Listen to the full podcast here👉📱
@mothornton9127 Says:
Sorry! But all Christian are not good people. 🤷🏾♂️
@djkostya76 Says:
To become a politician you have to learn one thing . HOW TO LIE. So I just LOL when somebody from WH or Congress is claiming to be a “born again christian”.
@oprophetisfake9482 Says:
Iran etc are not theocracies either. They are led by men using reinterpretation of the Qur'an to do just what THEY want. It doesn't really have anything to do with even their own limited idol.
@RayBoomBoomRoom Says:
This guy is the true worst type of preacher! This man isn't saving lives. He is losing them!
@MB-NC1967 Says:
God Bless Israel 🇮🇱
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem✡️
@badatpseudoscience Says:
It also doesn't sound like American Christion nationalist who call anyone that is different from them “vermin”. They see Trumps word as a substitute for the word of Jesus. *Yes they want an authoritarian theocracy.*
@hansdemos6510 Says:
Compared to radical Islam, contemporary Christianity may be rather benign, but that doesn't mean that if its adherents were in power, they would not try to get rid of or subvert democratic institutions in order to ensure they stayed in power, and do so in the name of their faith. Their loyalty does not lie first and foremost with the principles of democracy, but with the dogmas of their faith, and their faith and perceived self-righteousness and good intentions will justify to them any measures they would be against if others took them.
It is possible that modern Christians are less susceptible to these motivations than in the past. We have the example of Vice President Pence refusing in the end to do the bidding of his President when he could have tried to subvert democracy in order to stay in office for another term. But history has shown that Christians are not immune to the lure of power; just look up what life was like in Geneva under Calvin for one example.
@tuitinafaaleava4756 Says:
@gingercake0907 Says:
America can not be theocracy because of the Constitution of the United States of America. Congress cannot make laws establishing a religion nor curtail the exercise or expression of a religion, the first line of the first Amendment.
@davehshs651 Says:
He is ignoring the rise of self-proclaimed "Christian Nationalists," who openly say they want to make America a "Christian country." Obviously, they have not yet succeeded, but they are trying their damnedest.
@cometogetherlikevoltron1230 Says:
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Philippians 2:9-11 NIV
@royhigginsroyreno9143 Says:
Donald Trump is the perfect example of the lie of christ. Thankfully, many Americans are fleeing the tyranny of christ as shown by the most recent elections in Ohio and Kentucky. The most recent elections show people have grown tired of christians who want to force their delusions upon everyone else. They grew tired of watching America being destroyed by a fetus. You say "what?" how was America destroyed by a fetus? It is because nothing matters to the American christian except their precious delusion about embryonic life which is tied to their delusions of christ. Look at the war in Israel...most christians would never condemn Israel for killing innocent children...because war in Israel is a feature of their religion not a bug. It is tied to their magic man they need to help the situation along...which is why the nation of Israel was created in the first place. They overwhelmingly support a traitorous, lying whoremonger in Trump just so they can stack the court to force their sanctimony on abortion. America's mass shootings killing children definitely don't matter to christians either, health care doesn't matter, poverty, education, climate change action...nothing matters to the christian except their myopic view on abortion. America is the only democratic nation in the world where the majority of it's citizens are ignored and demonized...and as a constitutional republic, with a broken two party system and nation full of elected religious zealots this will never change and has been this way since the beginning of the nation. Our nation may not have been created soley for the benefit of the rich and powerful but that is where the lie of christ has led it. As an example the vast majority of American want common sense gun laws and our political system doesn't even allow discussion on this issue at the national level even though we have daily mass shootings but christians overwhelmingly embrace tax breaks for billionaires. When it comes to common sense gun laws, universal health care, abortion rights, climate change action, LBGT rights, education, wealth disparity, etc., the vast majority of Americans, according to ALL polling want different policies than the ones we actually get and the majority are called names in the process...commies, murderers, woke, leftists are what we are called and bubkis is what we get. So as you struggle to make ends meet...go bankrupt because of health care costs...learn your child was shot dead in school or bowling alley...or are forced to give birth...thank the lie of christ but be very hopeful because people are waking up and leaving this messed up cult and are voting against it!! Ironically it is zealots and the devout and trump supporters that are destroying the belief in christ.
@georgeemenyeonu1511 Says:
Marci Hamilton was sounding moronic. Pity.
@godloves9163 Says:
Here’s the evidence from the bible that separation of church and state has always been the teachings of Jesus:
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’” Mark 12:17
Both are separate.
@godloves9163 Says:
Yes they are trying to form a theocracy. It was predicted in the bible that this would happen (image of the beast)
For more information watch the Total Onslaught series from Walter Veith for the deep deep details. God’s plans vs Satan’s plans.
The whole truth series is also a good one from the same author.
The theocracy is a ruse to bring back the middle ages of false Christianity in false pretences of worship and false miracles/prophecy or futurism and preterism, etc. Literally created prophecies by the beast of revelation 13 to fool the masses. 😢
@Anticommunism99 Says:
Palestine will be deleted from Earth Face very soon ,thats what islam did to its people .
@ManlyServant Says:
lol america?,with 97% rate of sex before marriage?,with one of highest rate of divorce?,with one of the highest amount of fatherless children?,a criminal country that murder 1 million people?,funny how christian "conservatives (a bunch of classic-liberals)",always talks about how screwed up their country but in the same they talk about their country being so good,britain is theocracy,israel is theocracy,the best country in history,screw america,without america the world will be far better,you are talking about islamic theocracy,ofc its bad,cause its made by satan,but guess modern islamic theocracy never kill 1 million people 😂
@hahmed6308 Says:
We have a theocracy here in Great Britain.. we have bishops in the House of Lords ( the second chamber), the Church of England is Established ( only church that is recognised), the King is the head of the Church of England & head of state,
@CultOfMajora Says:
Religion shouldn’t even be in politics in the first place, and the fact that it is just shows that yes, y’all do want the power, if it’s not true, then why all the hubbub about trans and LGBT people? Just leave them alone, unless you have some religious prejudice against them?
@JontheBerean Says:
Well said Frank , my brother in Christ Jesus.
@grazianogiacobone4321 Says:
"Does that sound like Hamas?"
Sounds like Hamas started. This sounds a lot like"we don't commit abuse of power because we don't have the power to do so, so you should give us the power!"
@RichardDuryea Says:
Is Vatican City a theocracy?
@gracefulannie-grcflannie- Says:
If you can't use your spiritual beliefs to guide the rest of your life, do you even really believe?
@jamesw4250 Says:
Yes they are trying to. All the evidence in what they say and how they act and what they are trying to do by strippping peoples rights away and such. Yes. They are.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
And as always, the Christian politicians are criticized for their faith while the Muslim politicians are celebrated for theirs. No doubt part of that tolerance, equality and inclusion stuff we're always told about.
@Bomtombadi1 Says:
So it’s not a theocracy because it’s not the Muslim theocracy?
@kat-75 Says:
We're not supposed to love evil...
@johnjohnbuglioli131 Says:
I once heard, I believe, in one of your lectures,that, some Muslims arbitrate with lies and that it is permissible in the Quran for one to lie to their opposition in order to get a better deal in that arbitration. Is that true for all factions of Islam or just certain factions of Islam or not true at all.... Combine that with the populations and the demographics of some powerful countries throughout the world and the statistical probabilities of their future demographics, specifically, with respect to Islam and Christian populations and it is very alarming to a citizen in a democratic society.
@somerandom3247 Says:
I'm so glad christians don't actually follow their Bibles.
This country would really be an awful place if they did. All the slavery and murders.
@OathKeeper1506 Says:
They demonize the good and glorify the evil. When the King returns with a true theocracy and when goodness and truth prevails, she'll put her hand over her mouth with eyes wide open. These people have absolutely no discernment or are intentional satanists flipping the script to demonize Christians. Either way, they probably won't even see the kingdom. They'll just know they messed up and missed out huge as they're tormented in hell.
@johnjohnbuglioli131 Says:
Thank You, Frank....99.99% 👍
@lawrenceeason8007 Says:
I’ll bet even a number of Christians wouldn’t want a theocracy. To have biblical law in place would be extremely unpleasant
@Gek1177 Says:
Tehran and Kabul are exactly what White Chrstian Nationalists are trying to set up in America.
The entire idea that America was founded as a Chrstian nation is rooted Chrstian and White supremacist movements.
It's utterly ahistorical as the constitution and declaration of independence are clearly rooted in enlightenment liberalism but this doesn't matter to modern American theocrats who are trying to use the government to create a nation where one religion is held above all others.
It's sickening.
@vertigo2894 Says:
But he also hates gay people.
@Jerryman1158 Says:
I don't want a theocracy, I'm all for a monarchy though.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
@classyrobot5648 Says:
There are literal hate crimes being committed against Christians now and dumbasses are comparing them to Hamas?
@AntiContradiction Says:
I don't care what people say when everyone is watching. I care what they say or do when they think no one is paying attention.
The religious right has been very clear about their intentions. Having a Christian speaker but no theocracy is no thanks to that speaker, but rather the constitution and Democratic party standing in the way.
Again, evangelicals have been very clear that they have no problem imposing their morals and beliefs onto the entire nation through government depsite their lack of popularity.
Classic case of the Boiling Frog analogy. Obtain power and change rules slowly over time so that cleueless people like you can claim we're technically not a theocracy until you realize there's nothing you can do to reverse it.
@larzman651 Says:
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS and shalt believe in thy heart that GOD raised him from the dead thou shalt be Saved 🙌 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation