Defend Your Faith Like An Intellectual
Defend Your Faith Like An Intellectual



@dnisey64 Says:
Thank you
@jimfarnell5813 Says:
I began my Christian apologetic study 41 years ago after a weekend encounter with Josh McDowell in 1982… He said if God is the greatest intellect and if what the Bible says is true then it must be intellectually defensible… Since then, apologetics has been a powerful comfort of assurance to me in support of my faith, they it has also helped me encourage doubting/questioning brothers/sisters and, finally, it is a useful tool in explaining to unbelievers not just what I believe but WHY I believe as I do… Apologetics must NEVER supplant scripture but rather a useful evidentiary tool in support of the Gospel…
@bickabraham2397 Says:
One doesn't need to defend your Faith Faith comes and is Jesus Christ. Preach it and live it. Father God calls them!!
@johnvirgilio5323 Says:
They give us what ifs, and I see no evidence. What if the multiverse? I see no evidence of Israel at Mt Sinai. We give them the big bang beginning. The expanding universe. The fine tuning argument! The complexity of the cells and molecular machines being irriducably complex. DNA, it's origin and continuation. Perfect candidates for every possible site in the book of Exodus. The prophecies Christ fulfilled. Including miracles, healings, his death and resurrection. Also from the biblical texts. The Earth is hung on nothing. Not to mention all the eye witness testimony! Even to this day when millions of us say along with Paul, "His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Their case is merely based on doubt. Our case goes on and on and on and on. They need to seek and find. Turnaround.
@nadams8863 Says:
Amen ✝️❤️🙏☝️
@Skarlet-ju8sr Says:
I get into arguments all the time about what evidence is and I often cite your videos and they scoff and attack the man (you) rather than the argument (the evidence you present). It really comes down to them not wanting it to be true, hence the rejection of the evidence. They ought to be "open" to the evidence, whatever it is and wherever it leads, if they want to think of themselves as smart.
@mountaingirl8124 Says:
This is a great You Tube channel! We are homeschoolers, teaching Biblical Apologetics to our children and watch this channel. Thanks for doing what you do! God bless!

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