Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns?
Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns?



@sir.isawesome9269 Says:
No you should find help for your illness
@Twirly_Sticks Says:
I'm not a christian but I am trans so I can tell you that if your approach to convincing trans people we should convert to your religion includes denying us our identity or telling us that we should detransition you are shooting yourselves in the foot
@bendrix1932 Says:
As a gay man, I have to say I love this video. Please understand that not everybody in the LGBT community thinks that non-binary or gender identity is real. it’s actually very homophobic because it states that sex isn’t real. I’m showing this video to all of my friends. It’s wonderful!
@royrittberg5699 Says:
I would use whatever pronoun that person needs or wants me to use. That person needs Jesus and if we deny who they are at that point in their life, we will have very little opportunity to help them see who they really are in Jesus. It’s more important imo, to “win” the person, not the argument.
@frankgradus9474 Says:
and you end up with women such as the ones Francis Aaron lists in his rap song video which, by the by, is badly in need of a groundswell of views
@joegoodboy7183 Says:
I urge **anyone** who watches this channel to actually, personally look into the topics that they cover. Look further than what people within your social circles believe. Actually take a look at what people who talk about “preferred pronouns” and “transgenderism” have to say instead of blindly accepting a second hand opinion. I say this with the utmost compassion and respect for your personal values and moral compasses. Do the research, and think for yourself. Edit: I’m urging you to not take the points presented in this video and the others on this channel at face value. Don’t just look at what other christians have to say about this topic, because that will leave you with a very limited view of the world.
@christinehancock5995 Says:
My approach to the pronoun thing is this. When asked for my preferred pronouns, I insist that I have no preference. When told someone's preferred pronouns, I ignore them. When someone makes a big stupid deal out of it, I simply say, "Excuse me, I wasn't talking about you". What the pronoun game does is alienate the person who insists on having preferred pronouns. The people they persuade to use the pronouns are lying to them and about them, and the people they can't persuade won't be their friends, will minimize contact, and pretend they don't exist whenever possible. The pronoun game is a bad game. There are no rules and no winners, only diverse punishments and a variety of losers.
@CarrionMorris Says:
@bendrix1932 Says:
Great video!
@Me_Caveman Says:
What did Christ do every time the bible says He loved them? He proceeds to tell them the truth. That being said, you can be patient and kind while speaking truth.
@Landofalcon007 Says:
Every church in the world needs to be articulating this exactly.
@sethlikestovlog Says:
How can we expect to witness to people if we use language that will immediately turn them away? Someone will not hate their sin and start living by a Biblical world view until they learn about Jesus and experience him. How can we expect them to do that by not meeting them where they are at? Jesus dined with sinners and tax collectors and ministered to them. We must also do the same. Not accepting their sin, but meeting them where they are at so we can share Jesus with them let Him transform them to who He made them to be. Same can be applied to other sins.
@jeffriley6774 Says:
It would not only be wrong, but dangerous, stupid and bearing of false witness. Condoning delusional thinking is insane itself. Offending is more compassionate in the long run.
@MatthewAlgerPCC306 Says:
It’s a little grating to hear “they” for a generic single individual. “He” or “he or she” would be more consistent.
@SpookeyClown Says:
How are you suppose to know what gender a person really is without running blood tests on everyone you meet before using pronouns?
@smittywerbenjagermanjenson1095 Says:
If something is preferred, it's not defined. It's not definite. I refuse to mutilate my language in favor of other's feelings.
@EvanG529 Says:
If you use their "preferred pronouns", you're validating their twisted view of the world. If you don't, you're shunned for being "transphobic". You're damned if you do, damned if you don't.
@danedralin8064 Says:
No, I wont conform to their delusion.
@situzen185 Says:
Proverbs 12:22 Don't be a liar. Truth is better for the confused person.
@davideassis87 Says:
To use people's “preferred pronouns” is the same as validating not only this craziness, is the same as validating Sin.
@ghostknight2011 Says:
@Gudnews4all Says:
Now for the other side. I am genuinely confused about this. If Cuthbert claims to be non-binary, the only pronoun I'll use when talking to Cuthbert is "you." Where does the third-person pronoun even fit in?
@Gudnews4all Says:
Speak the truth in love.
@jonroads8281 Says:
Gender is not fluid and I don't believe in these nonsense pronouns.

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