Why Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
Why Does the Bible Contradict Itself?



@SpookThaGeneral Says:
Its not about actions u can try ur hardest to impress god with niceness but if its not genuinely in ur heart hes gonna vomit u up and spit u out for beginners and after he does that theres no telling what hes capable of doing to halfway non believers.🙏💙🌎💯
@user-ed7on9vd7y Says:
Matthew 27:24 and Mark15:32 Says that the criminals crucified with Jesus both mocked him. Yet Luke 23:39-43 Says one criminal mocked him, but the other one rebuked him and asked Jesus to remember him when he goes into his kingdom, and Jesus replied " I assure you and most solemnly say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" Is this not a contradiction? I am reading the bible on my own and these sort of things are kind of confusing to me. I want to know God but these things are confusing me and frustrating me. Not criticizing just looking for answers.
@noffpoppin Says:
Alleged contradictions in the Bible did not concern me until I learned about Judas' death in Matthew vs Acts. Not just the way he died but the circumstances around it, the tone, the surrounding story. The way that apologists go about explaining Judas' death makes it seem like their commitment to a contradiction-free Bible is more important than discovering what the Bible is saying. It made me realize that I had a prior commitment about what the Bible is before reading most of it, and I had to decide how open I would be to different authors having different beliefs. Not that I should go looking for disagreements in the text but that I wouldn't look away from the possibility. I figured, this is exactly the sort of thing that would count as a contradiction if it appeared in any other religion's holy book.
@eugenetswong Says:
Thank you for this! I agree. I have been leaning into the idea that we shouldn't try act as if there is a logical way to make each variant fit perfectly.
@EA-lo1bi Says:
Yes it is if you don’t rightly divide the word of truth. I know you’re talking about the gospels, but I’m talking about the entire bible. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬ ‭ There’s what God has done, is doing and will do. If you can study scripture, then there is a structure to it and if there is structure, then why is the church so conflicted on some of the most basic doctrines? I would state it’s because most churches don’t even teach this, which is why there is so much confusion about what God said in His word.
@Y-AR Says:
No contradictions, reasonable variations, yes.
@DejiPaulObadakin Says:
Wow this is great!
@johnglad5 Says:
@fridge3489 Says:
Great video. Variations, not contradictions.
@shanewaitley9799 Says:
No the Bible does not contradict itself it’s Gods word
@ADAMgroup Says:
Awesome. Thanks 🙏🙏😊
@marioandultrachap Says:
Someone said something that made a good point. Our faith techinally isn't in the Bible its in Jesus and His resurrection. That's really all that matters for the Christian faith. So even if they're are contractions it still doesn't mean the reserruction is false.
@stuartofblyth Says:
"The Bible is full of contradictions". Me: "The Bible consists of 66 separate documents. Let's say each document has one contradiction. That's 66 contradictions altogether. Show me 10% of them - say 7 contradictions - and we'll take them one at a time". Usually, people making this blanket accusation haven't a clue what's really in the Bible.
@rickl1458 Says:
If a dozen witnesses to dramatic event. The testimony will vary.
@nschlaak Says:
I like that simile, "You can't have shadows without (sun) light. People doing wrong scurry out of the light into the shadows so their wrongs aren't exposed.

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