The Bible is Embarrassing (Which is Good)
The Bible is Embarrassing (Which is Good)



@DeaconBeanCooter Says:
@Hufi1234 Says:
I tend to disagree on one point. Resurrection was a fundamental of Pharisaic Judaism at the time and the apostles post Pentecost are explaining the scriptures, passages in Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc. It was never based on anything pagan and this was within the Jewish community, not Jews being a “target” group, there was no other group at the beginning to target, until Paul starts. Correct on women in Jewish culture, don’t forget women and men eating together was fine in Jewish culture, it was Greco-Roman culture that women were not even allowed to eat with men.
@apologeticsguy Says:
Thanks for sharing this clip, Jim. Glad you joined me as a guest on The Apologetics Guy Show!
@franklinscott3rd273 Says:
Have you ever thought that the other religions took from the Bible to make their pegan religions.
@charlesmorris8791 Says:
The Spirit and the Bride say, Come Lord Jesus...
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics Says:
Embarrassingly _awesome!_
@bluehoney1996 Says:
May be we need a book about 'why good people experience evil things'
@midimusicforever Says:
The Bible is awesome!
@kickpublishing Says:
I’ve pulled a few pranks in my time but rarely would I be willing to be crucified upside down or fed to lions to keep up the pretence.
@nadams8863 Says:
@rebanelson607 Says:
Compared to the Greeks the Jews had an exalted view of women. Even the Romans treated women better than the ancient Greeks. In the OT it seems that God went out of his way to select certain women to be in ancestry of the Lord Jesus Christ. God is wise beyond our comprehension!
@SDsc0rch Says:
he is right

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