Areas of Demonic Activity
Areas of Demonic Activity



@Nelson-o8i2i Says:
Awesome teaching amen
@jezus4018 Says:
Pastor Derek Prince thanks for all your studying,great teaching Amen 🙏❤️ Great men of God Amen ❤️🙏🥰
@michaelkriese574 Says:
Pray for me my name is Michael and I am asking for deliverance of a sexual demon, of a compromise demon, and maybe another demon. Just keep me in your prayers. In Jesus's name. Amen.
@louiswall6409 Says:
Help prayer for me 🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏 LOUIS please Help 🙏 LOUIS please Help 🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
The 3 main ENNEMIES for both CHRISTIANITY and PRAYERS LIFE are : 1) the DEVIL (and his agents : demons, mermaids, marine agents, etc ...) 2) the FLESH (evil/weak FLESHLY ADAMIC nature) 3) the WORLD (and the "spirit" of THIS world). Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
@Jay-nq9us Says:
Thank you for this much needed message.
@090403created Says:
Thank you so much for the teachings. The church (including myself) desperately needs this today. I wish more people would be equipped with such knowledge
@crazyangel78 Says:
@cleocatra9324 Says:
I am very appreciative of of these Derek Prince recordings. I am not exactly sure what religion if denomination I am but I feel like I am under attack by demon if addiction. I have overcome the demon if lust( by God not me) I ask anyone to pray for me to be delivered from this.
@sionita Says:
If we attribute bad attitudes to demons, then do we also do the same for good attitudes(angels in this case)?
@paulpolhill726 Says:
Love Derek he’s a Great Man of God Rest in Peace Godbless.
@MichaelChurch-p5g Says:
Hands down Those are God's words right there Thank you Derek
@ryangarrison5203 Says:
Great video
@Josephine5252 Says:
Nice job!
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@anomaperera9900 Says:
Thank you JESUS...
@mr-wx3lv Says:
Tell it like it is Mr Prince...tbh. I've never heard another preacher/teacher like him since. He must have been on the forefront of satanic attacks all the time. So few churches deal in the realm of deliverance, because it's unpopular and a little scary. And might frighten people off from attending church. He was a wonderful man. And I highly respected him. I recommend hearing him on just about any subject, and you'll guarantee you'll come away a changed person.. thanks for this upload..
@NormanChester882 Says:
My son uses demonology to cover up his sinful ways,he blames his sin on demons,its an excuse to use drugs and drink liquor,a cover up!!!,He will not participate in a ceremony to have his demons cast out,
@juremarkovic1756 Says:
Resentment and heatred is the worst, because if you have that you can't progress, you can't easy forgive, and those two are directly conected whit our ego and pride. All others are bad, but you can fight and be aware of them, but if you have heatred and resentnent you are blind person, you need realy strog impact of Holy Spirit in form of love. God please open eays of souls of all people expecialy those who are in our hart, in name of Jesus.
@danamarieministries Says:
Ty for your teaching! This is what I’m needing to learn more of! Amen. God bless you
@ChrisXMetal Says:
I’ve been praying about this specific issue all day dealing with a boss that’s passive aggressive and generally unhappy with himself so he treats everyone else terribly. Looks like I need to forgive him and move on. I’m so glad I’ve found this video. Thank You Jesus! 🙏
@Maythe4cebwithu Says:
Such a good word!! I was delivered from fear years ago! Thank you, Jesus!! Thank you, DPM!! A true word!!
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.
@WadeWeigle Says:
100% right on all accounts. Thank you for posting this.
@philiplewis7252 Says:
Derek Prince was a truly extraordinary and amazing man. He was undoubtedly a true man of Almighty God,and thanks to these wonderful recordings, he continues to help all who see them,and listen to the teaching contained within. Thank you for sharing. I thank,praise and worship Almighty God!!!
@aliciademoss1157 Says:
Please Lord God Almighty through your son Jesus, deliver me from the spirit of Fear, fear that I'm not right with you. And deliver me from the spirit of gossip and lying. Please Jesus deliver me from all evil spirits. In Jesus Mighty name i pray 🙏 🙏
@Jgehes Says:
Once you understand that it is the demon behind the person who hurts you not the person, it is easy to forgive. This is why we should love one another and forgive, because the root of the harm is not that is the demonic.
@billbaum6721 Says:
@domiluisdegracia1350 Says:
Yo los escucho todos en español fue muy buen maestro.
@John-FourteenSix Says:
God Bless this ministry.
@Christian_1980 Says:
These are difficult times to remain strong in terms of relationships. It's a constant tug and pull between scriptures, our heart. And society. The Bible says honor your father and mother, but Jesus also says that He will put a man at variance with his father and that we shall be hated by family and kinsfolk and friends. Who do we listen to? I have no functioning healthy relationships at all. And society is desperately trying to gaslight me into believing it's all my fault. It's insane

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