Should Christians Vote?
Should Christians Vote?



@EmilyCantilina Says:
Can you provide a reference for your info graphic on "Free," "Partly Free" and "Not Free" countries of the world? What do you mean by "Fully Free" and what is "Partly Free?" OR maybe most important, how is the "Not Free" Status assigned? Thank you.
@AbrasiveScotsman Says:
The freedoms of Americans, insofar as it goes, are guaranteed by the constitution, not elections. Only in the areas where the Bill of Rights is cast iron do Americans retain meaningful liberty, and anywhere else even the tiniest loopholes left by the founding fathers have been mercilessly exploited to expand the reach of the state. Voting is almost always a choice between the lesser of two evils. Furthermore politicians tend to be very much of the "given an inch, take a mile" type. You may vote on a small and specific point, but you can bet the person you voted for takes it as a mandate for their *whole* agenda. I have some real reservations whether Christians should muddy their hands with this cesspit. We're not promised freedom, and if you are blessed to live in a period of peace like the reign of Josiah, then praise God. But, you're not *entitled* to it. Over here in the UK it is even worse. We have no constitution restraining the power of the state and all you get to defend yourself is 1/45 millionth of a say (the size of our electorate). In fact it's worse than that because we have an electoral system which ensures that most votes are meaningless. Yet because you "have a say" it is taken as a mandate for all sorts of wickedness. I think elections are something Christians should prayerfully endure rather than gleefully participate in. However I wouldn't judge a a brother or sister who felt differently...
@thetraditionalist Says:
good video but it is very irritating how all these American christians always assume only Americans watch their videos. You have an international audience fyi
@TruthNotRelative Says:
“Politics are a moral enterprise”-Greg Koukl. So, yes.

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