that my girlfriend and I have talked and we want to give this Jesus thing a try and try out a church”. This right here made my whole day and I ended up getting him a Bible and recommended some churches to him. Funny things is he and I no longer work together he got transferred out. But God knew what He was doing with us in that truck and the timing could not have been more perfect. If you utilize the gifts God has given you and if you follow His word “the Word of God does not fall on deaf ears” God will do miraculous things in your life even if all hope seems lost. Keep trying brother! This made my faith so much stronger after God did this.
@sirpopsticks619 Says:
That is only a small percentage out of the masses
@LegooLuigi Says:
Good question, God is the answer, the answer is I don’t wanna burn in hell!
@AndyWarby Says:
The kid said would you follow it and he changed it to believe. If god was true I’d believe in him but I wouldn’t follow him if it was any of the gods of any religion I know off
@dougied3449 Says:
they chose sin over salvation.
@Blight_OS Says:
Now pay him right?
@richardbolter7277 Says:
The only thing to give up is pride,which makes ppl claim unbelief. Unbelief in Christ is the unforgivable sin that goes the same for believers who trust in works along with Christ, which is lukewarm ,b at peace
@garrettlees Says:
The problem with his answer is here: "Christianity is going to force me to give up something I don't want to give up," such as logic. I mean, virgin birth? Really? A woman gets pregnant from the Holy Spirit? That's a bridge too far for me. Change my mind.
@deleladululu Says:
Aeththiest is an English word and concept! Disbelief in Christianity . Hinduism and other non-abrahamic religions have no such concepts!
@IAteTheCannoli Says:
I refuse to follow a god who drowned millions of babies. Its that simple. Has nothing to do with Christianity forcing me to give up sin or anything like that. I just cannot worship an evil deity like the abrahamic god who drowned babies, burns people in hell, and instigated numerous genocides.
@dankernut3750 Says:
The reason I say no is that the Bible itself shows how jealous, murderous, narcissistic and plain old evil the god of the Bible is. If I’m going to believe in something it’s going to have to be better than that.
@MartTLS Says:
There’s no evidence.
@peteconrad2077 Says:
Why don’t you just leave your atheist friend to believe what he does you weirdo.
@stephenberry8658 Says:
The old circular reasoning. The Bible is true so the Bible is true. Love is enough to fill up our Souls.
@GospelIlluminations Says:
Ultimately they love their sin. Romans 1:18-23 gives the answer. It is very sad but this is our sin nature apart from the saving Grace of Jesus Christ.
@huhwho277 Says:
The best you can do is pray for them and like the speaker said wait till there open and with all that praying you've been doing it will make it alot easier
@MelonieG85 Says:
Going to have to stay away from the Atheist the closer you get to Christ
@AyushSaxena-mc7nl Says:
An aethist is fundamentally someone who believes in evidence, if you can prove to an aethist that gospel is true, he’d follow it in a heartbeat. The problem is that no religious text in existence can prove the core 2 tenets of god they follow “all powerful” and “all good” in a single example.
@carlbelgon4267 Says:
We are going to die and that's it. No heaven or hell awaits us. You get them when they are young, pumping fear in them.
@iskindersam7834 Says:
Young kid is trying to save someone. God please bless him to save a soul.
@DRayL_ Says:
Frank doesn't understand. He falls back on the absurd 'just wanna sin' line.
@jonsimpson6240 Says:
If it were true, i would beleive it. I would probably still argue against a lot of it from a moral stance. Like the slavery stuff. And from a practical stance. Like the mixed fabrics and not eating seafood stuff. But its not true, so its not really a worry i have.
@celestialknight2339 Says:
“You cannot guide whom you love—but rather God guides whomever He wills. And He knows best those who are truly guided.” ~ The Qur’an ❤
@samuelowens000 Says:
Did you catch how he changed the question? The question was "If it was demonstrated to be true would you follow it?". He changed it to "If it was demomstrated to be true would you believe it?" If it was demonstrated to be true, you would have shown that a horrid infinite monster existed, and I will not worship it even if i know it exists. Religious people are the ones who in vast numbers and in multiple instances deny what has been demonstrated to be true, and dogmatically hold to what has not been demonstrated.
@nucleargaming2851 Says:
Jesus is king
@ssscrm9828 Says:
many are called, few are chosen. Its your duty to tell people, not to convert them.
@davidfitnesstech Says:
If your friend is an Atheist, he's most likely *well aware* of the Bible, Christianity and the *narrative behind it.* (Especially if he knows *you :-)* The best thing you can do, is play with your *own 'toys'* if it gives you *meaning and comfort,* but don't *make him* play with them too. He probably has no need for them. *Many people don't.* The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. But by all means, keep your 'toy' if it makes *you* happy ;-) And if you can, try to keep it to *yourself.*
@davidfitnesstech Says:
WOW, my man at the mic has been at the receiving end of some major proselytizing. He is in it deep ;-)
@davidfitnesstech Says:
I'm very curious to hear what my man has as evidence... or is it merely the *narrative* that appeals to you, and kind of plays on your *emotions.* Does it just *feel true ?* Does it seem *too good* not to be true ? Is it because someone professes to *love you and forgive you* that it must be true ? I'm just curious.
@xxteknuwafflexx2689 Says:
Indoctrination training. So sad.
@Rotten9 Says:
Did anyone else catch the fact that Frank didn't even answer the question that was asked of him? I don't know if this was intentional or he just missed it, but the question was what would you tell my friend if he answered no to the following: if the gospel was true would you follow it? (I am paraphrasing a little). Frank answered that he would ask the friend why you would not believe something if it were true? The question the young man asked was about following something if it were true. Not...if it were true would you believe it. I only point this out because these are those little things that cause confusion that seemed to happen a lot with Frank.
@michaelwilson8598 Says:
If other religions' mythology were proven to be true, would you follow it?
@lavenderhonie Says:
Yeah being a Christian is sometimes doing things you don't want to do. This is called a crisis of belief. To put Jesus as the Lord of your life, putting him first. Just as the young rich man which Jesus said to sell all his materials to follow Him and the rich young ruler decided not to do so. But like Paul said to lose is to gain. I don't have time to pull up these exact scriptures but it's all relevant to this.
@anaszakaria1550 Says:
Nice accept islam
@dobrien51 Says:
I wouldn’t obey your god because he is the tRump of gods.
@yoshisaidit7250 Says:
You people really dont get it. If the bible were true, I wouldnt follow it anyway, just like you dont. Yall still eat pork, shellfish, and rarely eat fish on Fridays. Not a single one of you sacrifice your first born, none of you dash tikes heads against rocks. We could go on, but I hope you get the point.
@skepticalobserver7484 Says:
Indoctrinating the next generation of non-critical “thinkers.”
@tfurbee Says:
What if it isn’t true? 😮
@Lawnflower Says:
So if the gospel endorses slavery would I follow it? No.
@ce4015 Says:
No it is because your god gives you free will then says if you don't follow my word eternal damnation will face. This is the words of the architect. Everything you preach the word (jesus) E SuS is hale zuse. Ignorance will not be forgiven
@JimmyTuxTv Says:
If I proved to Frank the devil exists with a selfie and the devil asked me to bow down to him in exchange for all the kingdoms on earth, should Frank worship the devil? Seems like a good reason not to worship Jesus !
@philippjung6408 Says:
religion is always forcing people to do things their way, that is the point of any religion
@MooseMaunu Says:
There is no salvation in "christ." Only subjugation.
@oldedwardian1778 Says:
@pacome_hegesippe Says:
How to respond when someone says "no" to the evidence? This happens all the time. People think that the earth is flat. That the virgin Mary gave birth. That Trump won the 2020 election. That the covid vaccine changes your DNA.

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