What Happens To Our Souls When We Die?
What Happens To Our Souls When We Die?



@scottsinger273 Says:
People Listen to this man Stop your self pity-party nonsense True believers have safety in Jesus Christ Stop it fools! Dont you know the wicked will be condemned Praise the God of Jesus Christ!!!
@almilligan7317 Says:
I would rather be with Jesus now.
@martinpye777 Says:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Deliver us from the tyrants, the corrupt, from needless suffering. Give us, your children, strength and hope. Fill our hearts with love, our mouths with kindness and our hands with acts of charity. Thank you for everything my precious Father. Amen 🙏
@ChristopherBowen-v1g Says:
True; very true. I have been telling persons this very thing for years. However, many church leaders and preachers don't seem to understand this. You are totally correct.
@kingsleyperera9655 Says:
Only HEAVEN KNOWS 😭😢😲😣☝🕇
@johnjohnson6061 Says:
No prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation. You must study and let the Bible Interpret itself. You have missed the boat here!
@anthonylee5982 Says:
This is all wrong... People don't go to Heaven when they die, they sleep and await the judgement... No one has been judged yet... And Christ didn't go directly to Paradise when he died... He was in the Earth for 3 days, and then He walked the earth for 40 days before He went to Paradise... Also the spirit is the breath of life.. Genesis 2:7 KJV 7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. So a body and a spirit equals a living soul... Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
@Foreverandever789 Says:
JESUS SAVES SINNERS PROJECT 1 Timothy 1:15 kjv...John 11:25-26 kjv...Luke 23:42-43 kjv
@KenEvans-go9or Says:
I'd say nothing how do you know all this no one else does
@jamesfitzpatrick9869 Says:
It doesnt matter what a soul does on earth it is always excepted by god into spirit we judge our selves on what we have done not by god or jesus from the realms of spirit our true homes ? James
@joeswartz6181 Says:
It's so easy to tell lies to people who listening to you patiently
@joeswartz6181 Says:
You're laying brother! Nobody knows what happens with our souls when we die
@HaroldShipley Says:
Since you are a soul (Gen. 2:7) you just die.
@garygentzel7924 Says:
Do we stand in judgment that moment?
@anthonybardsley4985 Says:
We go back to dust ..and awaits ressurection.
@UncleVee777 Says:
Yet you will hear people saying; i went hell and so who who who in hell, I'm tired of these nonses , there is no one in hell now this man is right
@donnawheeler6067 Says:
If the righteous go to Jesus upon death, why would Jesus return to raise the dead in Christ, as we already with Him?
@renjithpaul9052 Says:
Yes, This is the ground belief of Roman Catholics for interceding to saints even if they died. Their souls are alive and can hear the intercessory prayers and submit before jesus who is along with them in heaven
@michaelharrison7072 Says:
Nothing as never existed You die and nothing afterwords.😊
@Humphrey-p4k Says:
It's all speculation... no human being can verify all those claims
@susanberube445 Says:
Same thing that happened to the thief on the cross I expect
@chrismiko8652 Says:
@patriciacatino3891 Says:
@markkeetley2225 Says:
I believe that if Stephen hadn't prayed, Paul may still have been saved. The Lord Jesus died for all of us.
@notfromthisworld9446 Says:
Will be eaten by the extraterrestrial who made this earth. Zal worden opgegeten door de buitenaardse wezens die deze aarde hebben gemaakt. ​
@notfromthisworld9446 Says:
Our souls will be eaten by the extraterrestrial who made this universe. Onze zielen zullen worden opgegeten door de buitenaardse wezens die dit universum hebben gemaakt.
@benitogenitojr8122 Says:
The Flesh Ends to Death and return to Dust but your Souls in Christ Lives Continually Everlastingly because it is not Part of Dust.
@ianpovey2577 Says:
Pure insanity, amazing how you know what happens when you haven't been there 😂😂, 🙊🙉🙈
@emmanuelgrigoreas1171 Says:
@johneamed2960 Says:
A soul was invented by religion try saying an individual's personality, a person never had a personality before they was born and when they die so does there personality. No more no less that's it no fancy b s
@samisanar4284 Says:
@russellcraddock3529 Says:
Sorry to disappoint you; but when a person dies no matter Rich or poor male female young old doesn't matter ECCLESIASTES CHAPTER 9 V 1-8 following and chapter 12 V 6-8 when the silver cord parts which means you have died your soul return instantly to FATHER WHO MADE EVERYONE SOULS Ezekiel CHAPTER 18 V 4! As for the flesh body goes into the ground where it will be never ever going to need it again! You remarks about Jesus Christ resurrection and how he's going to take the all the righteous with him! Wrong answer! Take a look at chapter 16 of the book of Luke v 16-25 tell of rich man and Lazarus the BEGGER Lazarus was poor in material wealth but knew God's word is also he loved Jesus Christ and his salvation savior of the world! The Rich Man well he had great material wealth Gold and silver perious stones he could buy anything on earth while he can in the flesh body! So both LAZARUS and the rich man died hours apart LAZARUS went to the right side place called Paradise where aberham AND mosses and Jacob and Jesus Christ met him and welcome him to everlasting life because he had overcome the world and the wicked and FALSEHOODS and EVIL in the world! And the rich man he went to a different welcome that of darkness and misery silence completely void of any company just himself alone to think about what happened to him! Even made it worse by trying to buy his salvation! But there is a problem with that salvation and being saved by MONEY and Gold silver and anything else is impossible! Why? Because Jesus Christ is the only one true savior and salvation for those who believe in God and The word and Jesus Christ! JOHN chapter 3 v16,! The Rich Man also has a problem he didn't care about God and Jesus Christ and the word the only thing he cares about is money and more even more and very even more money! And as he looked over to the right side saw Lazarus being hugged and getting confronted by aberham MOSSES and Jacob and Jesus he knew it was very bad for himself! And he called out brother aberham please have Lazarus bring me a drop of water to cool my soul that WATER WAS IS Jesus Christ! Not possible at that time! Why? Because there is a huge crevice between the good side of paradise and the bad side cannot be crossed until the millennium period begins! Then he cried again send LAZARUS back to my family so they won't have to have same thing happening to them as to me and if they see a man coming back from the dead they will believe wrong answer they did have a person come back to life. But they ignored him didn't believe; that person is Jesus Christ! Beside they have mosses Ezekiel ishais Jeremiah and all the minor prophets to teach them! I think you pastor forget in ,1,st Peter chapter 3 last few verses of that chapter where Jesus still in the tomb went to the bad side of paradise. All the way back to Adam teaching the word and of the salvation AND saving grace of God and Jesus Christ chapter 4 many believe and were saved! Please don't bring up 1st thesolisns chapter 4 v 16-18 on how everyone is going to fly away at Jesus return! Another false teaching of Satan! You have to pick up the subject in V 13&14 where are the dead? If believe that Jesus Christ resurrection then everyone from Adam to current period time have also recurrented nobody is in some hole in the ground awaiting the second advent ! But we will all gather in a cloud. 1st. Corenth. Chapter 15 v 46-57 following we will change be in our spritulal body mystery there that not are sleeping that means you still in the flesh body and now we can go to 1st THESSALONIANS chapter 4 v 16-18 when Jesus Christ comes. At 777 we will gather in him and return to heaven the millennium period begins lasting for 1000 years where teaching and discipline is upheld 1st Peter chapter 3 v 18 and the following telling us about the events of the first earth and heaven age second heaven and earth ages at the third earth and heaven age!
@tesfayabraha7942 Says:
Amen Hallelujah
@hansgjerstad8895 Says:
And what doesn't happen?
@moe2470 Says:
FFS it dies with us. Keep on dreamin & handing over your hard earned cash.
@blacksheepblacksheep5727 Says:
This is a joke right ? Any human claiming to know what some gawd is doing or thinking is insane , you are trying to explain what your imaginary friend is doing or saying... it is completely ludicrous !!
@JeeJinn Says:
No evidence that a soul exists!! So everything in this post is bullshit!!
@aussierob7177 Says:
In death, the separation of the soul from the body, the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God to be judged. Each person receives their eternal retribution in their immortal soul at the very moment of death in a particular judgement that refers their life to Christ. Either entrance into heaven, through a purification, or immediately, or immediate and ever lasting damnation.
@Notofthisworld-ln9iq Says:
Considering when Jesus comes in Glory, the dead in Christ will rise first, then the sea and the earth shall give up their dead and the living saved shall meet in the sky. Then the Great Judgement. No one is in heaven or hell yet, gotta be judged by Jesus before any soul goes anywhere.
@satchidaanandavigraha Says:
jallelujaj amen हरिः ॐ
@manodeepa8587 Says:
Holy Jesus coming ministry wishes to you brother 🙏 hallelujah 🙌. Brother James India.
@howdydoodey3872 Says:
"What happens to our soul when we die?" No idea as I have no soul to lose. No hell and no heaven to go to either.
@colinmccarthy7921 Says:
I am a Roman Catholic.Our Lord Jesus will return in Glory and Power to Judge the Living and the Dead,and not before then.Jesus will then decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell. Our Lord Jesus is the Way,the Truth and the Life.We MUST follow his Way to enter Heaven.I believe when a Person dies,their Soul goes to the Gates of Heaven,waiting for Our Lord Jesus to return in Power and Glory to Judge the Living and the Dead.We must have Faith,Hope,Love and Trust in Our Lord Jesus.❤️🙏🏻❤️.
@b374f15h Says:
If in Christ the soul stays as with the Holy Spirit. For Christ bought us with the price He payed. Through His work we are able to continue to be cleansed of sin and unrighteousness. He and all those who suffer for His sake do not suffer in vain.
@Paul_1973 Says:
Concerning Saul “If Stephen had not released him from his guilt he could’ve never have been saved”. Not so sure about that one.
@isaiaslopez8473 Says:
Really easy ... it ceases to exist , only God has immortality.
@na-zu2ey Says:
The Bible can be and has been tampered with by men, so while it’s still useful, it’s no replacement for God. Ask God himself, who leads people into all truth. Seek him with all your heart and ask God.
@na-zu2ey Says:
The Bible can be and has been tampered with by men, so while it’s still useful, it’s no replacement for God. Ask God himself, who leads people into all truth. Seek him with all your heart and ask God.
@meckphyneyrumints Says:
@nurse580 Says:
“The soul that is sinning, IT ITSELF will die”. Ezekiel 18.4

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