Not Enough Is Said About Repentance
Not Enough Is Said About Repentance



@thinksouls113 Says:
I'm very sorry to hear about those people who go beyond in sin that they reach to a point of "no return", so shocking but true.
@mattweaver1674 Says:
I repent
@ralphdsouza8823 Says:
Without Radical Repentance you cannot grow in Radical faith
@r.7179 Says:
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
The most important is to CHANGE our HEARTS (renew, sanctify, purify) to abandon the "OLD" self (evil, weak and deceitful FLESHLY NATURE). Thank you Heavenly blessed Father, thank you Lord JESUS CHRIST.
@debbebunch9973 Says:
@robertgonzalez2811 Says:
Oh thank you Jesus for forgiveness
@AnuragKumar-zk8ug Says:
@JesusOurKing Says:
A blessing this video pops up today 🙌
@judsonspruce1768 Says:
This is a very sobering message. For me, it caused me to examine the very day I heard a brother's testimony 40 years ago. I asked myself "Jesus seems pretty pure. Why not Jesus?" I prayed and got by myself and cried over an hour talking to the Lord. For weeks I prayed for the Lord to confirm the gospel in my heart and plant the truth of the gospel firmly in my mind, heart and soul. I wanted THY Truth absolutely. He did that for me. Hearing this today causes me to ask, did i truly repent? Did I commit to living each waking moment for Christ and renounce my will, my dreams to live for Christ? Yes I did but was I 100% successful? Not even close. If I don't lay down my life daily, I lose my peace and joy. Did I ever despise God's grace? If I did I repent of it now and pray I would never be so stupid to even consider it. Lord, strengthen me now to serve you completely.🙏
@sharons5100 Says:
@candismetz5650 Says:
Dear Lord, please help me to truly repent and be found acceptable in Your sight.
@french4800 Says:
@powerful5 Says:
Amen 🙏🏼
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@miss.l.c.minister Says:
I beg of you Father God in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Please help me to repent. I confess my sins every single day. I feel remorseful but I'm not repenting and that's because I'm getting the exact same abuse from witchcraft every single day for 11 years. People using witchcraft on me for the God. Please help me to forgive my enemies to bless them and to pray for them. And please help me to repent of bitterness, anger, frustration, murder in my heart this witchcraft that comes against me by total strangers. I think because I'm a born again Christian and they can see the holy spirit inside me cuz I don't talk to them and I'll please help me
@brotherjim5904 Says:
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; IF GOD PERADVENTURE WILL GIVE THEM repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." 2 Tim. 2:24-26 It's a Grace.
@jasmineanderson9307 Says:
Lord Jesus Christ in heaven deliver me from every sin in my life known n unknown Father God I repent of all my sins n have mercy on me by your grace blot out my transgressions thank you Lord Jesus in Jesus name hallelujah amen
@brotherjim5904 Says:
Many avoid repentance because they feel hypocritical. When they asked Christ how many times we as believers should forgive a brethren who sins against us, Jesus said 70 times 7. That's literally 490 times. Mt. 18:21-22 God would never command us to do something righteous more than He himself does, after all, it is HIS Grace enabling us. If we struggle with a particular repeated sin, human nature dictates we are ridiculous to ask God for his forgiveness again and again and again. Wrong. Such prayers help reinforce our need for deliverance, hence for God ongoing. (Sadly, the hyper-faith teachings often turn such a doctrine into an allegedly wrong act of 'sin consciousness'. But THAT is wrong. We NEED to be continually aware, but not CONTINUOUSLY aware and self-condemning [ref. a dictionary if not understanding the difference]: we fall, we ask, we receive forgiveness, we move on. Eventually, at that perfect time according to the Lord's priority list for our further sanctification, we WILL overcome.) That said, there IS a "thorn in the flesh" principle that some believe can come into play, to keep us humble before God if we are otherwise highly blessed, which can yield arrogance, or if already arrogant [SELF-confident rather than Grace-confident], but this is controversial and potentially dangerous by misapplications. And if true, it would be confined to inward temptations, not something acted out. Be very careful with this one. [And if truly applicable, such tempting thoughts must still be taken captive and reconciled with the Word.] [ed.+]
@cathoji Says:
How do you know when someone has passed the point of repentance?
@nathalie12156 Says:
@vikraw1885 Says:
@JoseSanchez0795 Says:
Amén 🙏
@floratorres2328 Says:
AMEN 🙏🏼 ❤
@JohnDoe-fn7ml Says:
If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us if ALL OUR SINS.🙏 Praise God for His boundless grace.
@rayroberts8487 Says:
Really sad some of the comments about no repentance teaching in the church they sttend. Where i go not only is repentance taught but that we need to repent daily even as the great Apostle Paul spoke "i die daily".
@debramccoy3706 Says:
God came for me one night as I floundered in yet another pit of my making. He asked me to do one thing immediately. Tell the man living with me to leave that night. I did it, and Holy Spirit filled me immediately with peace, joy, love and contentment. My life changed in a moment. Praise God!
@taiphan7225 Says:
@NeldaInubban Says:
@angelamartekimarkwei8608 Says:
Thanks for sharing this rich message.
@Gracethroughfaith24 Says:
You are change in your lifestyle in true repentance . Remorseful is being sorry or sorrowful and not being inspired to walk contrary to selfish ambition and desires.
@koolertrek Says:
Please pray for me cause I have some Esau in me.
@bebebebe9269 Says:
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
@danielhughes5949 Says:
Repentance is a gift. Thank you Father that we are still found favorable in your sight and you allow us to repent.
@princejacob25 Says:
I am sorry LORD. I wanna do it . I need you. I will to do so.
@carolmaplesden916 Says:
God have mercy
@ChrisXMetal Says:
Luke 5:32 King James Version 32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
@spencerbrown5063 Says:
Repentance in Hebrew and Greek mean truly turning from your ways - turning to Jesus.
@maryannhernandez8438 Says:
Acts 2:37-38
@maryannhernandez8438 Says:
Amen 🙏 ❤
@ladennayoung2939 Says:
Yes. That is why pride, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, rebellion, arrogance, and so on and so forth is really dangerous. And these things have many who profess to be Christians bound and they tend to refuse to acknowledge when brought to their attention. Because they choose to always attack and look down on others. They refuse to examine themselves.
@pegatheetoo1437 Says:
I love listening to Derek Prince! He is so knowledgeable of the Bible and explains every thing in it so beautifully.
@1Hopeinhim Says:
I agree completely! 🙏
@mygirlsh65 Says:
These warnings are for ALL of us in the body of Christ. For Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10. Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance."
@juremarkovic1756 Says:
This is realy strong prophetic speach I think all should hear this.
@clock99times Says:
No other religions preach about repentance. True fact.
@biggj21 Says:
Shalom ❤😊🎉
@nutritionforsoul4543 Says:
Praise the LORD
@magP787 Says:
tell non believer to repeat....they (and many Christians) DO NOT know what that means
@angloaust1575 Says:
The goodness of God leads one to repentance romans2v4

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