Seven Steps To Christian Love - Part 1 (1:1)
Seven Steps To Christian Love - Part 1 (1:1)



@magdalenenorman6243 Says:
God is love
@421sap Says:
In Jesus' Name Amen ✝️
@mig2cool982 Says:
Thanks Derek ✨
@AlastairJack-k6b Says:
You can only speak into some ones life to the depth that you love '- A preacher once said
@xavierthomas5835 Says:
Love is, by nature, a gift. Even the Love we have is made available by the free gift of God. We love him because he first loved us. And loving God means to love our neighbor.
@Rileyed Says:
We reflect God
@Rileyed Says:
Enduring in Mercy and truth we will love.
@brotherjim5904 Says:
"For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God: for God gives not the Spirit by measure [YOU fill in the blank']. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into his hands." Jn. 3:34-35 "...according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith." Rom 12:3 "But unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." Eph. 4:7 We get, presumably a measure of, the firstfruits of the nine Fruits of the Spirit of Gal. 5:23-23 when born again. There is also potentially and instantaneously available, the mature fullness of at least some of those Fruits, including Love--as I explain more fully on X. Testimonies of such go back at least to 300AD or so, made more widely known since the 1700s by followers of John Wesley's teachings.
@tobiasbock7463 Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
@GodleyFrench Says:
Just what I need today, more things that I'm doing wrong. I'm being told to get with the times and except woman as coverings in the church. How dare I argue, look at judges 4 and Debra, she judged Israel. Woman rule. Now I have to love, and if I don't love these enemies that come to confuse and deceive I'm not of God. Doesn't God hate sin? Didn't he hate Esau. Didn't God hate those who disobey or defile his word? I'm sick of being told I'm wrong. Let's just keep changing God's word to what we want; let's just adapt to the times. Let's emasculate men as creatures not needed anymore because woman are now the covering of God. We live in 2024. Even though God says he's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, that doesn't mean that he can't change his mind. Let's let poofters be ministers, along side woman and lesbians. Let's sell salvation. Let's make up our own rules to suit the narrative we want. Doesn't God say he loves us and if we believe he died and rose again 3 days later we are saved. Great. So pass the drugs and booze, get the hell out of my face before I hurt you brother and stop making salvation so hard. It's not as if the road to life is narrow and hard and only few will get there. Don't be fooled idiot, it's easy; just follow me and I'll give you what you want.😅
@PearlofJesus747 Says:
1 John 2:10 kjv ❤️‍🔥 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
@JoseSanchez0795 Says:
@NormaCzeremcha-hl5rh Says:
Our Love ❤️ is linked to the Word of God 1 John 3-5 2nd Peter 1: 1-8 Keeping the word of God we are demonstrating our Love for God The more we obey the word of God the more God will reveal to us so my Brothers and Sisters let's Love one another through God's word Everything depends on the Knowledge of God Our personal relationship with him Life Eternal is knowing Our Only True God God is a God of truth! So let us love one another through God's word 🙏 Amen
@ImYourBoogieManThatsWhoiAm Says:
@ImYourBoogieManThatsWhoiAm Says:
@angloaust1575 Says:
Love is universal So called Christian love isn't any different It may have been for the early church but nowadays not so Intense.. anyway from my experience I havent found it Any different!
@savedbygracethroughfaithjesus Says:

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