Why Would a GOOD God Create People He Knew Would Go to Hell? Plus More Q&A #podcast #shorts
Why Would a GOOD God Create People He Knew Would Go to Hell? Plus More Q&A #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/49etNvA
@homemadetheology Says:
Hell does not exist, you need to do better. Go back and learn, teachers will be held accountable
@Ruthless9187 Says:
Lies thats romen greek philosophy. Gpd is all murciful .
@Fassnight Says:
I don't think you should say God made the world in which the most people would be saved. That's not the language the Bible uses. Just say He made the universe He desired to make
@davidreinker5600 Says:
Because He made us for a reason. The reason was to give us His best and we can only have His best if we willingly desire it, and that requires giving us free will. God is light and life, so those who don't choose God will be thrown into darkness and discarded, and those who choose God will have eternal life.
@JimHalpert706 Says:
God isn't real.. 😅
@xgtete Says:
If your "God" can't find a way to make all "free creatures" believe in him, then he isn't all powerful.
@amosdotl6892 Says:
How are you free to choose when it's determined before your were created, the beginning and end? Are you going to choose differently from what you are going to choose at any point? No you will choose what you will choose good or bad based on the life you were forced to live.
@joshwoodliff7187 Says:
God is Sovereign over our salvation. If i had free will, i wouldn't choose God. He chose me . Thank you Lord Jesus
@kenaultman7499 Says:
Why would god create creatures who can't discern his word, and then get made they can't all do it?
@EricGreniervideo Says:
God is Sovereign.
@meina0614 Says:
I wonder how a calvinist would answer this question with their philosophical belief in predestination. Frank Turek is not a calvinist protestant so im just wondering how calvinists would answer this question
@koraegis Says:
We are all equally condemned. It is by the grace of God any are saved. See Romans 9, He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. His free will!
@karlwhite2733 Says:
Complete and utter nonsense. Prove your imaginary friend exist, first and foremost. Oh wait, you're a professional liar.
@MansterBear Says:
Or you could just go with the scriptural answer in Romans. Not this unbiblical psychological nonsense based on false assumptions. God is not restrained by man's "free will". God is in the heavens and does whatever he pleases. He has all authority on heaven and earth. I don't see any scripture that says the ultimate authority is actually man and his almighty free will that God has to try to work around but is restrained by. This is simply importing the man made idol of free will, then philosophizing our way around how to reconcile that with God. Which inevitably ends up with God being subject to and restrained by man's free will. So ultimately, man is in control, not God. Good luck finding that in scripture. The only thing you're going to find about man's will in scripture is that it's enslaved to sin.
@patbrumph6769 Says:
So the minister here said only a minimum number of people went to Hell. This seems illogical given the numerous and complex rules Christians claim are needed to get to heaven. Even the simplest rule: Love the Christian God and you are in," excludes just about everybody on earth. All the shades and colors of Christians combined on earth only makes up 1/3 of the world's population, and Christians are emphatic, most of those people are going to Hell. For instance,Evangelicals would immediately eliminate all the Catholics. The Catholics make up 1/3 of the Christian. Then there are Christians who quote the Bible Rev 7:4 "Only 144,000 of the tribe will be saved. With statistics like that, you may as well enjoy life on earth because you are going to burn in Hell anyway.
@jasonclaus4743 Says:
Isn't the first statement molinism
@gregormann7 Says:
A much better still question is, why do you so unquestioningly accept the premise that “people go to hell”? Without so much as qualifying any terms. No writer of the NT believed, knew of, defended, promoted, preached the “doctrine” you are assuming to be biblical, simply because the word ‘hell’ is in the text. But to get to the commonly assumed meaning of the term you must bypass Scripture and smuggle in Augustine’s truly blasphemous notion of the “soul’s” “immortality,” imported from his early philosophical training. There isn’t a whiff of that in the Holy Bible. No immortal soul, no everlasting torment in fire! The very idea is demented.
@captivedesk3168 Says:
why did your god create a man with breasts he had removed?
@ubyy1 Says:
wrong.....Straight is the date and narrow is the way, and few there be that find it. God created everything to show us his love grace and mercy. Welcome to God the people reject the only sacrifice acceptable to pay for our sins. The very blood of God himself.
@WintersunExtras Says:
Extraordinary claims require sufficient evidence. We have sufficient evidence to accept the expansion of a singularity, we do not have sufficient evidence to accept the resurrection of a magical man.
@christophertaylor9100 Says:
All of us deserve hell. The fact that God chooses even one to save is more than any have coming. And extraordinary claims do NOT require extraordinary evidence. But yes, something appearing from nothing is pretty extraordinary but there is not even ordinary evidence for it.
@WalterCook-kw7jn Says:
For the same reason that people. Would, actually, rather go to hell than hang with his Son Jesus.
@mjholaday8172 Says:
God did not create pre-programmed robots to say I love you God therefore they would do the right thing. But instead, he made man with a free will to choose life or death. And it is those who choose life that he will keep. Those that choose death basically are saying they want to be separate from God. And to be separate from God is misery and death, for God is life and love.
@rickveleke6966 Says:
Your understanding lacks the awareness of the original name of God, Yud Hei Vav Hei is more accurately translated as Love. Go back and read your bible substituting Love in place of God and you’ll experience a better understanding about what you think you know
@generichuman_ Says:
Ok, free will exists. So god isnt omniscient...
@Spasaymoostard Says:
Nonsense. Atheists do not claim there was no cause. There is no reason to personify the reason. THAT is an extraordinary claim. To say that your belief isn’t extraordinary while saying atheism is an extraordinary claim is extremely backwards logic. Resurrection is extraordinary. Jesus’ miracles are extraordinary. Belief in personification of the unknown is extraordinary. Naturalism and materialism is ordinary.
@TheFinalJigsaw Says:
The reprobate are vessel made for hell read romans 9
@ReasonedRhetoric Says:
Jesus said "I put before you life and death. Choose life."
@tarnsirun78 Says:
Ok morons... If your god cannot account for free will then it isnt all knowing. All knowing means it knows everything, always. Furthermore, if it cannot create believers with free will then it isn't all powerful. All powerful means it can do anything at any time. The existence of a all knowing, all powerful, all present god that loves us is impossible given the evidence of everything around us.
@karlhowe5181 Says:
The maximum number of people are saved? God almost always had a remnant saved of any judgemental annihilation . Where in the bible does it say that God planed this with the maximum number saved in mind?😁 You do relize your position by logic is weaker than the Calvanist right? Free will 🤔
@karlhowe5181 Says:
I don't believe he did not if you mean the forever in business hot shop 🔥 🙂
@tarp-grommet Says:
You say there's no evidence for the big bang, but the talking snake was real, Adam & Eve were attractive white folks who ate some fruit while the snake urged them on, and then all hell broke loose. Right. Got it.
@AmericanSCPO Says:
You say the maximum number would be saved and minimum lost. This is not true. It specifically says many times that very few will make it. Many prolific Preachers/Pastors estimate that approximately 2% of the entire creation will make it to heaven. This certainly doesn't sound like the maximum amount saved.
@don-ek3ud Says:
Why are we like sheep lead to slotter and why do the just suffer for the unjust why does the church's of today still believe that it's better for one to suffer so others can live better . They don't really believe in the resorection
@Meisterdieb Says:
How would you know, how are you the judge to know, that someone who says that God talked to them is wrong? Again: HOW.WOULD.YOU.KNOW? God didn't talk to you, but to them. And before all that, you claim that the communication comes from the demonic side? First of all, you haven't even proved God's existence, now you're claiming demons exist - again without any evidence. And secondly, how would you know. Because you can't. Unless God tells you. But then you've go the same problem as the people you're talking about. How would you know it's not the "other side"? And why should we belive you and not the other person?
@barrettcarl3009 Says:
Are creatures (humans) really as free as you think they are after the fall of man?
@JP-dp3kt Says:
As a Christian I have a hard time with Molinism (the belief that this existence is the most optimal result for the most people to choose God but also have free will) because of verses like Matt 7:13-14. “Narrow is the gate to life, and wide is the poth to destruction.” To say this was the best God could do with what he was working with, only to have these results doesn’t seem Godly enough.
@bigdavexx1 Says:
Why is "free will" more important to God than the well-being of people?
@mattwhite7287 Says:
LOVE ME.. or dont, your choice.. but if you don't, I'm going to hurt you. 😂 K.
@georgekosho548 Says:
No one can blame Jesus on why they go to hell. Jesus as God became a man and paid the punishment and the price of sin that no one should go to hell. He took His free will and laid all down on the cross that no one can accuse God. Everyone can come in to God's kingdom by His grace alone. The following verse proves it. Romans 15:3 For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”
@RangerRyke Says:
so an all powerful God couldn't see who would freely chose him an only create those people?
@randyjackson776 Says:
I love that the move here is to just throw one's hands up and declare 'God can't make people in a way that they all believe in him. Can't do it. Nope.' A believer-level cop-out. My deity has infinite power, exists outside of time and space, knows the past and present, can't be wrong, but also, yeah, can't make an atheist-free version of Earth. Riiiiiight.
@shaunvanwyk4775 Says:
"Oh shoot God loves me oh i hate that" i could never understand that logic nor do i want to. Thank you for your work sir. Godspeed❤
@danielmoran3140 Says:
There is no hell. That word is not found in the bible... gehenna was a garbage dump. the fire never stopped, the worms did not die... over a million jews dead and dying were tossed into gehenna, hell.
@relvielome5988 Says:
Hell is meant for Satan and his angels. But for those who decide to follow him, will end up there as well
@anichinchinian5425 Says:
Because they dont want to give up their life style and repent and follow Jesus
@maggiegoossens1894 Says:
I think the number that will go in by the broad gate, is extremely great😭😭😭
@arthurharris89 Says:
You know, I respect this guy trying to have answers to these hard questions and he might be right but as a Christian and I’m talking to nonbelievers I really don’t have a good answer for that. I just choose to acknowledge that there is a creator and the evidence leads me to him being the god of the Bible And I can’t begin to tell you why he does what he does I just know he made a way to save us from our sins and that way was him coming down in the flesh in the form of a man being born of a virgin dying a sinners death and rising again the third day it’s free salvation it’s for everybody even the worst of us and all we gotta do is repent and believe it’s kind of cool that I don’t have all the answers though because if I did, there’s a good chance I made it up
@JontheBerean Says:

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