Why Israel? - Free Audiobook - Derek Prince | Proclamation Magazine
Why Israel? - Free Audiobook - Derek Prince | Proclamation Magazine



@DerekPrinceMinistriesFrance Says:
WOW ! 😍🤩 Big thank you !
@magdalenenorman6243 Says:
Through the grace of the Lord I want to walk in faith and be strong please pray with me for me and my family for our health and stay on this path let us pray for the world we all got problems ❤
@SCAM-BUSTER-7.7.7. Says:
Derek: Bland voice; Powerful messages.
@tinywest1480 Says:
SHALOM SHALOM brother Joshua take care.
@williambolton5679 Says:
It's not the Zionist nation of Israel, but the ethnic Hebrews that's God's focus. The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, et al conflated the two when they created the state of Israel in order to muddy prophecy. Half if not more of those calling themselves Jews are descendants of the Central Asian Khazars who converted en masse in about 800 AD. I suspect the Zionists are of this stock. Their agenda is political, not spiritual. Look into it.
@davidbishop5467 Says:
Thank you for the knowledge.
@tiff9161 Says:
Perfect for such a time as this! It is His Moad! Thank you Derek Prince for written this book and perfect having Josua Aaron doing the narrative 💗 Love them both💞 Pages of notes taken and saved this audio. Am Israel Chai ✨🪔
@nitarenfrow5967 Says:
Expain to me the the IDF killing of innocent k8ds women elderly hitting hosputals how does this kine up with your preaching is it ok with u the israel gov and people murder innocents?
@Rosemary-o8k Says:
Outstanding! ❤🔥✝️🙌🦁🙏 My favorite song, Zion. Next, The Blessing....Thank you, God Bless You! PRAISE, WORSHIP, ADORE HIM! I've to All!❤
@SCAM-BUSTER-7.7.7. Says:
Thank you.
@samennaxy Says:
are today’s Jews are descendants of Jacob?
@Maythe4cebwithu Says:
Thank You, Joshua! That was amazing!! I see that I'm doing some things right& I have to correct the wrong. What an eye opener. Praise the Lord! I Am For Israel!! My homeland!
@ChildofGod98765 Says:
I’m surviving by the grace of GOD! Heavenly Father please continue to protect me and my sons. I’m a single mother God has carried me. Both of my sons are special needs. I’m overwhelmed at times. I’m struggling to provide the necessities for my sons like food and clothing and I struggle to pay rent each and every single month yet my struggles have brought me closer to Jesus. I know he will get me through this hard time in Jesus name.
@carmenforsyth1313 Says:
. That's Not Derek Prince talking
@danieljohn0314 Says:
God Bless you @JoshuaAaron !! Thank you for your participation Brother!!
@hughenadasilva5055 Says:
That was before they rejected their Messiah and King Jesus. He came unto His own received Him not. They were left desolate in A.D.70 and the temple destroyed. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is King of kings and Lord of lords. The New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven and Israel (the redeemed) will be with King Jesus for ever. 🙌🙌
@jessyjonas4988 Says:
@jessyjonas4988 Says:
The Church and Israel Thanks for making the distinction for those who believe they are interchangeable
@jessyjonas4988 Says:
“For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: [1] 17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. 18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.” Ephesians 2
@_.Janine._ Says:
Thank you!
This is word indeed! Thank you ..Shalom
@philomenandambuki8194 Says:
GOD BLESS Israel and give the strength needed

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