Common Indications That There's A Curse Over Your Family
Common Indications That There's A Curse Over Your Family



@nalandalyngdoh4736 Says:
Please pray for me and my family especially my son,i understand there is a problem it' may be a curse.
@rosalindadominguez4639 Says:
Por favor en Español ❤
@taiphan7225 Says:
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
God, in Your mercy, deliver me in Jesus' name. Amen
@magdalenenorman6243 Says:
Amen we must pray our live ones and friends it's not easy when a curse is upon our lives we must pray that is the only weapon we got because it's powerful ❤
@trinitywright7122 Says:
He's spot on
@blairpittams9380 Says:
In the book of Malachi I read Jacob I loved and his brother I hated and left his inheritance to the jackles of the field. I see poverty isn't, as a curse but a judgement from God saying pick up your ways
@bocardiaboula5425 Says:
@samuelmachado6088 Says:
Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is undergoing chemo for the tumor in her small intestines.....we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Good Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17....We are set free from the freemasonry and Illuminati curses which followed us due to our family covenants.....Galatians 3.13 Praise Report - We Give Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.....Hallelujah....Hosanna in the Highest....Hallelujah....Psalms 121;1,2🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@beholdthemanbeholdtheman5089 Says:
Please pray for Jesus demonstrated to me that my sister Kim is a witch, she's not willing to repent and it's childhood rift. She reversed her curse on my son his wife her son and his wife. and me. I'm walking in her curses she's walking in my blessings Desperate how do I get from under her curse,nothing works I'm homeless poverty. She's suppose to die she also reversed her death sentence in me. Desperate for help spiritual pastor church counseling asap. Good Word thank you please pray for us
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@tonywalkingstick8883 Says:
Curses exist until a believer decides to walk with Christ as they follow Him in their lives daily and as they continue and recognize a curse in their family or themselves, they need to take the necessary action and declare that it stops with them by the Blood of the Lamb ,and then they are freed. Only when people still continue to commit the sin/s that the curse on their lives still continues. That's how generational curses are passed down. A believer has to be strong enough to stand up for Jesus and say the buck stops here!
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
The MOST IMPORTANT is to FORGIVE and REPENT (wainting the return of the Lord JESUS CHRIST). SPIRITUAL WAREFARE is NOT against HUMANS but DEMONS (principalties, dominations, evil spirits, etc ...).
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
EVERYTHING is SAID. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
@femmyaron9082 Says:
Curses are real, the Bible mentions curses a lot of times. God also pronounced curses on children of disobedient. Curses are real; believe it or not! Blessed Memory Dereck prince
@Watchman70 Says:
So even after you've been reconciled to God, fully restored, made a new creation in Christ been washed in the blood of the Lamb and been delivered from the powers of darkness God may simply overlook the fact that you have a curse on your life that you're completely unaware of? So the work of Christ, the translation into the Kingdom of the Dear Son of God, doesn't include a deliverance from spiritual curses? I have a very hard time with this. So far, it's the only point of doctrine that doesn't jibe with me from Brother Prince. Whom the the Son has made free is free INDEED. Oh except for that curse over your life that's hurting and destroying you and your family! Can anyone else see what I'm saying? It flies in the face of too much scripture and the freedom and redemption that is in Christ.
@elizabethrajan1813 Says:
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
@farealwitit7947 Says:
never gets old. rip friend
@farealwitit7947 Says:
wedding rings are satanic
@K___d28915 Says:
Do not lead people astray in the comments. Jesus died for us but we still need to pray over our lives and our families lives that no curses will touch us in Jesus’s name. Curses still very much exist because evil people still exist. The devil is still trying to destroy people’s lives, so please try to be careful not to sound like you are no longer need to be covered by TMH. We still need him.
@happylifeforever1329 Says:
Jesus 👑 the Lords of Lord and Kings of the king 👑
@blabbigail Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus, that You were made a curse that I might be redeemed from that curse. 🙏
@JPGola-n9w Says:
Please pray for Judy. She is in pain after hip replacement surgery ❤
@JPGola-n9w Says:
🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick who no longer believes in Jesus 😢
@NinthJewel Says:
Thank you for this video
@deesymons8545 Says:
Amen Please continue to pray for my grandkids who live with me and myself for healing and protection and safety Thank you
@snirks8635 Says:
Jesus paid the price on the cross. We are no longer under any curses☝🏽
@petrazhang2409 Says:
Signs for curses: 1-mental and emotional breakdown; 2-repeated and chronic sickness, esp. hereditary; 3-repeated miscarriages or female problems; 4-breakdown of marriage and family alienations; 5-continual financial insufficiency; 6-accident prone; 7-history of suicide or unnatural death. “ thank you Jesus that you were made a curse that I may become God’s righteousness “
@DeAnnaLJackson1978 Says:
Can yall play the full video? Where can I find thus video. It is much needed. Thank you for sharing.

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