Did Jesus Really Die?
Did Jesus Really Die?



@midimusicforever Says:
We know in so many ways!
@a1productionllc Says:
I agree with you, that's why I love apologetics videos, but DON'T stop there. Never stop seeking God. Always look for ways to get more of Him in your life. It is wonderfully rewarding, period.
@Kassadinftw Says:
I love that John just reported the truth regardless of how it would be received or whether everything that happened was completely understandable. It happened, so he put it in the account. There's a lesson in here somewhere about telling the truth and how it continues to bless and have impact well after the event of the telling, even if the telling seems insignificant or meaningless at the time.
@wataboutya9310 Says:
Well, I have never heard of anyone else that was flayed with whips, forced to carry a heavy wooden cross for a considerable distance, nailed by hands and feet to that same object, left hanging on it for six hours or so, then stabbed through the ribs and into the heart with pike survive such. With the exception of one. The one who is, " I am".
@SavedByGraceNow Says:
I came to Christ at 50. Biblical archeology and channels like this helped me become Christian. I was baptized this past March (2024)!! thank you for all your hard work
@SavedByGraceNow Says:
Excellent work! Spreading the good word is so righteous!! I use your bits of evidence to show Jesus to others!! God bless you! ❤🙏🏻✝️
@jawneethecurious Says:
Very good Mr Warner! It is time to learn some REAL answers... (Been working on it for years, wink, wink.)
@scottbailey9242 Says:
I never thought about the "Thus says the Lord" prefix being absent when Jesus spoke as a prophet. Thanks for this. Another piece of evidence that Jesus is God. The I AM from the burning bush.
@justincameron9661 Says:
@nschlaak Says:
I've interacted with Atheists who refuse to look at the evidence. They remind me of the scientist who refused to look at the fresh dinosaur tissue and blood vessels found by another scientist just because it couldn't be. I surmise that the reason is that their entire worldview would go Topsy Turvey.
@idachildofgod Says:
God bless you We love your videos very educational ♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️✝️✝️

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