Were the Disciples Really Martyrs? | Frank Turek #Shorts
Were the Disciples Really Martyrs? | Frank Turek #Shorts



@drumrnva Says:
You give soooo much latitude to what you want to be true.
@Dirkkkkk Says:
Greek thought is still infecting the minds of Gods children.
@FurydisasterTV Says:
They wasn't threatened by being Christians they was threatened for proclaiming Jesus died and rose again.
@PTPerry Says:
“There are some critics who would argue…” No kidding, really?
@NeilBailey-h8p Says:
More religious nonsense shouted into the faces of the gullible
@georgehage3841 Says:
You know it all piece of dust kid, the early church fathers who were the apostolic disciples in those very early years!
@lorraineyah2795 Says:
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The word Christian is only mentioned in the bible three times and it has nothing to do with being a do-good. There were Christians way before the Messiah walk the face of the Earth.😂😂
@lorraineyah2795 Says:
I don't know how many times we have to keep telling Christians the apostles were not Christians they never called themselves Christian that was the name of scoring and just as it is today and I can see why. Paul never said he was a Christian Paul made it very clear that he was an Israelite from The tribe of Benjamin nowhere in the entire scripture where you ever hear any of the apostles call themselves Christians.
@Adam-ox6zy Says:
Managed to escape being murdered many times and yup… not a martyr. The reasoning of these so called skeptics is not logical.
@Didyouseeitreally Says:
What a fraud
@santiagojironpadilla Says:
Keep preaching!!!!!
@richardcrow3042 Says:
Cesare Jesus Borgia 1475-1507 KJV He died in Spain Not on thee cross. 2 lies does not make a truth. Thee truth will set you free.
@andrewclemons8619 Says:
Theres zero evidence Paul was martyred. More evidence that he died in Spain of natural causes
@robertdoell4321 Says:
There are always SOME CRITICS of every Issue about the BIBLE and History and Archaeology. These people are worse than the TDS Haters of Trump because these people are their whole lives HATERS OF GOD and CHRISTIANS AND JESUS the mere mention of HIS name drives them to Demand major networks delete HIS name from being heard across the Nation as we have seen with recently interviewed Sports champions as they give Glory and honour to JESUS but their words Are deleted. It has happened many times major networks have had mysterious comm problems when JESUS's name is mentioned and GLorified Honored and Worshipped on Air.
@justandardprocedure Says:
I love the argument, "we don't have detailed records". My friend, no one documents every moment in history. It's an amalgamation of events.
@leechrec Says:
That is one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard about thae recanting bullsht. My goodness that's muslim level ridiculousness.
@varkoog Says:
No historical evidence for evolution, but they believe in that.
@toddgraves8547 Says:
If any one of the disciples recanted it would have been widely published and proclaimed to end the uprusung of a new faith ..the romans could have squashed christianity and it would not exist today had that happened
@Zorton_ Says:
@Zorton_ • Os ago Weapons are tools of fear one only uses them with the upmost restraint. A decent man detests them. A master of this philosophy enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and great compassion. Like attending a funeral. This philosophy doesn't take sides.
@danielbrowniel Says:
If we had evidence of them having the option to recant the atheists would just move the goal posts. They have been proven wrong many times in the past and they quickly forget each time. They accused Isaiah of being made up after and then the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They accused the Pool of Siloam to be mythical and then it was found. In the 19th century a common accusation was that the Bible is corrupted and this led to 2 new religions, JWs and Mormons.. and now we have access to many very early copies of the New Testament.
@landonpontius2478 Says:
Every religion with martyrs is true.
@bearpause21 Says:
Why do the pictoral depictions of these men look like white men and not Jews? Paul, maybe, because he was a Roman citizen, but i believe he was also still of Hebrew decent.
@hansdemos6510 Says:
OK... Let's take the 4 big ones then and see if they were really martyred in the sense that Dr. Turek needs the word to mean. Peter, I think is his best bet. He knew Jesus when he was still alive, and seems to have genuinely believed Jesus was the Messiah and that he was resurrected in some way. However, if he died in the persecutions of Nero after the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, he would probably not have been able to save his life by recanting, as these persecutions were an exercise in political scapegoating and didn't have anything to do with what Christians believed or did not believe. Paul never knew Jesus, and so his faith, whether he had a vision or a dream or whatever, is of the same type as Dr. Turek's or yours or mine when I was still a believer. And we know that this type of believer can go to extremes for their beliefs, so his martyrdom is not of the type that Dr. Turek needs for his argument. James the son of Zebedee is described in the Book of Acts as being killed by the sword, by king Herod (Agrippa, if memory serves). As Acts tells us it is only after having killed James that the king learns that this pleased the Jewish religious authorities, James cannot be considered a martyr for his belief in the resurrection, as apparently he was not killed for religious reasons. James the brother of Jesus was not martyred for his belief in the resurrection if you think the account of his death in Josephus is true. Only if you believe that the account we have from Hegesippus or Clement (there are differences in the accounts) is true could this James be considered a martyr. Please note again that these 4 are the "big ones" in Dr. Turek's view... so if even these are problematic, you can imagine that we simply don't have much to go on regarding any of the others.
@ethanetwirelessvpn8180 Says:
Why do they always show Paul as bald
@meenageorge64 Says:
Thomas was martyred in India
@anc974 Says:
Not a very well thought through question… obviously by those who resist and or reject God.
@amyelaine9073 Says:
One of my favorite YouTube channel s! The AI generated pictures have a lamp post and electricity lines. Thanks for your ministry. I show your videos to my junior high worldview class. Bless you all.
@dannyboyakadandaman504furl9 Says:
Frank the answer is yes..
@kaitb07 Says:
Thats Alot of dedication if this was all just a grift.
@mattslater2603 Says:
Christians are looking so desperate.... Its sad.
@Moist._Robot Says:
This flies in the face of those who claim they died for what they knew to be true. You don’t have any evidence any of them did.
@armysapper12b Says:
The Bible isn’t evidence, like most “evidence” for Christian’s it’s self interpretation of what they want it to be. Actual evidence doesn’t exist at all.
@Paul-Neil Says:
How would they recant from something they witnessed?
@somerandom3247 Says:
Does it really matter? Doesn't make their claims true. At best you could say that they sincerely believed.
@joshuahaddow3194 Says:
We also have a discourse of letters between Pliny the Younger (a roman in the first century who was persecuting Christians) and the Emperor at the time. In the letters Pliny speaks about what to do with Christians and the emperor says to always give them an option to recant. So this shows that they probably had chances to recant.
@harryfaber Says:
Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed; let us then feast with joy in the Lord.
@paulrivalto1974 Says:
There will always be some people claiming and saying certain lies to accommodate their own sin. That is just what man does! The apostles are recorded as obeying all of Christ's commands to them. Then Christ's very last command to them before returning to His Father is recorded for us in Acts 1:8 - " You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be My witnesses ( Greek word Martus- where we derive our word martyr today.) So martyr witnesses. Prepared to die while witnessing of Christ! Both in Jerusalem and in all of Judea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost places of the earth. " Acts 1:8
@jamesw4250 Says:
They aren't technically martyrs. Sorry.
@aspiringlegend9514 Says:
What is the strong evidence that Frank is referring to? Someone please let me know. I’m conducting an investigation into Christianity to determine whether or not it’s true
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Yes, people born 2000 years later who weren't there, don't have evidence to the contrary and are largely protecting their own unbelief know best. 🙄
@ilovefrenchtoast5489 Says:
My only knit pick about this video and its not super important is the AI pics of Peter and Paul they were not blue eyed white people, in the book of Acts Paul was mistaken for being a Egyptian which we know were not car tire black but they were of the color of xerxes from the 300 movie
@Shawn-q3x Says:
Christians in the Earth, but hell awaits them: For many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). Prayer is the key, for we no longer do for ourselves—we are to come to God for all things. True Christians no longer do their own will; instead, God’s will becomes our will. This is what it means to become one even as they are one (John 17:21-23). While in the Earth, Jesus never said or did his own will, but was totally controlled by the Father’s power and spirit. No true believer will continue to sin, curse, get drunk, go to clubs, hold bitterness, anger, backstab, or fornicate with sexual partners; we become dead toward all that the world has to offer because it is wrapped in sin. Yet, many believers continue to live in sin, proving they still oppose God's will and are fatally attracted to this world. There's no difference between the sinner and a hypocrite except that the hypocrite is made worse and will be cut asunder. Lukewarm Christians will be *spat out* by God because it would be better not to have known him than to know him and continue to deliberately sin (Revelation 3:15-16). We must become dead to this world and live by the word of God. We live because we have the mind of Jesus Christ.
@stephanc6138 Says:
martyrs: wow ... how much more grusome details do you need ... besides stating the obvious. being prosecuted, tortured and killed? we xould have denounce it before any of tjat happened. but we didn't an followed throu to the end. how much more evidence do you need?
@gi169 Says:
Thank you CrossExamined
@Gek1177 Says:
There's only like 2 or 3 disciples that have even thin proof of actually existing. Of those only maybe sort of 2 we know anything about their deaths. So the correct answer is we don't know but the stories made up by the church are almost certainly later fabrications.
@sabaykumar Says:
We have enough evidence for how Thomas died he was killed with a spear by a Brahmin in st thomas mount Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
@JaidenYoon Says:
i always imagined paul as some muscular stoic philosopher christian 😂 so random but i love paul bro always spits bars in the epistles

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